TrafficWise - November 16, 2020

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November 16, 2020 


Year-to-Date Confirmed Traffic Fatalities, Current versus Previous Year


FATAL CRASHES 2020 YEAR TO DATE MAP can be found here.

FATAL COMPARISON MAP can be found here.

Feature 2ciot

National Enforcement Mobilization

November 9-29, 2020 / National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization

Seat belts have been proven to be one of the best ways to save your life in a crash. Yet, many still don't buckle up. Worse still, not wearing a seat belt is a habit that will pass on to impressionable youth who, in turn, will think it is safe to not buckle up. The Click It or Ticket campaign focuses on safety education, strong laws, and law enforcement support to save lives.

Dates to Remember

  • Nov 9 - 29, 2020 (paid media)
  • Nov 16 - 29, 2020 (enforcement)

Campaign materials can be found by clicking here.

The reporting form can be found by clicking here.


  • Over the last three years (2017-2019) in Ohio, 1,368 of 2,407 motorists killed in traffic crashes were not wearing an available seat belt. This represents 57% of such crash fatalities. Further, there were an additional 5,952 unbelted individuals that suffered “serious injuries” in traffic crashes during this time frame. The use of seat belts and child safety seats is one of the most important steps that can be taken to prevent injury and loss of life in a motor vehicle crash. Additional information on unbelted traffic crashes can be found on the Ohio Statistics and Analytics for Traffic Safety (OSTATS) dashboard at:


  • NHTSA estimates that in 2017, 456 lives of motor vehicle occupants aged 5 and older were saved by using seat belts in Ohio. In addition, if everyone involved in a fatal crash in Ohio had used a seat belt, 138 additional lives could have been saved. Nationwide, NHTSA projects that 14,955 lives were saved by people wearing their seat belts in 2017. Source:  NHTSA

Your agency's participation in enforcing Ohio's restraint usage laws are imperative is saving lives and reducing injuries on Ohio's roadways.

Thank you - OTSO




Beginning on November 1, 2020, the Statistical Analysis Unit (SAU) will begin conducting a public survey to gather information from the residents and motoring public in Ohio regarding our  performance, professionalism, and service. The survey will allow us to gather feedback on the perception of safety and the daily impact of the Division. The survey will be accessible online with links available on the Division’s website ( ). It will be open for responses until November 30, 2020.

In addition to publicizing the survey and soliciting feedback on our social media outlets and via press releases, we encourage you to make contact with any individuals and/or local organizations (e.g., community partners, church groups, other law enforcement agencies, etc.) to promote the survey. In 2018, we received over 7,800 responses and overall feedback was positive and supportive of the Ohio State Highway Patrol and our mission



The Motorcycle Ohio program, within the Ohio Department of Public Safety, is providing opportunities for government agencies and not-for-profit organizations such as career centers and institutions of higher learning to offer certified motorcycle rider training.

Several curricula are available for applicants to offer in their community: the Basic Rider Skills (BRS) for beginners, the Basic Rider Sills-RR (BRS-RR) for the returning rider, and the Basic Rider Sills -2 (BRS-2) for the experienced riders or riders wanting to bond with their motorcycles.

Applications will be accepted statewide, however there is a particular need in Southeast Ohio, the West Side of Cleveland and in Stark and Wayne Counties.

To view more information from Motorcycle Ohio and particulars for this opportunity, click here.





Breath Alcohol Testing Operators and Senior Operators


Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator Alcohol and Drug Testing Program


September 28, 2020

Breath Permit Renewal Contingency Plan - COVID-19 Updated 09/28/2020

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will temporarily suspend training classes and in-person Breath Test Operator and Senior Operator permit renewal testing.

For Breath Test Operators and Senior Operators who have a permit with an expiration date prior to January 1, 2021 AND who have not completed a renewal test, click here and follow the instructions to apply for renewal.  

BAC Datamaster Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.

Intoxilyzer 5000 Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.

If you have any questions, contact the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program at or call (614) 644-4609.  We will communicate in the future when we are again able to conduct training classes and in-person renewal testing.

If your I-8000 card expired on 12/31/2019 and you have not completed a renewal test, please contact the above email address with your contact info and 'I-8000 renewal request' in the subject line.  ADT staff will contact you to determine a time to conduct renewal testing.


Annual I-8000 Proficiency Test

To: I-8000 Breath Alcohol Test Operators

From: Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator - Alcohol and Drug Testing Program

Date: September 28, 2000

Re: Annual I-8000 Proficiency Test

There are currently over 2000 I-8000 operators who have not completed a successful proficiency or subject test in 2020.  In order to maintain proficiency, each operator must successfully complete and upload a subject test (BrAC result reported) or proficiency test (Test, Test, 0.00 g/210 L) each calendar year.  Operators who do not complete a proficiency before the end of 2020 will have their cards deactivated and must take a written renewal test and demonstrate proficiency with an ADT inspector before the cards will be reactivated.

To see the complete correspondence from Jeanna Walcok, Program Administrator reference the Annual I-8000 Proficiency Test, click here.

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