TrafficWise - September 8, 2020

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September 8, 2020 


Year-to-Date Confirmed Traffic Fatalities, Current versus Previous Year


FATAL CRASHES 2020 YEAR TO DATE MAP can be found here.

FATAL COMPARISON MAP can be found here.

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On September 2, 2020, Governor DeWine announced three new traffic-safety efforts aimed at reducing the number of fatalities on Ohio's roads and better ensuring that Ohio's young drivers have the necessary skills to safely navigate the streets. 

  • Ohio Traffic Safety Council: The new council, led by the Ohio Department of Public Safety, will be composed of representatives of several state agencies and outside groups. The role of the council will be to coordinate and monitor all statewide traffic safety initiatives, analyze trends, and advise the Governor on creating safer roads through education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency response.
  • Work Zone Enforcement: Because enforcing traffic laws can be a challenge in work zones, the Ohio State Highway Patrol Aviation Unit, which already conducts speed checks from the air, will conduct targeted enforcement on crash-causing violations in Ohio Department of Transportation construction zones. The increased enforcement is in response to the nearly 9,000 work-zone crashes in Ohio between 2019 and 2020. 
  • Juvenile Court Grants: Eight juvenile courts in Ohio have been awarded grant funding through the Ohio Department of Public Safety to help them provide young drivers more access to advanced driver training. Courts in Adams, Athens, Medina, Knox, Delaware, Miami, Fairfield, and Delaware counties will each receive $20,000 through Ohio's new Youthful Driver Safety Fund which was developed as part of Ohio's biennium budget.

To view this announcement along with messages from Ohio State Highway Patrol Colonel Richard S. Fambro and Ohio Department of Transportation Director Dr. Jack Marchbanks click here. Forward to the 0:00:15 mark to hear more. The videos is approximately 14 minutes long.



From August 26th through September 7th, Ohio's law enforcement was called upon to raise awareness of the dangers and consequences of impairied driving on Ohio's roadways.  Use of alcohol and drugs on Ohio's roadways cause impairment and has deadly consequences.  The efforts of Ohio's Law Enforcement, not only during this period but throughout the year, do a vaulable service to Ohio, each of our communities and to each and everyone who travel Ohio's roadways.

In order to assist the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) to report Ohio's 2020 Drive Sober of Get Pulled Over efforts to the National Highway Traffic Safety Admininstration ( NHTSA) , we ask that each law enforcement agency report back to OTSO their efforts during the August 26th through September 7th mobilization enforcement period.

The reporting form can be found by clicking here.


Again, we thank each and everyone of our partners for your participation in these lifesaving efforts.




Breath Alcohol Testing Operators and Senior Operators


Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator Alcohol and Drug Testing Program


August 20, 2020

Breath Permit Renewal Contingency Plan - COVID-19 Updated 08/20/2020

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will temporarily suspend training classes and in-person Breath Test Operator and Senior Operator permit renewal testing.

For Breath Test Operators and Senior Operators who have a permit with an expiration date prior to November 1, 2020 AND who have not completed a renewal test, click here and follow the instructions to apply for renewal.  

BAC Datamaster Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.

Intoxilyzer 5000 Proficiency Test form can be found by clicking here.

If you have any questions, contact the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program at or call (614) 644-4609.  We will communicate in the future when we are again able to conduct training classes and in-person renewal testing.

If your I-8000 card expired on 12/31/2019 and you have not completed a renewal test, please contact the above email address with your contact info and 'I-8000 renewal request' in the subject line.  ADT staff will contact you to determine a time to conduct renewal testing.




On August 12, 2020, Montana State University and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration put on a virtual summit focusing on Rural Traffic Safety. The webinar acted as a resource to educate state officials on resources available to rural areas and remind drivers of the importance of key safety behaviors, including wearing seat belts and obeying the speed limit. Montana State University hosted the event, and included remarks from:

  • U.S. Senator Steve Daines,
  • U.S. Representative Greg Gianforte,
  • U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao,
  • NHTSA Deputy Administrator James Owens,
  • Montana State University Vice President for Research Jason Carter,
  • Western Transportation Institute Executive Director David Kack, and others.

We hope you will use this webinar as a resource. A recording of the virtual event is included in this email.

Please send your questions, comments and feedback to:

Watch Recording


On August 19, 2020, NHTSA held an Impaired Driving High-Visibility Enforcement Kickoff – with a virtual press conference focused on coordinated Federal and State high-visibility enforcement efforts to combat alcohol- and drug-impaired driving.

For those who may have missed it, NHTSA recorded the kickoff and can be viewed by clicking here.

Please take the opportunity to view it.

Even though we are wrapping up the 2020 Impaired Driving Mobilizaiton, the messages shared during the kickoff resonate throughout the year.   Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over, and If You Feel Different, You Drive Different - Drive High, Get a DUI.



Governor DeWine reminded Ohio citizens to complete the 2020 Census.

The Census determines how $675 billion is distributed among the states and Ohio’s representation in Congress.  

Those who have not yet completed the census can do so at or by calling 1-844-330-2020.

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