The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over National Traffic Safety Mobilizations for 2021 is just around the corner with the enforcement mobilization running from August 20 to September 6. Kickoffs throughout Ohio will begin on August 13th to increase public awareness of the mobilization and community efforts to highlight the dangers and consequences of impaired driving.
The Ohio Traffic Safety Office encourage all Ohio Law Enforcement Agencies to participate with your colleagues in Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety Partners throughout Ohio for the 2021 mobilizations.
Participation in this mobilization includes an educational and media component, coupled with high-visibility enforcement. Look for the mobilization link at, which we will update with support materials as they become available. Materials such as banners, magnets and plastic bags will be available free of charge through your Safe Communities representative or by completing the “Material Order Form” which can be found by clicking here and returning it. If you have questions regarding material orders, please contact the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) at (614) 466-3250 or by email at
In order to document Ohio’s effort as we report to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), law enforcement partners are asked to report their enforcement and public awareness efforts for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over mobilization. The “Activity Reporting” form which your agency can use for the mobilization can be found clicking here. Please complete and return your activity for both mobilization periods by the due dates listed on the “Activity Report” form. The “Activity Report” and the “Material Order Form” can be sent to OTSO by fax at (614) 752-4646 or by email at
Thank you for your support and your agency’s efforts in supporting the goal to make Ohio’s roads safe.
GHSA's new report, An Analysis of Traffic Fatalities by Race and Ethnicity, analyzed data for the five-year period 2015-2019 and found that traffic crash fatalities disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC).
The report identifies actions states and communities can undertake when considering traffic enforcement, safety education and community outreach to better serve BIPOC communities and reduce crashes, injuries and deaths for those who have been most affected by race-related disparities in transportation. The report is part of a broader GHSA focus on equity and advancing steps that GHSA, State Highway Safety Offices and their partners can take to promote equitable traffic enforcement and more broadly address highway safety needs.
The data analysis was conducted by Richard Retting, formerly of Sam Schwartz Consulting. Review and input were provided by Sam Schwartz’s Moriah Richardson, Transportation Engineer; Hugh Smith, Senior Associate & Director of Community Outreach; and Shameka Turner, Outreach Liaison. Richardson, Smith, and Turner serve on Sam Schwartz’s Value Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity (VIBE) Council, which is tasked with integrating the principles of inclusion, belonging and equity across all dimensions of the firm’s work.
Breath Test Permit Renewals Return to Normal Operations
To: Breath Alcohol Test Operators and Senior Operators
From: Jeanna Walock, Program Administrator - Alcohol and Drug Testing Program
Date: May 4, 2021
Effective June 1, 2021 Inspectors with the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will be back out in the field conducting in-person renewals.
Due to the declining numbers of COVID-19 cases and with the increase in persons being immunized, the Alcohol and Drug Testing Program will resume normal operations for in-person renewal testing for breath test Operator and Senior Operator permits/access cards. Inspectors will be able to conduct renewals on all instruments approved for use in the State of Ohio.
To view the complete communication from ODH, click here.
The 2021 NHTSA Communications Calendar can be found by clicking here.
National Mobilization
The 2021 impaired driving national enforcement mobilization "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" goes into effect across the country from August 16 to September 6, 2021. One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (impaired driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country.
As law enforcement professionals and highway safety advocates, your efforts will help reduce the number of crashes and fatalities due to impaired driving. By increasing State enforcement efforts, raising public awareness through paid, earned, and social media, and maximizing your local resources, you indeed can make a difference.
Please use these customizable enforcement materials to help you successfully spread the campaign’s message, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, and complement your enforcement campaign. The high-visibility enforcement model has two important purposes:
Spread the message, and
Increase enforcement efforts.
For more information and campaign materials, click here.
Drug-Impaired Driving | Drive High - Get a DUI
Drive High Get a DUI
We want to spread the word about the dangers of drug-impaired driving and to remind all drivers. If you are impaired by drugs, and are thinking about driving, pass your keys to a sober driver.
For more information and campaign materials, click here.
Motorcycle Safety | Rider Safety
Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over
Since alcohol affects skills essential to riding a motorcycle, such as balance and coordination, it should not come as any surprise that it also plays a significant role in motorcycle crash-related fatalities. These marketing materials are designed to remind motorcyclists to always ride smart and sober.
For more information and campaign materials, click here.
The Cuyahoga County OVI Task Force, Ohio Traffic Safety Office, Berea PD, and Solon PD will host a NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Testing course. This is the full, 40-hour course that is given in the basic police academies now. There is no cost to the agency or officer. The class will be August 9-13, 8AM to 5PM, at Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, Ohio. It will include classroom instruction and two sessions with live test subjects (wet labs). Class size is limited to 12 students. To enroll, please complete the online registration at .
The deadline to enroll is August 5 at 4:00 PM.
Questions and additional information can be forwarded to Lt. Roy Cunningham with the Solon Police Department at (440) 337-1479
Join us for a FREE Virtual Event Technology Takes The Wheel®
Transformation of Transportation: An Overview of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Presented by AAA, The University of Cincinnati Office of Research, Digital Futures, and DriveOhio
Virtual Event | Tuesday, August 24, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ETFREE to attend │ Registration required | Visit the event website and click on “Register Now”.
We are headed down the road toward the future of transportation with connected and autonomous vehicles (CV/AV) – one that will greatly impact society, including our cities, rural communities, commerce and even agriculture. Subject matter experts from AAA, the University of Cincinnati, Digital Futures, and DriveOhio will kick off a Technology Takes The Wheel® seminar series in Southwest Ohio to address the future impact of self-driving cars on Ohio roadways. Learn about CV/AV applications and design happening now, and the vision and planning taking place to create safe, inclusive and interconnected autonomous transportation systems of the future. Please mark your calendar as we examine the new technologies and ideas that will change the way we live, work, and play.
This virtual event will be held in an online webinar format.
Featured Speakers:
Dr. David Yang, Executive Director, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
Dr. Alejandro Lozano Robledo, DAAP, University of Cincinnati
David Hobbs, Senior Field Technical Trainer, Delphi Technologies
Cheryl Parker, Regional Director, Public & Government Affairs, AAA
TRAFFIC SAFETY CASE LAW UPDATE FOR 2020 - to view this video click here.
OHIO INTOXILYZER 8000 FOR PROSECUTORS - to view click here.
Stay tuned to future issues of TrafficWise as new videos are released.
The Ohio TSRP Program is excited to announce August and September Sessions of the Florida TSRP Program’s “Webinar Wednesday” Series. These new sessions are non-state-specific and are intended to assist prosecutors and law enforcement nationwide -- all are welcome!
Specific information on each of the seven (7) sessions is provided through the August Webinar link found here and the September Webinar link found here. You will need to register for each session individually. You may sign up for as many or as few of the sessions as you want, however attendance at all sessions is highly recommended. All sessions are approved (or pending) with the Ohio Supreme Court for the specific CLE amounts and categories listed below for Ohio attorneys for LIVE ATTENDANCE ONLY.
Following is the list of the available webinars:
Title: Mellanby Effect: An LEO's Perspective on Homeostasis & Burn Off (Ohio Bar Approval for 1.5-hr CLE PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT credit) Date: Thursday, August 5, 2021 Time: 1:00p-2:30p Eastern Presenter: Det. Tom Heller, Seattle Police Department
Title: The Truth Is In The Eyes: How Do “Eye Tests” in 3-5 minutes Relate to Detecting Possible Impairment Related to Driving? (Ohio Bar Approval for 3-hr CLE general credit) Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 Time: 1p-4p Eastern **NOTE: This session will NOT be recorded; if you wish to attend, you must attend at the above date and time! Presenter: Dr. Jack Richman
Title: SFSTs & Drugs: Hit or Miss? (Ohio Bar Approval for 1.5-hr CLE general credit) Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 Time: 1p-230p Eastern Presenter: Tara Jenswold & Emily Thompson, Wisconsin TSRPs
Title: None Detected... What Next? (Ohio Bar Approval for 1.5-hr CLE general credit) Date: Thursday, August 26, 2021 Time: 1p-230p Easter Presenter: Ashley Schluck, WY TSRP
Title: Pharmacology of the Drugged Driver (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 2.0-hr CLE PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT credit) Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Time: 1p-3p Eastern Presenter: Edward Zumaeta Forensic Scientist - Toxicology Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
Title: Law Enforcement Toxicology Services (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 1.0-hr CLE general credit) Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 Time: 1p-2p Eastern Presenter: Dennis J. Siewert FDLE Orlando Crime Laboratory Analyst Supervisor – Toxicology
Title: Drugged Driving and the DRE Matrix (Pending Ohio Bar Approval for 2.0-hr CLE General Credit) Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 Time: 1p-3p Eastern Presenter: Tim Cornelius IPTM – Interim State DRE Coordinator
There is NO CHARGE to attend these webinars, however you must register in advance.
For complete descriptions and registration information on the August webinars, click here. For complete descriptions and registration information on the September webinars, click here.
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
The ARIDE program stresses the importance of the signs and symptoms of the seven drug categories. Officers attending this course will receive an update/refresher of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs) and must successfully pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. This training also promotes interaction with representatives from the state's prosecution community who are encouraged to attend. The instructors for this course are all Ohio DRE certified instructors.
Prerequisite: Law enforcement officers must have had training in SFST (previously ADAP). This course is funded through an OTSO/NHTSA grant and is free for sworn Ohio law enforcement officers and prosecutors only. Tuition for out-of-state officers is $250.
To view the upcoming classes and to register, click here.
Drug Recognition Expert Program
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program is a traffic safety program that focuses on the detection, apprehension and adjudication of drug-impaired drivers.
A DRE is a law enforcement officer highly trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than or in addition to alcohol.
For more information, upcoming training dates and how to apply for this free training, please view the DRE Application, School Information and upcoming classes by clicking here.
Dedicated to the Advancement of Traffic Safety
The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) is an employer-led public/private partnership dedicated to improving the safety and health of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur both on- and off-the-job.
NETS was founded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as an employer-led road safety organization.
Our mission is to advance road safety among occupational (non-regulated) drivers, all employees and their families, and the communities where employees live and work.
NETS is led by an executive director, under the guidance of a board of directors. Day-to-day operations are conducted by the executive director and a team of employees and contractors.
For additional information on NETS, Events and Resources, click here.
REMEMBER the OTSO offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including impaired driving, restraint usage, distracted driving, speeding and motorcycles. Utilizing the numerous materials found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness YOU can help save lives. The order form can be found by clicking here.