TrafficWise - November 1, 2021
Ohio State Highway Patrol sent this bulletin at 11/01/2021 11:27 AM EDT
GIS CRASH ANALYSIS TOOL (GCAT) OVERVIEW WEBINARODOT’s GIS Crash Analysis Tool (GCAT) provides great on-demand analysis for performing data analysis on roadways to determine crash patterns and issues. GCAT is now housed within the Transportation Information Mapping System (TIMS) tool. Learn GCAT fundamentals such as what data is available, how to filter for the results you want and how to use the dynamic mapping tool. The webinar will also include information about the updates to the OH-1 crash reporting form. New this year: CAPE (Crash Analysis Planning and Evaluation) Tool. Learn the basics of one of our newest crash analysis tools and what it can do for you. Registration is now open for the following free session for Nov. 18 at 2:00pm EST. If you have any questions regarding the online registration process, please contact Ohio LTAP by phone or email. The Ohio LTAP Center
NOVEMBER TUESDAY - WEBINAR SERIESTITLE: “DWI Defenses & How to Combat Them” DATE: Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021, 2–3:30 p.m. EST PRESENTER: Rachel Smith, Louisiana Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor DESCRIPTION: WEBINAR FORMAT This presentation will address five of the most common categories of defenses encountered in impaired driving cases. It will further discuss how to combat these defenses through a better understanding of basic investigation and report writing, legal concepts and requirements, and the science underpinning these concepts. At the end, attendees will have the opportunity to share any new defenses that have encountered so that all can be better prepared should such issues arise. There is no charge to attend this webinar, but you must register in advance. Click here for more information and how to register. IN PERSON TRAININGS AVAILABLE
PROSECUTING THE DRUGGED DRIVER A FREE 6.0 HOUR CLE TRAINING WHEN: Nov. 5, 2021 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) WHERE: Owens Community College, Heritage Hall, Rooms 123 A & B, 310 2nd Street, Perrysburg, OH 43551 WHO: Municipal and County Prosecutors and Law Enforcement COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prosecuting the Drugged Driver is a course designed to provide prosecutors and law enforcement officers with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully investigate and prosecute drug impaired driving cases. The course is designed to encourage a team building approach between prosecutors and officers to aid in the detection, apprehension, and prosecution of drug impaired drivers. Attendees will participate in interactive sessions taught by a multidisciplinary faculty. Topics will include: signs & symptoms of drug impairment including identifying causes and prevention of addiction, drug impairment detection, and treatment alternatives, the Drug Recognition Expert (D.R.E.) process, the role of the toxicologist, effectively litigating and presenting a DUID case at trial, qualifying the DRE as an expert in court, and responding to common defense challenges in DUID cases. Click here for more information and how to register. Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
The largest gathering of highway safety professionals in the United States Last year, an estimated 36,096 people died in motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. Lifesavers is recognized as the premiere conference to learn about the latest highway safety research, best practices, and cutting-edge initiatives; and to explore innovative technology and strategies used to combat risky driving behaviors and save lives. The Lifesavers Conference is also historically the world’s largest gathering of leaders and advocates in traffic safety. Now in its 40th year, the Lifesavers Conference will take place March 13-15, 2022 in Chicago, IL. The 2022 Lifesavers Conference will provide a national platform with 70 workshops in nine tracks, plenary sessions, peer exchange discussion groups, and an extensive exhibit hall. The Lifesavers Conference program is designed to engage federal, state and local government; law enforcement; public health; injury prevention; advocacy and non-profit organization professional in an exchange of ideas, strategies, and programs to reduce preventable injuries and deaths. Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in the latest and greatest networking opportunity in traffic safety, highlighting research to practice efforts across the country! Visit the 2022 LifeSavers Conference website by clicking here. The the most recent edition of the Ohio LTAP Center newsletter is available online! Click here This edition includes the following articles:
Know someone who would be interested in one of the articles? Please forward them this newsletter! Received this email from a friend? Sign up to receive future newsletter notifications at: Mailing List Sign-up. The Ohio LTAP Center 1980 W. Broad Street, Mail Stop #1240, Columbus, OH 43223 614-387-7359 or 1-877-800-0031 (Toll Free) Email: Updated "STAY ALIVE! don't TXT & drive" poster now available. You can order the updated poster by using the order form that can be found by clicking here.
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