Note: Reports submitted after 11/1/2020 may be assessed a 10% penalty. Expenditure reports cannot be submitted after 11/15/2020.
FFY2021 Sub-recipients:
Welcome to FFY2021! A couple of reminders to get the new-year started:
Grant access to your staff to the new grant:
From the grant menu, hover over “Management Tools”.
Click on “Add/Edit People”.
Under the list of “Current People Assigned”, select the person(s) you wish to attach to the Proposal/Grant by checking the box next to the name and click “Save”.
If the person that needs access is not listed, you must add them to the Organization first. Click on “My Organization”.
Click on “Organization Members”.
Click on “Add Members”.
Click on “New Member”, complete the required fields, and click “Save and Add to Organization”.
Please see the Grantee Manual located under “My Training Materials” for more information about maintaining user accounts.
General Grants
OHVEP Grants
OVI Task Force Grants
Safe Communities Grants
A Pre-Claim (Pre-Activity) is required to submit your October Expenditure Report:
From the grant menu, hover over “Related Documents and Messages”.
Click “Initiate a/an Pre-Claim 2021”. The status is now “Pre-Claim in Process”.
Hover over the “Forms Menu” and click on “Pre-Activity”.
Click the link to read the Pre-Activity Power Point.
Once completed, click the check box to confirm.
Click “Save”.
Hover over “Status Changes” and click “Apply Status” under Pre-Claim Complete.
Note: The status must be “Pre-Claim Complete” to be able to submit the October Expenditure Report.
All Grant Types:
October Expenditure Reports:
Will be available by November 1, 2020
If a Pre-Claim is required, the October report will be available from the Pre-Claim
From the grant menu, hover over “Related Documents and Messages”.
Click on the Pre-Claim.
Once in the Pre-Claim, hover over “Related Documents and Messages” to see the link to initiate the October Expenditure Report.
If a Pre-Claim is not required, the October report will be available from the grant.
From the grant menu, hover over “Related Documents and Messages to see the link to initiate the October Expenditure Report.
NHTSA recognizes that States and our law enforcement and first responder partners are working tirelessly to respond to the current public health emergency. In order for States to prioritize public health, NHTSA had postponed several previously scheduled traffic safety campaigns.
Below are current campaigns and calendars from NHTSA.
In order to assist the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) to report Ohio's 2020 Drive Sober of Get Pulled Over efforts to the National Highway Traffic Safety Admininstration ( NHTSA) , we ask that each law enforcement agency report back to OTSO their efforts during the August 26th through September 7th mobilization enforcement period.
Breath Alcohol Testing Operators and Senior Operators
Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator Alcohol and Drug Testing Program
September 28, 2020
Breath Permit Renewal Contingency Plan - COVID-19 Updated 09/28/2020
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will temporarily suspend training classes and in-person Breath Test Operator and Senior Operator permit renewal testing.
For Breath Test Operators and Senior Operators who have a permit with an expiration date prior to January 1, 2021 AND who have not completed a renewal test, click here and follow the instructions to apply for renewal.
BAC Datamaster Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.
Intoxilyzer 5000 Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions, contact the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program at or call (614) 644-4609. We will communicate in the future when we are again able to conduct training classes and in-person renewal testing.
If your I-8000 card expired on 12/31/2019 and you have not completed a renewal test, please contact the above email address with your contact info and 'I-8000 renewal request' in the subject line. ADT staff will contact you to determine a time to conduct renewal testing.
Annual I-8000 Proficiency Test
To: I-8000 Breath Alcohol Test Operators
From: Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator - Alcohol and Drug Testing Program
Date: September 28, 2000
Re: Annual I-8000 Proficiency Test
There are currently over 2000 I-8000 operators who have not completed a successful proficiency or subject test in 2020. In order to maintain proficiency, each operator must successfully complete and upload a subject test (BrAC result reported) or proficiency test (Test, Test, 0.00 g/210 L) each calendar year. Operators who do not complete a proficiency before the end of 2020 will have their cards deactivated and must take a written renewal test and demonstrate proficiency with an ADT inspector before the cards will be reactivated.
To see the complete correspondence from Jeanna Walcok, Program Administrator reference the Annual I-8000 Proficiency Test, click here.
Governor DeWine reminded Ohio citizens to complete the 2020 Census.
The Census determines how $675 billion is distributed among the states and Ohio’s representation in Congress.
Those who have not yet completed the census can do so at or by calling 1-844-330-2020.
U Drive. U Text. U Pay.
The National Enforcement Mobilization is October 5-12, 2020.
U Drive - U Text - U Pay is a campaign centered on aiding law enforcement officers in their efforts to keep distracted drivers off the road. Distracted driving is a first offense in many States and continues to gain recognition across the nation as a deadly problem.
October 5-12, 2020 / national media campaign
October 8-12, 2020 / enforcement mobilization
This campaign is targeted to men and women 18 to 34 years old with a skew toward women.
Use these law enforcement campaign materials to raise awareness in your community about the consequences of texting while driving. These enforcement materials do not focus on social norming - for those materials, please refer to:
For more information on the U-Drive. U-Text. U-Pay campaign click here.
National Teen Driver Safety Week
National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 18-24, 2020
This week - and every week, parents should have conversations with their teens about the important rules they need to follow to stay safe behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. These rules address the greatest dangers for teen drivers: alcohol, inconsistent or no seat belt use, distracted and drowsy driving, speeding, and number of passengers.
Facts about Teen Driver Fatalities
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens (15-18 years old) in the United States, ahead of all other types of injury, disease, or violence.
In 2017, there were 2,247 people killed in crashes involving a teen driver, of which 755 deaths were the teen driver - a 3% decrease from 2016.
Parents can be the biggest influencers on teens' choices behind the wheel if they take the time to talk with their teens about some of the biggest driving risks.
For more information on National Teen Driver Safety Week, click here.
Many training resources are currently available through ODOT’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Center, including a variety of free webinars, eLearning courses and publications! Please visit the LTAP Webinars webpage for listings of upcoming topics, including:
Winter Maintenance and Survival (webinar series) – October 13, 14 & 15.The Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference (OTEC) will be delivered virtually this year, from October 20 - 30. This event includes several sessions with bicycle/pedestrian safety topics. Additional information is available from the OTEC website.
Click here to visit the LTAP eLearning webpage for details on how to access more than 250 free online courses/modules. Topics include Road Diets, Roadway Departure Countermeasures and many others.
Click here to visit the LTAP Route of Navigation (RON) Educational series, with links to dozens of resource publications for topic categories such as Access Management, Roadway Safety, Signage and Work Zone Safety.
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
The ARIDE program stresses the importance of the signs and symptoms of the seven drug categories. Officers attending this course will receive an update/refresher of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs) and must successfully pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. This training also promotes interaction with representatives from the state's prosecution community who are encouraged to attend. The instructors for this course are all Ohio DRE certified instructors. Prerequisite: Law enforcement officers must have had training in SFST (previously ADAP). This course is funded through an OTSO/NHTSA grant and is free for sworn Ohio law enforcement officers and prosecutors only. Tuition for out-of-state officers is $250.
London instructor(s): Dwight Underwood
Richfield instructor(s): Mike Golec
The view the upcoming classes and to register, click here.
Drug Recognition Expert Program
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program is a traffic safety program that focuses on the detection, apprehension and adjudication of drug-impaired drivers.
A DRE is a law enforcement officer highly trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than or in addition to alcohol.
For more information, upcoming training dates and how to apply for this free training, please view the DRE Application, School Information and upcoming classes by clicking here.
Dear Colleagues,
By clicking here please find the October edition of NHTSA’s Impaired Driving Division Update.
In this edition you will find information about "New Reports from NHTSA", "National Teen Driver Safety Week", "Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving" Halloween Campaign and much more.
We hope you find the Update helpful.
Healthy wishes,
Morgan Drexler, MPH, CPH
Ohio is fortunate to have dedicated individuals to serve as liaisons to Ohio's law enforcement and traffic safety partners. With over 900 law enforcement agencies in Ohio's 88 counties, OTSO has divided the state into four (4) specific Law Enforcement Liaison Regions. To find contact information for the Ohio Law Enforcement Liaison in your area, click here.
REMEMBER the OTSO offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including impaired driving, restraint usage, distracted driving, and motorcycles. Utilizing the numerous materials found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness YOU can help save lives. The order form can be found by clicking here.