Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 21 February 2018

1. Spring term Free Entitlement Payments – advance notice

For all submissions that met the deadline and have no outstanding queries, please be advised that you can expect your Spring term Free Entitlement actual payments week commencing 26 February 2018 as advertised. 

Don’t forget, even though the Online Provider Portal (OPP) is now closed for spring term submissions, you can still log back on to view a summary of payments expected.

If you have any queries please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

2. Reminder: Spring Term Inclusion Funding

This is a reminder that if you are not intending to claim your awarded Inclusion Funding for the Spring Term due to, for example, being unable to recruit additional staff to enhance ratios, you must notify the Inclusion Team via inclusionteam@westsussex.gov.uk by Friday 23 February 2018.

Inclusion Funding payments are due to be made week commencing 26 February 2018 and will be made using the hours submitted for your FE Actuals. You do not need to make a separate claim for this funding.

3. Have you booked your place yet? 

Early Years and Childcare Business Conference 2018

Places are going fast for this year’s FREE Business Conference on 17 March 2018 at Chichester College, Brinsbury Campus, RH20 1DL. Over 100 places have been booked already!

Bookings for this conference will close on 7 March so book now to avoid disappointment. No training subscription is required.

In response to feedback from previous conferences, and for the first time, you will be able to select your workshop preferences before attending. Please read these booking instructions, including further information on the workshops. Preferences will be allocated on a first come first served basis so book now to avoid disappointment. 

Tip: get the most out of the day – if two of you are attending from your setting, you will be able to attend 6 out of the 8 workshops between you if you plan to attend different sessions.  If you are a childminder, why not pair up with someone and share messages from the workshops you were unable to attend.

4. Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals

Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals (Stage 1 – 4 and Additional Vocabulary)

  • Duration: This is a TWO FULL DAY course and will take place over two weeks
  • Date: 2 and 9 March 2018 Time: 9.00am – Finish: 4.00pm
  • Venue: Bognor Regis Nursery School, 85 Victoria Drive, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 2TB, Tel: 01243 642924
  • Cost: The cost of the course is £185 for two days which includes materials but lunch is not included.
  • Tutor: Noriko Bayes (SSC Nursery Nurse at BRNS&CC and Makaton Regional Tutor)
  • Entry criteria Participants need to have an understanding of early communication skills but no signing experience/knowledge required.

Click for more information, and a booking form.

5. West Sussex Affordable Warmth Scheme is now OPEN!

Help with heating and insulation upgrades is now available through the West Sussex Affordable Warmth Scheme. West Sussex County Council is working with YES Energy Solutions to help residents access fully and part funded energy saving home improvements. 

The scheme is designed to help both homeowners and tenants with a range of heating and insulation improvements, using funding secured through the Government's ECO program.

There are different eligibility criteria, but if you are a West Sussex resident and are:

  • on a low income OR
  • living in a cold home or struggling to pay energy bills AND
  • someone in your home is living with a long term health condition

...then please get in touch to see if we can help.

To find out more, call 0330 0581 918 or visit www.yesenergysolutions.co.uk/west-sussex-affordable-warmth-scheme  (Telephone lines are open 9-5, Monday to Friday)

6. Bognor Regis Nursery School Conference 19 April 2018

Bookings for our Bognor Regis Nursery School Sumer Conference are now open! Come and join us for our Loose Parts Conference: Messy Maths-An Outdoor Open Ended Approach with Keynote speaker Juliet Robertson and workshop leader Julie Mountain. The conference is taking place at The University of Chichester, Bognor Regis Campus.  You can book your place using the attached booking form.  

Latest newsletters

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH)

Stakeholder Newsletter 

SEND newsletter

 January 2018 Newsletter

LSCB newsletter

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

w/c 26 Feb            FE and Inclusion Spring Term Payments released
Sat 17 March         Early Years and Childcare Business Conference (Brinsbury)

Network Meetings

Jan-Feb                Learning and Development Network Meetings
Feb-Mar               SENCo/INCo Network Meetings

For meeting information, dates and venues  www.westsussex.gov.uk/eytraining

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 14 February 2018

  • Mandatory EY Census
  • Spring Term FE - portal re-opens on 14-16 Feb
  • Spring Term inclusion funding
  • 30hr FE summer term deadline
  • MASH referrals
  • Online Provider Portal workshops
  • Professional Development video (Communication Trust)

Wednesday 7 February 2018 

  • Advance notice: Spring term actuals - Online Provider Portal re-opening for checks (FE Providers Only)
  • Mandatory Early Years Census 2018 – now open
  • Update your Termly Childcare Provider Update form today!
  • Jobs in Childcare
  • Free Entitlement leaflet available
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals
  • Learn, Explore, Debate (LED) Events

Wednesday 31 January 2018

  • Treasury Committee - Childcare Inquiry
  • Early Years Census 2018 – opens 5 February 2018

Special Broadcast Friday 26 January 2018

  •  Important - Online Provider Portal now closed for Planned Maintenance

Wednesday 24 January 2018

  • Spring term Free Entitlement actuals – deadline tomorrow!
  • Your Early Years Census 2018 – advance notice
  • Important - Online Provider Portal Planned Maintenance
  • Early Years and Childcare Business Conference: Bookings now open!!!
  • The Best Start In Life
  • Personal Development Course for Parents