The National Traffic Safety Mobilizations for 2021 are just around the corner. The Click It or Ticket enforcement mobilization runs from May 24 to June 6, and the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement mobilization will run from August 20 to September 6.
Participation in these mobilizations includes an educational and media component, coupled with high-visibility enforcement. Look for the mobilization link at Materials such as banners, magnets and plastic bags will be available free of charge through your Safe Communities representative or by completing the “Material Order Form” which can be found by clicking here and returning it. If you have questions regarding material orders, please contact the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) at (614) 466-3250 or by email at
In order to document Ohio’s effort as we report to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), law enforcement partners are asked to report their enforcement and public awareness efforts for both mobilizations. The “Activity Reporting” form which your agency can use for each of the mobilizations can be found clicking here. Please complete and return your activity for both mobilization periods by the due dates listed on the “Activity Report” form. The “Activity Report” and the “Material Order Form” can be sent to OTSO by fax at (614) 752-4646 or by email at
Thank you for your support and your agency’s efforts in supporting the goal to make Ohio’s roads safe.
Border to Border
From May 24-June 6, 2021, state and local law enforcement agencies across the nation are stepping up their enforcement efforts for motorists who aren’t wearing their seat belts. For this year’s Click It or Ticket seat belt mobilization effort, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is asking all states to participate in the Border to Border (B2B) initiative on May 24, a one-day, 4-hour national seat-belt awareness kickoff event coordinated by participating state highway safety offices and their respective law enforcement liaisons. B2B aims to increase law enforcement participation by coordinating highly visible seat belt enforcement and encouraging drivers and passengers to buckle up at heavily traveled, highly visible state border checkpoints.
To view the complete NHTSA Fact Sheet and Planner for the 2021 Click It or Ticket mobilization, click here.
FFY2022 Traffic Safety Grants
The Traffic Safety Proposal Package and GRANTS Plus FFY2022 grant proposals went live on April 20, 2021 with an online submission deadline of May 25, 2021. Questions can be directed to your OTSO Planner and/or your Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL).
Changes are coming for OLEIS application users.
The Ohio Department of Public Safety is continually evaluating the use of new technology with an emphasis in reliability and security. With this in mind, we are eliminating old server technology. This year the Ohio Department of Public Safety will retire the OLEIS (Ohio Law Enforcement Information System) application and offer a new web based application called the State of Ohio Law Enforcement Virtual Exchange (SOLVE).
Agencies that currently using OLEIS for any of the modules, will be able to continue using OLEIS, however, the Ohio Department of Public Safety will not support the application after SOLVE is in place. At this time, we are trying to gauge if your agency is interested in transitioning to the new application.
We are inviting you to transition into this new application that will look like OLEIS and will perform in an enhanced matter. If your agency is interested in a demonstration of the SOLVE application, see contact info below to schedule.
About the new application:
The State of Ohio Law Enforcement Virtual Exchange (SOLVE) was developed with the Ohio drug task forces in mind, but it was later determined that a case management system (CMS) was needed for the drug task forces lacking the same. SOLVE is now expanding to include eCitation and Crash modules as well as a CMS. The benefit about SOLVE is that it is in the Cloud so it is not reliant on the older technology of a Client/Server system. This means that the software will always be up to date and will not require local system to be continually updated, creating a more stable environment. The program is free to use.
If your agency is interested in transitioning to the new application SOLVE and you are a crash module user, please contact Tom Gwinn
If your agency uses the citation module and would like to transition to the SOLVE application or if you have any questions, please contact Gretchen Lopez-Martinez via email or phone at or 614-752-4626.
Breath Test Permit Renewals Return to Normal Operations
To: Breath Alcohol Test Operators and Senior Operators
From: Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator - Alcohol and Drug Testing Program
Date: May 4, 2021
Effective June 1, 2021 Inspectors with the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will be back out in the field conducting in-person renewals.
Due to the declining numbers of COVID-19 cases and with the increase in persons being immunized, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will resume normal operations for in-person renewal testing for breath test Operator and Senior Operator permits/access cards. Inspectors will be able to conduct renewals on all instruments approved for use in the State of Ohio.
To view the complete communication from ODH, click here.
The 2021 NHTSA Communications Calendar can be found by clicking here.
May 17 - June 6, 2021 / National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization
Seat belts have been proven to be one of the best ways to save your life in a crash. Yet many still do not buckle up. Worse still, not wearing a seat belt is a habit that will pass on to impressionable youth, who in turn will think it’s safe to not buckle up. The Click It or Ticketcampaign focuses on safety education, strong laws, and law enforcement officers saving lives. Dates to remember:
May 10 - June 17, 2021 (earned media)
May 17 - June 6, 2021 (paid media)
May 24 - June 6, 2021 (enforcement)
Use these enforcement resources for outreach during the campaign dates to highlight the dangers of not wearing a seat belt. These materials do not focus on social norming – for those materials, please refer to our Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time. campaign.
For more information and support materials, click here.
We know that working with teens can be challenging. Are you using the right strategies? How do you engage youth? What programs are out there to make your life easier? The Ohio Traffic Safety Council with support from Ohio SADD, Ohio FCCLA, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol- Ohio Traffic Safety Office are here to help. Join this three part webinar series that will empower traffic safety practitioners to use best-practices and counter measures that work to effectively engage the students of Ohio. We’ll hear from experts across the country and the state who share their tips and tricks to navigate the road to safe driving.
May 19 - Peer-Led Programming in Your School & Community
May 26 - I've Got a Plan: Action Planning for Your Community in Young Driver Safety
For more information, reach out to Carol Lucio, Ohio SADD State Coordinator, at
The benefits of smart mobility extend beyond the confines of a personal vehicle. Through advancements in technology, we can use mobility to improve people's lives. Some examples include connecting people to essential services and offering assistance to those with disabilities or drivers who have given up the keys. During the webinar, you will hear from experts about how improved mobility options can change your life.
Date: May 25, 2021
Time: 10 - 11 a.m.
For complete information and registration information, click here.
Many training resources are currently available through ODOT’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Center, including a variety of free webinars, eLearning courses and publications! Please visit the LTAP Available Training webpage for additional information.
Click here to visit the LTAP eLearning webpage for details on how to access more than 300 free online courses/modules. Topics include Road Diets, Roadway Departure Countermeasures and many others.
Click here to visit the LTAP Route of Navigation (RON) Educational series, with links to dozens of resource publications for topic categories such as Access Management, Roadway Safety, Signage and Work Zone Safety.
WHERE: Owens Community College, Center for Emergency Preparedness, 30150 Tracy Road, Walbridge, Ohio, 43465
WHO: Municipal and County Prosecutors and Law Enforcement
HOW: This course is being hosted by the Ohio Traffic Safety Office/ Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor/ Ohio Drug Evaluation and Classification program, and Owens Community College. Funding is provided in part or solely by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
REGISTRATION: Email by May 13, 2021. PLEASE DO NOT DELAY…. WE ANTICIPATE A GOOD RESPONSE. SPACE IS LIMITED TO 20. This course has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 6.00 total CLE hours, with 1.50 of attorney professional conduct instruction. It is free for prosecutors and law enforcement. Please contact Holly Reese, Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor @ hreesetsrp@ or (330)904-8971 with any questions.
To view the flyer with registration information, click here.
TRAFFIC SAFETY CASE LAW UPDATE FOR 2020 - to view this video click here.
OHIO INTOXILYZER 8000 FOR PROSECUTORS - to view click here.
Stay tuned to future issues of TrafficWise as new videos are released.
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Time: 2:00p-3:30p Eastern
Presenter: Lt. Allan Kolak – Cape Coral (FL) Police Department
Description: This session will discuss the benefits of wearing a body worn camera system and explain how to use it to your advantage in a DUI case involving a Drug Recognition Expert Evaluation. In addition to the technical aspects of the body worn camera system, attendees will learn proper camera positioning, lighting, and audio applications when conducting a Drug Influence Evaluation and how to best preserve the Drug Influence Evaluation on video for court presentation. Furthermore, this session will explain to both prosecutors and law enforcement how to use such video evidence to enhance courtroom presentation during a DUI case involving a DRE Evaluation. As this session provides a discussion on what to do and what not to do while using a body worn camera system, attendees will learn how video can help to not only enhance case presentation but also to promote professionalism by accurately documenting the activities that occur throughout the entire DUI investigation.
These webinars are being conducted by the Florida TSRP Program and the National TSRP Program utilizing the National TSRP Program webinar account. The account is funded through the NAPC/NHTSA Cooperative Agreement, Project Number 693JJ92050011.
This activity has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 general CLE credit hours for prosecutors. There is a twenty-four (24) hour limitation on Live Interactive Webinars (Gov. Bar R. X, Sec. 5 (E)(2)).
The webinar is FREE to participants. Upon completing the webinar, each attendee must email his/ her Ohio bar number to as certification of attendance, and she will submit them to the Ohio Supreme Court.
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
The ARIDE program stresses the importance of the signs and symptoms of the seven drug categories. Officers attending this course will receive an update/refresher of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs) and must successfully pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. This training also promotes interaction with representatives from the state's prosecution community who are encouraged to attend. The instructors for this course are all Ohio DRE certified instructors.
Prerequisite: Law enforcement officers must have had training in SFST (previously ADAP). This course is funded through an OTSO/NHTSA grant and is free for sworn Ohio law enforcement officers and prosecutors only. Tuition for out-of-state officers is $250.
To view the upcoming classes and to register, click here.
Drug Recognition Expert Program
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program is a traffic safety program that focuses on the detection, apprehension and adjudication of drug-impaired drivers.
A DRE is a law enforcement officer highly trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than or in addition to alcohol.
For more information, upcoming training dates and how to apply for this free training, please view the DRE Application, School Information and upcoming classes by clicking here.
Ohio and Pennsylvania officials got together to kick off this year's Click It or Ticket campaign.
Law enforcement officials, PennDot, Mercer County Coroner John Libonati and others gathered outside the Interstate 80 Welcome Center to announce the campaign, which will run from May 17 through June 6.
"The safest act is just a 'click' away," Libonati said. "Every life is important, and the life you save could be your own. Please buckle up for those that you care about."
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that of the 22,215 people killed in car crashes in 2019, 47% were not wearing seat belts.
"Seatbelt usage is more important than people think," said Erik Golias, Sergeant with the Ohio State Highway Patrol. "We're not just here to give tickets. These people are all here today because they care."
"The leading cause of fatalities in Pennsylvania is due to unrestrained passengers," said Josh Black, PA State Police Troop D-Butler. "Both with seatbelts and the thing that we sometimes forget is the child safety seats. It is very important."
"I can give you all the data in the world that shows you the deaths, but it's how many lives are saved every day," Libonati said. "We monitor and hear the accidents that occur. They sound horrific, but yet, no one dies."
PennDot states that throughout the Click It or Ticket campaign, state and municipal police officers will conduct traffic enforcement zones and patrols to encourage seat belt usage and fine those found not following the laws.
Above information from PennDOT press release and WFMJ press coverage. To view the WFMJ press coverage, click here.
May 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the May edition of NHTSA’s Impaired Driving Division Update by clicking here.
In this edition you will find a variety information including: a new report on expedited search warrant programs, Regional JOL openings, judicial training opportunities, and more.
We hope you find the Update helpful.
Healthy Wishes,
A message from Robin Abel
Founder of Secure Your Load Day
April 22, 2021
Good Morning, this year on June 6th we will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary of Secure Your Load Day safety campaign. There are not adequate words to thank each of you for your past and future support. As you all know it takes all of us to keep our families safe on the roads and I am thankful to be a safety partner with each of you.
I received updated numbers from National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) on crashes caused by unsecured loads and road debris. In 2019 there were 739 deaths, 17,367 injuries and 89,915 property damage crashes. (Data attached) I would ask that you use this information or information from your state to share in your campaign. Too often I hear that these incidents are FREAK accidents; they are not, because they are totally preventable. Sadly there is very little education out there for the public like there is for commercial drivers.
During the last year there have been several deaths because good citizens stopped to pick up debris on the road. Please encourage drivers to call 911 instead of picking up the debris themselves. While I hate to endanger our law enforcement or DOT workers they are better equipped and educated to stop or slow traffic effectively.
This year I have spent a great deal of time working with national companies to change their commercials which show bad examples of load securement. They use poor examples thinking it is funny but as you know it is best to show good examples of load securement; as we learn by example. I would encourage you to be BOLD and contact a company’s media team when you see a bad example on TV. I could use your support on this issue.
In the last few years multiple states and counties have started Secure Your Load/Cover Your Load programs at their Waste and Recycling facilities by educating their customers and charging a fee at the scale house for unsecured loads. This program has been very effective in reducing litter, saving lives and injuries and generating income. THANK YOU to all the scale operators for going the extra mile!
Aristotle said “The Law is Free of Passion”, but I am here to tell you that changing the law and educating the public is solely about passion! Thanks to each of you for supporting this safety campaign; let’s go save lives. A National Press Release will be sent out to you the last week of May.
If you have any questions, need additional information or are new to this campaign please reach out to me. THANK YOU!!!
REMEMBER the OTSO offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including impaired driving, restraint usage, distracted driving, speeding and motorcycles. Utilizing the numerous materials found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness YOU can help save lives. The order form can be found by clicking here.