OCS Weekly Newsletter for May 28th, 2024

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Office of Charter Schools

May 28, 2024

Some upcoming dates of note:

See below for details.

  • May 28, 2024- Annual ESSER Survey Due
  • ELA Standards Writing Team (SWT) application will close on May 31st.
  • End of Year Homeless data due in PowerSchool May 31st.
  • June 7th - Resuming Human Capital Monthly Webinars held by the Office of Licensure and Educator Preparation 
  • June 10th- Entries due for Center for Safer Schools RISE 2024 Student Engagement Contest

Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration Special Announcement

ESSER Survey Deadline Extended 

In response to the data collection burden and concerns expressed yesterday in our joint office hours, we will be extending the deadline for the ESSER survey until noon on Tuesday, May 28th. Due to DPI's required reporting timeline to USED, we will not be able to extend the deadline beyond this date. FAQs from the office hours yesterday will be updated and added to Appendix C in the guidance document by EOD today, May 22nd. If you need support with the survey, please reach out to our dedicated inbox: olr-esser-support@dpi.nc.gov

Additional resources are included below to support you. 

Webinar Recording and Resources Available Now!

Thank you for all who participated in the ESSER Year 4 Survey Webinar yesterday, May 9th from 2-3 PM. If you were unable to attend or if you would like to review the webinar content, we have provided resources from the webinar below. If you have questions about completing the survey, any of your data, etc. please reach out to our dedicated email address olr-esser-support@dpi.nc.gov. We will make all efforts to respond to emails within 2 business days. 

REQUIRED ESSER Survey Now Available! 

Action Required for ALL PSUs [Original Communication Sent on 5/3/24]

All states that received Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (ESSER I), Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act (ESSER II), or the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act (ESSER III) are required to report information to the U.S. Department of Education (USED).

Federal Programs, Office of Learning and Research (OLR), and School Business Services (SBS) have collaborated to create a survey that collects the information required by the USED. This survey will be completed in Qualtrics. To assist PSUs, our teams have created a Year 4 ESSER Survey Guidance Document which contains information about how to complete the survey, survey requirements, a link to the survey, and all questions contained in the survey.

Please do not begin to complete the survey within Qualtrics until your PSU has completed the following:

Charter School Health Services Report and Section Two Survey-Open

The Annual Charter School Health Report link is now open. Reporting must be completed no later than June 20, 2024. The report is designed to assist in identifying resource needs for healthcare of students in charter schools. Responses will be used to inform future training topics and to report on compliance with required legislation and policies such as Care of Students with Diabetes (§ 115C-375.3.) and School Supply of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (§ 115C-375.2A).

A preparation worksheet is provided with the report questions. All schools are encouraged to download the worksheet and mark the appropriate responses before beginning the online report survey. You may click here or below to access the worksheet.  Once you have prepared your responses, save the document to your local computer. This worksheet cannot be accepted as your report. You will use it as a reference tool to enter your information into the online survey system.

Direct link for the worksheet:
Click here for Charter School Health Services Report and Section Two Worksheet with Integrated D & D

Here is the link to the Charter School Health Services Report and Section Two Survey:

Click here to complete the Charter-School Health Services Report and Section Two Survey

Charter Schools Program (CSP) recently published Notices Inviting Applications (NIAs) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Charter Schools Program (CSP) recently published Notices Inviting Applications (NIAs) for four Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program competitions in the Federal Register.


Please read below to learn about each grant opportunity. The competition webpage linked for each CSP program includes information on the pre-application technical assistance webinars, eligibility requirements, and a point of contact for each CSP competition, should you have any questions.


1. The NIA for the Grants to State Entities (State Entity) (ALN 84.282A) competition can be accessed here. Through this competition, the Department plans to award an estimated $46 million for new State Entity grants. The deadline to submit a grant application under this competition is 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Time on June 13, 2024. For more information about this competition, please visit the FY 2024 CSP State Entity Grants Competition webpage.


2. The NIA for the Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants) (ALNs 84.282B and 84.282E) competition can be accessed hereThrough this competition, the Department plans to award an estimated $5 million for new Developer grants. The deadline to submit a grant application under this competition is 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Time on June 24, 2024. For more information about this competition, please visit the FY 2024 CSP Developer Grants Competition webpage.


3. The NIA for the State Charter School Facilities Incentive Grants Program (SFIG Grants) (ALN 84.282D) competition can be accessed hereThrough this competition, the Department plans to award an estimated $30 million for new SFIG grants. The deadline to submit a grant application under this competition is 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Time on July 23, 2024. For more information about this competition, please visit the FY 2024 CSP SFIG Grants Competition webpage.


4. A link to the NIA for the second round of grants in FY 2024 to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants) (ALN 84.282M) competition can be found at the CSP CMO webpageThrough this competition, the Department plans to award an estimated $92 million for new CMO grants. The deadline to submit a grant application under this competition is 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Time on June 27, 2024. The second round of FY 2024 CMO grants will be awarded by September 30, 2024.


The CSP is also seeking peer reviewers for its FY 2024 competitions. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer for any of these FY 2024 CSP competitions, please visit the Call for Peer Reviewers webpage. Serving as a peer reviewer is a great way to gain insight into the federal funding process and use your professional experience, content knowledge, expertise, and judgment to ensure the Department is funding the most qualified grant proposals.

School Business MAY 24TH, 2024

The FBS website continues to be updated with information related to School Business and our ongoing operations. Please check the FBS homepage regularly for updates. Please review the upcoming deadlines for due dates.

FBS Homepage

2023 – 2024 Year End Closing Key Dates– all PSUs

Please see below the FY 2023 – 2024 year end closing key dates, which are also posted to the What's New section of our website. Supporting close out instructions will be posted next week.


Emergency cash requests are not allowed. Please plan accordingly for the Funds Requirement Date (FRD) of 6/28/2024, and adhere to the request dates listed below:

Monday, 6/24/2024

  • The last day to request Federal cash is 6/24/2024 with an FDR of 6/28/2024.

Tuesday, 6/25/2024

  • The last day to request State cash is 6/25/2024 with an FDR of 6/28/2024.


Sunday, 6/30/2024 Prior to midnight, please ensure you complete the following:

  • Submit your UERS data files for all June activity and send to DPI via eMFTS (electronic managed file transfer).

Monday, 7/1/2024 DPI will begin pulling data files on or after 12:01 AM.

  • Your designated contact person MUST be available as early as 7AM and released only once a confirmation notification that your data has been received and verified.


Monday, 7/1/2024 – Wednesday, 7/3/2024 Correction period for June 2024

  • Monday, 7/1/2024, An email blast will be sent to Finance Officers as soon as the correction period opens.
  • Wednesday, 7/3/2024, If you discover issues with data and you need to resend your files, you must notify DPI by 7am.
  • Friday, 7/5/2024 An updated MFR File must be sent on the morning of July 5th to ensure we have captured any and all corrections.


  • Monday, 7/8/2024 Final Cash Zero Out with the reporting period from 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024 will post.


  • DPI needs to receive your Period 13 MFR file no later than August 12th. Your vendors will create the file that transfers to us in the appropriate required UERS format (old COA).

Annual ESSER Survey Extension - All PSUs

Thank you for all who participated in the ESSER Year 4 Survey Office Hours session this week. If you were unable to attend or if you would like to review the content, we have provided a summary from the session below:

DUE DATE CHANGE: DPI is extending the deadline to complete the survey to noon on May 28, 2024.

DPI has updated the guidance document to include a link to a PDF copy of the survey (without guidance) and corrected instructions related to question 6.1 and 6.2.

The FAQ will continue to be updated, and includes questions discussed during this week's office hours session.

Please note we did have to make slight modifications to allow sections to be skipped for some PSUs that did not receive some but not all of the funding sources. Please clear cache/cookies on your web browser to ensure you can see any changes in the survey, and review your answers in Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 prior to submitting your survey.

National Boards (NBPTS) Certification Fee Reimbursement Program Funding

To clarify the allocation for the NBPTS Reimbursements that were allocated this month:

For FY 23-24 and thru Sept 30th, 2024, the funding is in PRC 198 and is funded from ESSER sources. There was an additional $1 million added of ESSER funds added to support the program this spring. Please use PRC 198 for all reimbursements for the funding appropriated. These funds expire on September 30, 2024.

For FY 24-25 and moving forward the State has provided $1million recurring State funding for this effort and codified the program into law (SL 2023-134, Section 7.40). These funds will be allocated beginning in November in STATE PRC 255. That COA and Allotment Policy will be made available in FY 24-25 prior to the allocation of the funding.

The Office of Licensure and Education Preparation (OLEP) prepared the allotment for the ESSER Funding using the two methodologies allowed under the program and to transition their application and model to the new upcoming State funding process. That is the reason behind the separation of the funding notifications since there are two distinct groups receiving the funding. Please follow the appropriate program requirements under those two models. The OLEP can assist your HR and Payroll Staff’s if additional information is needed.

Deadline Reminders






Annual ESSER Survey - Year 4



SBS summer conference hotel rate


End-of-Year Homeless Data Submission

Under the McKinney-Vento Act, all local education agencies (LEAs), including charters, are responsible for the collection and submission of accurate homeless education data. Charters must have their homeless data submitted in PowerSchool by the close of business on May 31, 2024, unless an extension was requested and granted by NCHEP. For more information about homeless data collection visit NCHEP’s Data Collection webpage.

If you have questions, contact Tamika Dawkins.

Charter School Math Standards Focus Group Registration

Math Standards Review/revision Timeline




We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the final OLR ARP Convening. This year's convening serves as a dual-purpose platform: firstly, to celebrate the remarkable achievements of district and charter schools in leveraging ESSER funds and effectively fostering significant strides in education despite the challenges of the pandemic. Secondly, our aim is to equip PSUs with essential knowledge, and resources to sustain the momentum they've built post-pandemic with the aid of ESSER funding. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that every student, irrespective of background, continues to receive the support necessary to thrive academically, and transition successfully into their post-secondary pathway of choice.

There are two options for attendance: Thursday, June 20th or Thursday, June 27th. Please register for the option that works best for you.  Use the form below to register for our summer convening at the SAS Institute in Cary, NC.  Registration is limited this year!

Registration Link:  https://go.ncdpi.gov/ARPSummer

The following adjustments have been made for the 2024 Summer Convening:

  • Each PSU will be able to bring TWO representatives
    • We are limiting registration to two/PSU this year due to limited registration capacity. 
  • Remember to submit only one response per team

RISE 2024 Registration

Registration is open for the 2024 RISE Back to School Safety Summit. The Center for Safer Schools’ signature event will be held from Monday, July 29 to Friday, Aug. 2 at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington.
RISE training focuses on the Resiliency, Information, Support and Empowerment needed when supporting children and adolescents in schools and communities. This training offers a variety of information sessions to participants covering the areas of bullying, suicide, opioid and substance use, critical incidents and other vital information about trauma and victimization among children and adolescents, and how these various dynamics impact school climate and school safety.
New for RISE 2024 is a parent/student component, which will be held (by invitation only) during the last two days of the summit. Training sessions will not be recorded and are closed to the media. However, media representatives are invited to attend on the opening day.
Click here to register. Information on the training schedule is forthcoming. Follow the CFSS on social media for more details as they become available.

Center for Safer Schools RISE 2024 Student Engagement Contest

The Center for Safer Schools Student Engagement Team is holding a contest for K-12 students in North Carolina public school units in conjunction with the 2024 RISE Back to School Safety Summit.
The theme is “Shine a Light on What a Safer School Looks Like.” Creativity is encouraged, as submissions could include videos, songs, poems, skits, speeches and chants.
The contest is divided into three categories: Middle School, High School and Classroom (New Hanover County only).
Two Middle School winners will receive a Chromebook and a trip to RISE 2024 at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington.
Four High School winners (two boys and two girls) will receive a Chromebook and a trip to RISE 2024.
In the Classroom category, each student in the winning New Hanover County classroom will receive a Chromebook.
The deadline for all submissions is Monday, June 10 at 5 p.m. All entries should be emailed to Kaliah.Thompson@dpi.nc.gov.
If you have questions, send an email to cfss@dpi.nc.gov.

ESSER Webinar Recording and Resources Available Now!

Thank you for all who participated in the ESSER Year 4 Survey Webinar May 9th from 2-3 PM. If you were unable to attend or if you would like to review the webinar content, we have provided resources from the webinar below. If you have questions about completing the survey, any of your data, etc. please reach out to our dedicated email address olr-esser-support@dpi.nc.gov. We will make all efforts to respond to emails within 2 business days. 

Human Capital Monthly Webinars held by the Office of Licensure and Educator Preparation 

Hosted by Dr. Tom Tomberlin, Senior Director, Educator Preparation, Licensure, and Performance, NCDPI
June 7
July 16 (Tuesday)
August 5 (Monday)
September 6
October 4
November 8
December 6
Time: 10:30-11:30am
Virtual Link: 
Kim Evans' Personal Room 
 | 619435814 
Join by phone +1-415-655-0003 US 
Toll Access code: 619 435 814
Kim Evans
Educator Preparation Consultant & PEPSC Support
Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure
Division of Educator and Student Advancement
NC Department of Public Instruction
P: (984) 236-2116
M: (240) 498-5111

Home Base Opt-In Tool Update

The Home Base Opt-in Tool was taken offline Friday, May 3rd for an upgrade in preparation of the 2024-2025 Home Base Opt-in Process.  The opt-in tool will not be returned to service until the start of the opt-in process, which is currently scheduled for Friday, May 31st.
Please visit the NCDPI Home Base Opt-in Website for detailed information concerning the Home Base Opt-in Process.  Questions may be directed to home_base@dpi.nc.gov or jennifer.causey@dpi.nc.gov.

Growing Success for MLs Summer Conference in Buncombe County!

The Growing Success for MLs Summer Conference has something for everyone! Spend one day or come for the entire conference! The sessions are sure to offer new insights and promising practices!
First Conference Site: Buncombe County is the place to be from June 25th through June 27th! Pick Your Pathway!
Grow With GLAD—Join the ELD Support Team to deepen your knowledge with Project GLAD Strategies! This session gives you time to create and build your instructional units by weaving in GLAD strategies. Although this course is geared towards those who already understand GLAD and want to dive deeper, we encourage anyone who wants to join us to grow along with us!
SIOP Essentials for Teaching Newcomers - Join the ELD Support Team to learn about the eight components of the SIOP Model with the lens of teaching newcomers or emergent bilinguals. Participants will learn each SIOP component and its features with application opportunities geared towards meeting the needs of our multilingual learners just being introduced to the English language.
Or register for the multi-session option and experience these learning opportunities.
Experts in the Field (offered only in the West)-- Join colleagues from other PSUs for any of these sessions:
  • Frontloading: Building Knowledge and Content Language for MLs and all Students with Tsianina Tovar and Karie Gregory from Buncombe County
  • Planning and Delivering ELD Standards-Based Instruction with ELD Support Team members, Lisa Sibaja and Lannie Simpson
  • Language Domains & Effective Strategies that Impact MLs Success with ELD Support Team members Karen Solis and Lannie Simpson
  • Success Advocates for Secondary MLs with America Moreno Jimenez, Henderson County
  • DIY WIDA Writing Prompts for K-12 with Stephanie Edwards and LuAnne Llewelyn from Surry County and Barbara Ritchie from Wilkes County.
  • Are We Lost in the Sauce? Supporting MLs with Expressive and Interpretive Communication in Mathematics with Sarah Whitfield from Cabarrus County

Opportunities to Network!

  • Chat and Chew with MLs in DL/I Committee: Advocacy and Networking in DL/I
  • Chat and Chew with NCDPI Healthy Schools
  • Make plans to meet at the Food Truck: BBQ on Tuesday and Mexican on Wednesday!
  • Meet for Coffee in the morning at the coffee table!
  • Grab a photo with friends on the photo wall!

The Dates are Set for Multilingual Leadership Meetings for 24-25!

Your insights and contributions are invaluable to our collective efforts to support MLs. Your participation in our quarterly ML Leadership meetings helps steer our program toward greater success. Please hold these dates and times on your calendar for the 24-25 school year.
  • September 23-24, 2024: In-person meeting
  • January 15, 2025: Virtual meeting from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (tentative time)
  • March 26-27, 2025: In-person meeting
  • June 5, 2025: Virtual meeting from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (tentative time)
We will follow up closer to the dates with details regarding the agenda, registration, location(s), and links.

Important free resource: NCDPI K-12 Cybersecurity Program

Toolkit from NCDPI, NC Chamber Foundation Connects Employers with Students

State Board Approves ESSER III Funding for NCVPS Summer Program


The State Board of Education approved $2,000,000 in ESSER III funding for the NCVPS summer school program, making our online courses even more accessible to students across North Carolina. This funding will be shared with each district and charter school based on their 6-12 ADM. We encourage you to take advantage of this incredible opportunity!


To view the ESSER-funded allotments for your district or charter, please consult the Summer 2024 Enrollments Covered by ESSER III Funds spreadsheet. If you need additional seats above your designated allotments, please fill out this survey


Our summer school kicks off on June 25. This remarkable opportunity offers students who might not typically have access to summer classes a chance to excel. Each summer, we witness a diverse range of students participating in our courses for various reasons. We are confident that this initiative will have a profoundly positive impact on your community, and we hope you make the most of it.

NCSBE Rulemaking Information

Below is a link to the website where we post information about SBE Rulemaking. It typically gets updated on the Friday the week after the SBE proposes a rule.

Individuals who would like to stay informed of rulemaking can also join the Interested Parties listserv here: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/NCSBE/subscriber/new. They’ll get an email any time the SBE proposes a rule.

2024 School-Based Mental Health Policy Report

Dear Charter School Contact, 


In accordance with North Carolina SL 2019-245 and SL 2020-7 and with State Board of Education Policy SHLT-003, each K-12 school unit is required to upload a copy of their School Mental Health Improvement Plan and answer questions in the School Mental Health Policy Report.

In the online reporting portal, you will indicate that you are a charter school, and you will be directed to the SMH policy questions. To make it easier for you to assemble your report information prior to going online, a Word version and PDF of the online survey is attached to this email. Please complete the online survey to submit your report.  


The survey platform is setup to allow respondents to leave the survey and resume their progress later, so long as they return on the same browser where they started the survey and do not wait longer than a month to return to the survey. This feature works by placing a cookie on the respondent’s browser that keeps track of the survey progress.


The information needed to complete the SMH progress report will come from your School Mental Health Improvement Plan, which is required to upload and must include the mental health training program and suicide risk referral protocol.  

Please note the deadline to complete the HAC Progress Report / School Mental Health Policy Report is September 15, 2024. 

You can access the reporting portal through the link below.   


2024 Healthy Active Children Policy Progress Report / School-Based Mental Health Policy Report


If you have questions or challenges in completing this online survey, please contact Les Spell at Les.Spell@dpi.nc.gov 

We appreciate the time and energy spent in completing this report and look forward to reading each submission.  

Over 90 Percent of North Carolina Educators Indicate their School is a Good Place to Work and Learn, According to Statewide Working Conditions Survey Results

Important MEMOs:


Office of Charter Schools (OCS) Updates

The Office of Standards will be holding a Math Standards Revision Office Hour scheduled for May 21st for public launch of the 2024 NCSCOS Math Revisions. It is open to all math leads at charter schools
10:00 - 11:00 May 21st
Attention NC educators! Applications are now open for our English Language Arts Standards Writing team. This group will review feedback compiled by the Data Review Committee and create drafts of the new standards during the 24-25 school year. Apply at go.ncdpi.gov/2bdmr . Application deadline is May 31.
May be a graphic of text

Other Resources from DPI and beyond

NCAPCS Conference 2024: Registration and Keynote Speaker

Visit the conference section of our webpage HERE to get more information and register, sponsor or submit a proposal for a breakout session!  It is literally one-stop shopping.  We cannot wait to see you all in the Queen City as we celebrate the charter community's #CrowningAchievements!  

Registration is Still Open Now for NCVPS In-Real-Time Synchronous Program and Live Info Session


In-Real Time (IRT is the synchronous class delivery program for North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS). The program model is a whole-class, middle school course, with required synchronous sessions with a NCVPS teacher. The IRT pilot for 8th-grade core instruction began in the Fall 2023 with selected schools. Course offerings were in 8th Grade ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Currently, these course offerings have now been expanded to the 7th grade for the 2024-2025 academic year as a pilot for this grade level. 


Additionally, IRT will continue to be offered for 8th grade in all core content areas for the 2024-2025 academic year through our catalog. The high school Math 1 course has been added as a course offering for the program. This program is designed to support instruction by providing a certified NCVPS teacher to work alongside a substitute or beginning teacher to provide quality instruction for students. For more information about the program please complete this interest form.


We will be hosting an informational webinar on June 5th at 10 a.m. and June 6th at 2 p.m. To attend, please register for one of the events here: June 5th at 10 a.m. or

June 6th at 2 p.m.

Connect logo.jpg
NCSSM Connect provides NC public high school students the opportunity to take tuition-free, honors-level, and AP NCSSM courses via interactive video conferencing. This format makes it possible for students to take advanced courses in STEM and humanities subjects while remaining at their local home schools. There isn't an application process to take NCSSM Connect classes.
To learn more, visit the review NCSSM Connect Course Schedule and Connect flier. Then, register to attend a personalized overview meeting.

School Counselor Cohort resource

Any school counselors who wish to network may share their information in this form.


You may also view the current list through this link.

Charter School Job Postings 

If you have current teaching/leadership positions open and wish to share them in this newsletter, reach out to Joseph.Letterio@dpi.nc.gov and provide a link to the posting/s. 

Whom Should I Contact at the Office of Charter Schools?

Email: ocs@dpi.nc.gov

Ashley Baquero, Director of NC OCS 

Office of Charter Schools Contacts

Jenna Cook









Accountability; Renewals



Melanie Rackley









Authorizing; New School Applications



Natasha Norins






(984) 236-2702



External Support; RTO/Planning Year



Brandi Gill






984 236-2705



Stakeholder Support, School Improvement, and Risk Assessment


Joseph Letterio M.









Performance Framework, Communications & Data



Julie Whetzel




Authorizing and External Support

Megan Carter









School Improvement, Performance Framework, and Renewals



Nicky Niewinski









School Improvement, SBE/CSRB, and Amendments



Barbara O’Neal









NC ACCESS Program Administrator



Please forward

School leaders, we encourage you to forward this newsletter on to your staff so they can subscribe to DPI bulletins directly through this link. They will enter their email and then it will bring them to another page where they can select “Charter School Comms Contacts” and any other public listserv to sign up for.