TrafficWise - June 7, 2021

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June 7, 2021 


Year-to-Date Confirmed Traffic Fatalities, Current versus Previous 3 Year Average


FATAL CRASHES 2021 YEAR TO DATE MAP can be found here.

FATAL COMPARISON MAP can be found here.

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Attn: Ohio Law Enforcement Partners




The Click It or Ticket National Traffic Safety Mobilization has now wrapped up for this year.  We are thankful for the cooperation and partnership of Ohio's Law Enforcement Agencies for the promotion and participation in this life saving effort.

In order to document Ohio’s effort as we report to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), law enforcement partners are asked to report their enforcement and public awareness efforts for both mobilizations. The “Activity Reporting” form which your agency can use for each of the mobilizations can be found clicking here.  Please complete and return your activity for both mobilization periods by the due dates listed on the “Activity Report” form.  The “Activity Report”  can be sent to OTSO by fax at (614) 752-4646 or by email at

Once again, thank you for your support and your agency’s efforts in supporting the goal to make Ohio’s roads safe.


Changes are coming for OLEIS application users.

The Ohio Department of Public Safety is continually evaluating the use of new technology with an emphasis in reliability and security. With this in mind, we are eliminating old server technology. This year the Ohio Department of Public Safety will retire the OLEIS (Ohio Law Enforcement Information System) application and offer a new web based application called the State of Ohio Law Enforcement Virtual Exchange (SOLVE).

Agencies that currently using OLEIS for any of the modules, will be able to continue using OLEIS, however, the Ohio Department of Public Safety will not support the application after SOLVE is in place. At this time, we are trying to gauge if your agency is interested in transitioning to the new application.

We are inviting you to transition into this new application that will look like OLEIS and will perform in an enhanced matter. If your agency is interested in a demonstration of the SOLVE application, see contact info below to schedule.

About the new application:

The State of Ohio Law Enforcement Virtual Exchange (SOLVE) was developed with the Ohio drug task forces in mind, but it was later determined that a case management system (CMS) was needed for the drug task forces lacking the same. SOLVE is now expanding to include eCitation and Crash modules as well as a CMS. The benefit about SOLVE is that it is in the Cloud so it is not reliant on the older technology of a Client/Server system. This means that the software will always be up to date and will not require local system to be continually updated, creating a more stable environment. The program is free to use.

  • If your agency is interested in transitioning to the new application SOLVE and you are a crash module user, please contact Tom Gwinn
  • If your agency uses the citation module and would like to transition to the SOLVE application or if you have any questions, please contact Gretchen Lopez-Martinez via email or phone at or 614-752-4626.


Breath Test Permit Renewals Return to Normal Operations

To: Breath Alcohol Test Operators and Senior Operators

From: Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator - Alcohol and Drug Testing Program

Date: May 4, 2021

Effective June 1, 2021 Inspectors with the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will be back out in the field conducting in-person renewals.

Due to the declining numbers of COVID-19 cases and with the increase in persons being immunized, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will resume normal operations for in-person renewal testing for breath test Operator and Senior Operator permits/access cards.  Inspectors will be able to conduct renewals on all instruments approved for use in the State of Ohio.

To view the complete communication from ODH, click here.

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june 2021