On September 1, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced the creation of the Ohio Traffic Safety Council. The Council, led by the Ohio Department of Public Safety, includes representatives from federal, state, county, and local agencies along with traffic safety partners and advocates who are all dedicated to making Ohio’s roadways safer. Together, they will identify the leading causes of motor vehicle crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities on Ohio’s roadways and take action to save lives using proven education, engineering, enforcement, emergency response, and public policy countermeasures.
As of today, the number of people killed on our roadways is up 7% from last year, which further highlights the importance of our work.
Thank you for all you do, and stay safe.
Thomas J. Stickrath
A message from Lori Criss, Director - Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and Tom Stickrath, Director - Ohio Department of Public Safety
December 18, 2020
Dear First Responder,
Ohio's 92,000 plus First Responders - law enforcement, fire, EMS, corrections and dispatchers - protect and safeguard our state, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In the best of times this is hard, often dangerous work that takes a toll on these men and women, both physically and mentally.
As part of our ongoing work to support First Responders, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS), in partnership with The Ohio State University, has developed a smartphone app to help First Responders bolster their resilience and overall mental health. The F.I.R.S.T. Support app is a self-assessment resource that tailors learning tools, practice exercises and tips to a user based on his or her responses. All information is confidential and secure. First Responders can use the app whenever they have a few moments, regardless of time of day.
To view the complete message from Director Criss and Director Stickrath along with more information on the F.I.R.S.T Support app, click here.
Ohio Reports on the CIOT National Enforcement Mobilization
November 9-29, 2020 / National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization
In order for Ohio to get the recognition we deserve in participating in the various national mobilizations, it's requested that all Ohio Law Enforcement agencies in report their traffic safety efforts that occurred between November 16 and November 29, 2020.
The reporting form can be found by clicking here. If your agency has not already done so, please return your activity for to us as soon as possible.
Your agency's participation in enforcing Ohio's restraint usage laws are imperative is saving lives and reducing injuries on Ohio's roadways and as always, we appreciate your efforts and commitment.
Thank you - OTSO
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is the nation's premier youth health and safety organization that works to empower teens on the issues of traffic safety, substance abuse, personal health and safety, and leadership development.
SADD has a network of dedicated professionals who serve as State Coordinators. This full-time exempt, fully remote position based in Ohio develops and supports the vibrant network of SADD chapters across the state. Key responsibilities include:
Serve as the project manager for statewide and national grans with support from the national office. The focus of this work will be teen traffic safety across the state.
Develop new SADD chapters by targeting school districts. Superintendents, Principals and other education and community professionals. Managing key partnerships with state agencies, law enforcement professional, Safety Community Coalition, and prevention specialists across the state.
To view the complete announcement and how to apply, click here.
Submitted by: Sierra Williams - Ohio Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine currently signed Ohio House Bill 404, which extends the expiration date of driver licenses, identification cards, and vehicle registration beyond December 1, 2020. If the individual's expiration date on his/her driver license, identification card, or vehicle registration falls between March 9, 2020 to April 1, 2021, the expiration date has been automatically extended and will remain valid until July 1, 2021.
Individuals can visit the Ohio BMV's Official Online Renewal Site, www.OPlates.com, to renew their vehicle registration, purchase temporary tags, order new license plates, and check their driving record.
Breath Alcohol Testing Operators and Senior Operators
Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator Alcohol and Drug Testing Program
November 23, 2020
Breath Permit Renewal Contingency Plan - COVID-19 Updated 11/23/2020
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will temporarily suspend training classes and in-person Breath Test Operator and Senior Operator permit renewal testing.
For Breath Test Operators and Senior Operators who have a permit with an expiration date prior to April 1, 2021 AND who have not completed a renewal test, click here and follow the instructions to apply for renewal.
BAC Datamaster Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.
Intoxilyzer 5000 Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions, contact the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program at BADT@odh.ohio.gov or call (614) 644-4609. We will communicate in the future when we are again able to conduct training classes and in-person renewal testing.
If your I-8000 card expired on 12/31/2019 and you have not completed a renewal test, please contact the above email address with your contact info and 'I-8000 renewal request' in the subject line. ADT staff will contact you to determine a time to conduct renewal testing.
The Motorcycle Ohio program, within the Ohio Department of Public Safety, is providing opportunities for government agencies and not-for-profit organizations such as career centers and institutions of higher learning to offer certified motorcycle rider training.
Several curricula are available for applicants to offer in their community: the Basic Rider Skills (BRS) for beginners, the Basic Rider Sills-RR (BRS-RR) for the returning rider, and the Basic Rider Sills -2 (BRS-2) for the experienced riders or riders wanting to bond with their motorcycles.
Applications will be accepted statewide, however there is a particular need in Southeast Ohio, the West Side of Cleveland and in Stark and Wayne Counties.
To view more information from Motorcycle Ohio and particulars for this opportunity, click here.
Holiday Season
November 30 - December 15, 2020
The pre-holidays are known for being merry and bright, but they’re also known for being the deadliest season when it comes to impaired driving. Every holiday season, lives are lost due to drunk drivers.
Use these social norming marketing tools, which can be found by clicking here and can be distributed to fit your local needs and objectives. These materials will partner your office with other States, communities, and organizations on this impaired-driving prevention initiative
For national enforcement [Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over] holiday campaign materials, please click here.
Holiday Season
2020 Holiday Season National Enforcement Mobilization
The holiday season is known for being merry and bright, but it is also known for being the deadliest season when it comes to impaired driving. Every holiday season, lives are lost due to impaired drivers.
Paid Media: December 16, 2020 - January 1, 2021
Mobilization: December 18, 2020 - January 1, 2021
Use these enforcement marketing tools, which can be distributed to fit your local needs and objectives. These materials will partner your office with other States, communities, and organizations on this impaired driving prevention initiative.
For social norming [Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving] holiday campaign materials, please click here.
To view the campaigns under the Holiday Season (Drive High Get a DUI and PEAK Enforcement Kit, click here.
To meet the TSRPs and learn what training is available to law enforcement and prosecutors, click here.
TRAFFIC SAFETY CASE LAW UPDATE FOR 2020 - to view this new video click here.
Stay tuned to future issues of TrafficWise as new videos are released.
January 19, 2021
Approved for 1.5 professional conduct CLE credit hours by the Ohio Supreme Court. To view the complete flyer with registration information, click here.
and the
February 16, 2020
This session is intended to provide an update on projects related to and affecting the Drug Recognition Expert program that are underway, as well as new offerings to help further Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement and DRE training.
Pending approval of 1.5 general CLE credit hours. To view the compete flyer and registration information, click here.
Many training resources are currently available through ODOT’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Center, including a variety of free webinars, eLearning courses and publications! Please visit the LTAP Webinars webpage for listings of upcoming sessions.
Click here to visit the LTAP eLearning webpage for details on how to access more than 300 free online courses/modules. Topics include Road Diets, Roadway Departure Countermeasures and many others.
Click here to visit the LTAP Route of Navigation (RON) Educational series, with links to dozens of resource publications for topic categories such as Access Management, Roadway Safety, Signage and Work Zone Safety.
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
The ARIDE program stresses the importance of the signs and symptoms of the seven drug categories. Officers attending this course will receive an update/refresher of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs) and must successfully pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. This training also promotes interaction with representatives from the state's prosecution community who are encouraged to attend. The instructors for this course are all Ohio DRE certified instructors. Prerequisite: Law enforcement officers must have had training in SFST (previously ADAP). This course is funded through an OTSO/NHTSA grant and is free for sworn Ohio law enforcement officers and prosecutors only. Tuition for out-of-state officers is $250.
Instructor: Ryan Born
To view the upcoming classes and to register, click here.
Drug Recognition Expert Program
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program is a traffic safety program that focuses on the detection, apprehension and adjudication of drug-impaired drivers.
A DRE is a law enforcement officer highly trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than or in addition to alcohol.
For more information, upcoming training dates and how to apply for this free training, please view the DRE Application, School Information and upcoming classes by clicking here.
Click here to find the December edition of NHTSA’s Impaired Driving Division Update.
In this edition you will find information on the upcoming impaired driving prevention campaigns happening during the Thanksgiving holiday, Lifesavers’ 2021 Virtual Conference and more.
We hope you will find the Update helpful.
Healthy wishes,
Morgan Drexler, MPH, CPH
E-mail: morgan.drexler.ctr@dot.gov
Submitted by Holly Reese - Ohio Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor
The Stark County OVI Task Force has partnered with Judge Furchione of the Stark County Common Pleas Court and Judge Elum of the Massillon Municipal Court to produce and distribute two public awareness videos focusing on impaired driving.
To view Judge Furchione – Stark County Common Pleas Court video, click here.
To view Judge Elum – Massillon Municipal Court video, click here.
New Mobility and Active Transportation
This is the third in a series of issues that highlight the findings of the ongoing Walk, Bike, Ohio (WBO) Plan.
E-scooters, ride hailing, autonomous shuttles and a whole host of other new technologies are quickly reshaping how Ohioans choose to get around. Known collectively as "new mobility," these technologies have the potential to help advance community goals for personal mobility, environmental sustainability and social equity - provided that we proactively plan for them.
The view the complete Issue 52 of Ground Work - Active Transportation News, click here.
REMEMBER the OTSO offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including impaired driving, restraint usage, distracted driving, and motorcycles. Utilizing the numerous materials found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness YOU can help save lives. The order form can be found by clicking here.