TrafficWise - September 3, 2021
Ohio State Highway Patrol sent this bulletin at 09/03/2021 10:25 AM EDT
SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY - WEBINAR SERIESThe Ohio TSRP Program is excited to announce September Sessions of the Florida TSRP Program’s “Webinar Wednesday” Series. These new sessions are non-state-specific and are intended to assist prosecutors and law enforcement nationwide -- all are welcome! Specific information on each of the seven sessions is provided through the September Webinar link found here. You will need to register for each session individually. You may sign up for as many or as few of the sessions as you want, however attendance at all sessions is highly recommended. All sessions are approved (or pending) with the Ohio Supreme Court for the specific CLE amounts and categories listed below for Ohio attorneys for LIVE ATTENDANCE ONLY. Following is the list of the remaining available webinars: Title: Law Enforcement Toxicology Services (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 1.0-hr CLE general credit)
Title: Drugged Driving and the DRE Matrix (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 2.0-hr CLE General Credit) There is NO CHARGE to attend these webinars, however you must register in advance. For complete descriptions and registration information on the August webinars, click here. SEPTEMBER TRAFFIC TUESDAY WEBINARDRE Reconstruction: Building a DUI Case After Leaving the SceneTitle: DRE Reconstruction: Building a DUI Case After Leaving the Scene Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Time: 2p-330p EST Presenter: Sgt Don Egdorf - Houston Police Department DWI Task Force supervisor & Department Traffic Safety Officer Registration Link: Description: Many times when a fatal traffic crash occurs, it is either not possible to collect all of the evidence necessary while at the scene or that evidence was not initially collected by the original officers on scene. This presentation will discuss the work it takes on the back end of the fatal traffic crash, after the initial officers have left the scene, and what a DRE can do for you in the days following a fatal traffic crash to fully and thoroughly investigate that case. To view the flyer for this webinar, click here. ADDITIONAL WEBINARS AVAILABLETitle: Law Enforcement Toxicology Services (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 1.0-hr CLE general credit) Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 Time: 1p-2p Eastern Presenter: Dennis J. Siewert - FDLE Orlando Crime Laboratory Analyst Supervisor – Toxicology Description: What happens to the blood and urine samples submitted for drug testing in a drug DUI Case? Many steps occur to such samples between laboratory submission and the final lab report in any drug DUI Case. This session will discuss the science and the technology involved in conducting the drug testing in a drug DUI Case, and it will cover the preferred types of specimens for submission, along with a detailed discussion of the technology behind the testing protocols and the analytical techniques used to identify drugs in these cases. We will also discuss the expected timeframes in which lab results are generally received in drug DUI Cases and the reasons for those timeframes. Finally, it will discuss testimony related to drug DUI cases so that both law enforcement and prosecutors can better understand what a toxicologist can actually say on the stand. Click here for more information and how to register.
TITLE: DRE Reconstruction: Building a DUI Case After Leaving the Scene This activity has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 general CLE credit hours for prosecutors. INSTRUCTOR: Sgt Don Egdorf - Houston Police Department, DWI Task Force supervisor & Department Traffic Safety Officer DATE: September 21, 2021 TIME: 2 pm – 3:30 pm EST DESCRIPTION: WEBINAR FORMAT Many times when a fatal traffic crash occurs, it is either not possible to collect all of the evidence necessary while at the scene or that evidence was not initially collected by the original officers on scene. This presentation will discuss the work it takes on the back end of the fatal traffic crash, after the initial officers have left the scene, and what a DRE can do for you in the days following a fatal traffic crash to fully and thoroughly investigate that case. Click here for more information and how to register.
Title: Drugged Driving and the DRE Matrix (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 2.0-hr CLE General Credit) Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 Time: 1p-3p Eastern Presenter: Tim Cornelius - IPTM – Interim State DRE Coordinator Description: Drug DUI Cases are extremely complex and require both law enforcement officers and prosecutors to utilize advanced skills to properly evaluate and prosecute individuals suspected to be impaired by drugs. This session with provide an overview of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP) process that is used by law enforcement officers to evaluate suspected drug-impaired drivers so that prosecutors can better understand and explain this complex process in court. It will discuss each of the specific, systematic and standardized twelve (12) steps that law enforcement officers must follow while conducting a Drug Influence Evaluation (DIE) in a drug DUI case. Additionally, it will discuss the common signs and symptoms observed by law enforcement officers conducting a DIE using the DECP Drug Symptomology Chart or “DRE Matrix” so that both prosecutors and law enforcement officers can better evaluate and understand the drug DUI case. Click here for more information and how to register. IN PERSON TRAININGS AVAILABLEPROSECUTING THE DRUGGED DRIVER A FREE 8.0 HOUR CLE TRAINING WHEN: October 26, 2021 (8:45 am- 6:00 pm) WHERE: Ohio State Highway Patrol Training Academy, 740 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43211 WHO: Municipal and County Prosecutors and Law Enforcement COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prosecuting the Drugged Driver is a course designed to provide prosecutors and law enforcement officers with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully investigate and prosecute drug impaired driving cases. The course is designed to encourage a team building approach between prosecutors and officers to aid in the detection, apprehension, and prosecution of drug impaired drivers. Attendees will participate in interactive sessions taught by a multidisciplinary faculty. Topics will include: signs & symptoms of drug impairment including identifying causes and prevention of addiction, drug impairment detection, and treatment alternatives, the Drug Recognition Expert (D.R.E.) process, the role of the toxicologist, effectively litigating and presenting a DUID case at trial, qualifying the DRE as an expert in court, and responding to common defense challenges in DUID cases.. Click here for more information and how to register.
PROSECUTING THE DRUGGED DRIVER A FREE 6.0 HOUR CLE TRAINING WHEN: November 5, 2021 (9:00 am- 4:00 pm) WHERE: Owens Community College, Heritage Hall, Rooms 123 A & B, 310 2nd Street, Perrysburg, OH 43551 WHO: Municipal and County Prosecutors and Law Enforcement COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prosecuting the Drugged Driver is a course designed to provide prosecutors and law enforcement officers with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully investigate and prosecute drug impaired driving cases. The course is designed to encourage a team building approach between prosecutors and officers to aid in the detection, apprehension, and prosecution of drug impaired drivers. Attendees will participate in interactive sessions taught by a multidisciplinary faculty. Topics will include: signs & symptoms of drug impairment including identifying causes and prevention of addiction, drug impairment detection, and treatment alternatives, the Drug Recognition Expert (D.R.E.) process, the role of the toxicologist, effectively litigating and presenting a DUID case at trial, qualifying the DRE as an expert in court, and responding to common defense challenges in DUID cases. Click here for more information and how to register. Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
REMEMBER the OTSO offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including impaired driving, restraint usage, distracted driving, speeding and motorcycles. Utilizing the numerous materials found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness YOU can help save lives. The order form can be found by clicking here. |
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