Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 14 February 2018

1. Mandatory Early Years Census 2018 – deadline today (FE Providers Only)

The mandatory Early Years Census form is  available for you to complete via the Online Provider Portal (OPP). The deadline for return of your Early Years Census Form is midnight today (14 February 2018).

Future FE payments may be at risk if you do not complete your Census return by this deadline.

Please refer to the attached document  “Important Information – Census 2018” for specific guidance around the staff qualification questions as we are receiving a few queries.

Attachments: Important Information - Census 2018

2. Spring term Free Entitlement – Online Provider Portal re-opens for pre-payment check (14-16 February) (FE Providers Only)

Thank you for submitting your Free Entitlement (FE) actuals, Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF) claims for spring term.

The Online Provider Portal (OPP) is re-open for you to check your claims are correct prior to payments. The deadline for this check is midnight Friday 16 February.

WARNING: If you need to correct any extended hours, please note you will be required to carry out a “30 hours free childcare” check on the code again. This could result in a change in eligibility status and/or key validity dates which in turn will delay payments.

Please check the following:

  • All children no longer claiming FE with you have been deleted. If not, request deletion.
  • No children with zero hours left on your headcount.
  • All eligible children who were in attendance during headcount week only are present and correct, including their personal details. If they were not in attendance during headcount week – remove them from this headcount and submit a Post-Headcount/Exceptional Payment request.
  • All children have the correct number of weeks and correct number of weekly universal and extended hours as attended during headcount week.
  • All EYPP information is present and correct.
  • If DAF has been confirmed, payment will show as an adjustment. We can only make one DAF payment in a financial year and we must receive evidence child meets the eligibility criteria.

Payment is due for release at any point during the week commencing 26 February. Please note it may take 3-5 working days for the payment to appear in your account. This may therefore be the following week.

If you have any queries please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

3. Spring Term Inclusion Funding

For any children in receipt of Inclusion Funding, please note that funding will be paid per Free Entitlement (FE) hour in line with the hours submitted for your FE Actuals. You do not need to submit a separate claim. Payment for the Spring Term will be due the week commencing 26 February, therefore if you are not intending to claim Inclusion Funding due to, for example, being unable to recruit additional staff to enhance ratios, you must notify the Inclusion Team by email to inclusionteam@westsussex.gov.uk by Friday 23 February 2018.

4. Urgent: 30 Hours Extended Free Entitlement – Summer Term Deadline

The 30 Hours Extended Free Entitlement (FE) deadline for next term is fast approaching!

Parents who are expecting to start receiving Extended FE funding for the Summer term 2018 must apply for their codes with HMRC in good time to ensure they can claim next term. Failure to apply on time means parents are not eligible until the term following their code validity date. This would mean these parents would miss out on the additional 15 hours funding until September 2018.

The deadline for the Summer term is 31 March 2018 but we strongly recommend parents apply by 28 February 2018 at the latest. Not all parents get their code straight away so, by applying early, this gives them time should any further information be needed.

If you have any questions about FE please see the FAQ’s on the website or email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

5. Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Referrals

All concerns for children and young people who may be at risk of significant harm should be directed to MASH. We would encourage you to telephone MASH prior to making a referral to discuss your concerns, where appropriate you should follow up this call with a completed MASH Referral Form to the MASH GCSX Email – MASH@westsussex.gcsx.gov.uk

Two recent external audits of MASH have highlighted concerns regarding the quality of the referrals received into MASH, parents were also too often unaware that a referral had been made, the consequences are that a considerable amount of Social work time in MASH is spent clarifying the referral information and trying to make contact with the child’s parent /carer. 

Click here to view the Continuum of Need document and here for the Threshold Guidance. 

Click here to view examples of good referrals to the MASH.

It has been agreed through the West Sussex LSCB that from January 2018, unless the concerns are of an immediate child protection nature, if the MASH receive a poor quality referral and/or parents are unaware the referral has been made, the referral will be returned in order for this to be completed. Where consent in unable to be obtained a clear reason must be provided.                  

If however you are worried or concerned about a child and feel that the child and/or their family/carer would benefit from Early Help Services you can make contact directly with your local IPEH Hub, the contact details are listed here (this will require consent from the parent / carer or child (where able to consent).

6. Online Provider Portal Workshop

  • Are you new to using the Online Provider Portal (OPP)?
  • Have you been using the OPP for a while but have queries on how the OPP works and how best to submit the various data returns required throughout the year? 

If so, this is the web-based workshop for you!

The workshop is open to both FE providers and non-FE Providers and we tailor the session to suit those attending.  There is often time at the end of the session to also sort out individual queries if you have them.

As this is a web-based session, you will need access to a laptop or PC and phone. Unfortunately tablets or smartphones are not currently compatible with our systems. 

We have four sessions currently planned, to coincide with the times that the portal will be open for FE Estimates or Actuals submissions.  Please call the Family Information Service 01243 777807, quoting course code BR017N to book on your preferred session

  • 6 March 2018 10.00am – 12.00pm
  • 12 March 2018 1.30pm – 3.30pm
  • 10 May 2018 1.30pm – 3.30pm
  • 15 May 2018 10.00am – 12.00pm

In the meantime, make www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal your first port of call as this page contains all the guidance you need which also includes an ever growing number of YouTube videos.

7. The Communication Trust launches a new Professional Development video

The Communication Trust have launched a new Professional Development Video: ‘Talking to parents about their child’s speech, language and communication’. The video has been developed in partnership with Afasic to support practitioners working with children and young people with how to raise initial concerns about a child or young person’s speech, language and communication development with their parents.

This video is intended to be used as a professional development resource, to enhance confidence and skills in talking with parents about their child’s speech, language and communication development and skills, with reflection and discussion points throughout.

The video is suitable for anyone working with children and young people across all different phases and is completely free to access.

To access the video please click here.

Latest newsletters

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH)

Stakeholder Newsletter 

SEND newsletter

 January 2018 Newsletter

LSCB newsletter

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                              What's Happening?

14/02/18                       Census Deadline (Midnight) 
14/02/18 - 16/02/18      Portal re-opens for Spring Actuals check 
w/c 26/02/18                 FE and Inclusion Spring Term Payments released

Network Meetings

Feb-Mar               SENCo/INCo Network Meetings

For meeting information, dates and venues  www.westsussex.gov.uk/eytraining

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 5 February 2018 

  • Advance notice: Spring term actuals - Online Provider Portal re-opening for checks (FE Providers Only)
  • Mandatory Early Years Census 2018 – now open
  • Update your Termly Childcare Provider Update form today!
  • Jobs in Childcare
  • Free Entitlement leaflet available
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals
  • Learn, Explore, Debate (LED) Events

Wednesday 31 January 2018

  • Treasury Committee - Childcare Inquiry
  • Early Years Census 2018 – opens 5 February 2018

Special Broadcast Friday 26 January 2018

  •  Important - Online Provider Portal now closed for Planned Maintenance

Wednesday 24 January 2018

  • Spring term Free Entitlement actuals – deadline tomorrow!
  • Your Early Years Census 2018 – advance notice
  • Important - Online Provider Portal Planned Maintenance
  • Early Years and Childcare Business Conference: Bookings now open!!!
  • The Best Start In Life
  • Personal Development Course for Parents

Wednesday 17 January 2018

  • Early Years and Childcare Business Conference
  • Spring term Free Entitlement actuals and 30hr codes
  • Staff Module Unavailable
  • Get it Right and Protect Yourself

Wednesday 10 January 2018

  • Spring term Free Entitlement actuals and 30hr codes (FE providers)
  • Early Years Census advance notice
  • Survey of Childcare/EY providers by DfE 
  • Are any children in your setting due to start school in September 2018?