IPEH Stakeholder and Partner Newsletter - 20/02/18


Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH)

Together building a vision and plan for children, young people and families

Keeping our Stakeholders and Partners informed

Headline News


Family Assist Win An Award!

The UK Oracle Customer Excellence Awards recognise technology excellence and business transformations of their customers. It is amazing news that Kelly Pierce has won their prestigious Personal Leadership Category Award for the work on Family Assist!

Kelly Pierce, Consultant Midwife in Public Health says, “Although the idea originated many years ago at Western, it has been a fantastic journey with some amazing people across many partners including Oracle. West Sussex County Council shared the vision and with their support we now have this amazing service for families.”

Oracle will donate £10,000 to a UK charity of choice. 

Well done Kelly and those involved with Family Assist!

Voice and Engagement 

Bright Spots

Shining a light with Bright Spots

West Sussex is launching a key online survey designed for and by children in care, in March. This is in partnership Bristol University and Coram Voice, as part of the Bright Spots Programme.

The ‘Your Life, Your Care’ survey asks all young people who are looked after to tell us what is important, how they feel and how things are going so they get the right support. This builds valuable insight for our services, so please support young peoples’ involvement where appropriate!

The Virtual School is leading survey delivery, however young people may have questions, so be prepared! 

Bright Spots Project UK | Your Life, Your Care Survey

For more info contact Sarah.Daly@westsussex.gov.uk

News From Your Local Hubs

Sussex Safeguarding Week 2017

The West Sussex Safeguarding Children Board, the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safer West Sussex Partnership joined forces to deliver a week of safeguarding learning events. The key purpose of these was to provide a range of learning and development opportunities for staff and volunteers working with adults at risk and children in West Sussex, aimed at improving their safeguarding knowledge, skills and understanding, and promoting joint working.

The week kicked off with a fully booked Pan Sussex Neglect conference which included presentations on the importance of the voice of the child, disguised compliance and local neglect strategies. Feedback from this event was extremely positive and many commented on the impact of Dr Jenny Malloy’s presentation around her personal experience of extreme neglect as a child.

The six IPEH hub multi-agency safeguarding awareness days were attended by over 400 professionals from a wide range of agencies. The feedback from these events identified key learning that took place, including a better understanding of the MASH referral process, the role of the LADO and the IPEH service. Attendees also found the range of services identified during the presentations and market place useful as they were previously unaware of these.

Click here to view the slides from the presentations that took place at these events.

Watch this space for news on Safeguarding Week 2018!

Warm Home Scheme

West Sussex Affordable Warmth Scheme, now OPEN!

Help with insulation and heating upgrades is now available via the West Sussex Affordable Warmth Scheme. WSCC is working with YES Energy Solutions to help residents access fully and part funded energy saving home improvements.

The scheme is designed to help both homeowners and tenants with a range of heating and insulation improvements. The scheme uses funding secured through the Government's ECO program for heating and insulation measures.

If your client is on a low income OR living with a long term health condition AND living in a cold home or struggling to pay energy bills, get in touch.

For more information, call 0330 0581 918.

My Sisters House, Womens Centre

My Sisters House has updated their programme of services on offer. They have relocated to a new, larger premises: 3-6 Clock Walk, 7-11 High Street, Bognor Regis, PO21 1SG where they will be offering emotional support keyworking services, domestic abuse service ‘Stronger Futures’ and a variety of peer groups.  

Their community hub is now home to their ‘Step Forward’ project, working with women helping them to access education, employment and training.  

This space is available to hire for community groups, projects and training. 

Please contact Julie.budge@mysistershouse.info for more information.

Horsham Apprenticeship Fair

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This bulletin is sent to you as our stakeholders and partners with a warm welcome, keeping you up-to-date with all our service news.

Feel free to send any short articles (with an optional image) by 11am Friday, for inclusion in the fortnightly Tuesday newsletter.

If you have any questions, or know that someone has not received this, please email sarah.dimmock@westsussex.gov.uk.