We aim to release the first results for Census 2021 data on the population of England and Wales in late Spring 2022, and to publish all other main Census 2021 data within two years of census. Our proposed outputs and analysis release plans are detailed in the link below.
Census 2021 outputs - release plans.
There is still time to register for the webinar we are running on two dates in January. This webinar will preview what users can expect from census products that will form part of phase one of the Census 2021 outputs release schedule.
Dates: 20 and 24 January 2022
introduce each product and the type of data it will contain
share examples of what each product might look like
indicate where or how the product is likely to be published
summarise changes we are making to products, from the feedback we received in the consultation and ongoing user engagement
We will provide time at the end of the webinar for attendees to ask questions.
To book your place on one of these dates, register on Eventbrite.
If you have any questions on the outputs consultation or the webinar, please contact the LA Partnership team at 2021Census.LA.Liaison@ons.gov.uk.
We are aware that having accurate statistics about the number and location of students is a high priority to many local authorities, as it is for the ONS. The Office for Students has recently launched a consultation on the collection of data on students by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). One of the proposals is to cease collection of a number of items (see paragraphs 92-104) including postcode of students’ term-time address (see paragraph 100). The ONS will be responding to the consultation highlighting our concern about this proposal before it closes on February 3rd. We felt it important to share this consultation with LAs – in case you were unaware and wished to respond.
The hugely successful census primary school campaign Let’s Count! is heading back to classrooms across England and Wales for 2022.
It’s free for primary schools to register to take part and access some brand new free resources.
Last year more than 9,000 primary schools took part in the Census 2021 education programme, which reached 2.2m pupils and parents.
Now, with Census 2021 results due out later this spring, we’re running the programme again, to excite children and families alike about census and statistics.
This year’s Let’s Count! will include five new easy-to-use lessons. We’ve designed these lessons to take children on the journey from data collection in 2021 to the published results and statistics in 2022. Each will be available in English and Welsh and are suitable for classroom and remote learning.
We will be encouraging schools to take part in the 2022 Let’s Count! day. We’re also developing a special video lesson delivered by a senior ONS statistician for participating schools.
We’d love to get as many schools involved as possible, so please share the registration link with your local school, friends and family.
Let’s Count! has achieved accreditation from Mathematics in Education and Industry, the National Association for the Teaching of English, and the Geographical Association. It was also the STEM Education Programme of the Year in 2021. With maths and statistics at its core, the programme provides flexible lesson plans and engaging activities for pupils to learn how they can use statistics across many topics.
“By taking part in Let’s Count! last year, school children across England and Wales helped achieve an amazing response to Census 2021,” Deputy National Statistician Pete Benton said.
“We’re running this education programme again so children – the nation’s future doctors, teachers and even statisticians - can continue to learn about the importance of the census and the statistics it produces.
The programme helps pupils learn more about maths, geography and the history of their own local area, while also raising awareness of the census which informs many important things like the number of school places, hospital beds and GP surgeries.”
Free registration for Let’s Count! 2022 opens today, with resources available from March.
Register here: https://letscount.ichild.co.uk
In December, the ONS released population estimates by ethnic group and religion for England and Wales for 2019. The purpose of these estimates is to provide timely estimates of the population between censuses, and as we move away from the 2021 census, to improve understanding of the ethnic and religious diversity in England and Wales. Sarah Coates, the ONS’s topic lead for Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion, has written a blog explaining how these experimental population estimates were produced and highlighting some main points.
You may be aware that the records from the 1921 Census in England and Wales were released on 6 January 2022, just over 100 years after the census was held.
These records give us a fascinating insight into the lives of the 38 million people living in England and Wales after the First World War. The next release of census records will not happen for another 30 years as the 1931 records were destroyed by fire and the 1941 census did not take place because of the Second World War.
Head to The National Archives where you can find out more about the latest release.
In December the ONS announced the appointment of two new Directors General. Michael Keoghan joins as the new Deputy National Statistician for the Economic, Social and Environmental statistics Group (ESEG) and Pete Benton moves to become Deputy National Statistician for Health, Population and Methods (HPaM). Find out a little more about the appointments.
In August 2021, the ONS also announced that it would establish a permanent presence in the North of England by supporting the Darlington Economic Campus project.
The Campus is part of a cross-government move, the Places for Growth scheme, to ensure that policymakers reflect the communities they serve, and that job opportunities are more evenly distributed across the UK.
Response to the ‘Census 2021 outputs: content design and release phase proposals’ consultation – Part one
Pete Benton's blog - providing faster and better estimates of the population
Assessment of compliance with the Code of Practice for Statistics – 2021 Census in England and Wales
Population estimates by output areas, electoral, health and other geographies, England and Wales: mid-2020
Inclusive Data Taskforce report: Leaving no one behind – How can we be more inclusive in our data?
Digital take up of Census 2021
- Issue Thirty - 8 Jul – Outputs consultation, CQS, Census scams, QA reminder, Focus group reminder
- Issue Thirty one - 13 Aug – Keeping you updated, outputs consultation reminder, Population and social statistics, Census unearthed
- Issue Thirty two - 9 Sep – Outputs consultation reminder, webinar international migration
- Issue Thirty three - 21 Sep – 2 weeks left for outputs consultation, census analysis webinar, LA survey
- Issue Thirty four - 18 Oct – Ed Dunn's blog, QA update, Inclusive Data Taskforce Report, Population Estimates Mid-2020
- Issue Thirty five - 17 Nov – QA update, From collecting to publishing - our next steps
- Issue Thirty six - 17 Dec – Outputs consultation & webinar, OSR report, LA evaluation report