We are pleased that the majority of local authorities have committed to help us with our quality assurance process in the New Year. We recently wrote to all CLMs and ACLMs to provide an update on the quality assurance (QA) process.
As a reminder, this new initiative is giving LAs the opportunity to see provisional estimates for their area before they are finalised. We would like you to use your expert knowledge and insight into your area to tell us about things which we might not pick up in our comparisons against other sources, but which you think we should be aware of when quality assuring the estimates. This input from LAs will supplement ONS's own extensive QA.
The next steps will be to write to all local authorities that have signed up, with a non-disclosure agreement for nominated contacts to sign. Ahead of sharing the provisional statistics, we will send guidance about what sort of input we are looking for and practical details about the transfer and secure storage of the information.
If your local authority has not yet registered to take part, and you would now like to be involved, please let us know by getting in touch with us at 2021Census.LA.Liaison@ons.gov.uk . We will need to know names of your nominated contact(s) but that is less urgent.
More than 97% of households in England and Wales completed their questionnaire for Census 2021. Turning that information into statistics that are ready to publish is a big task with many steps. We are working hard through all those steps to make sure the statistics are high quality and represent the whole population, not just those who completed the questionnaire. This means that census data users can trust the statistics when using them as a basis for decisions.
Take a look at our website to see what happens next.
The census website is a live site and will continue to be updated with information about what happens between collecting census information and publishing census statistics.
The Census 2021 outputs consultation closed on 5 October.
In December 2021, we will publish an initial response to the consultation feedback we have received. This will be published on Citizen Space
We will provide more information in the December newsletter.
What happens next? A blog by Ed Dunn (Deputy Director at the ONS and Head of Census Data Transformation Division)
Population estimates by output areas, electoral, health and other geographies, England and Wales: mid-2020
Inclusive Data Taskforce report: Leaving no one behind – How can we be more inclusive in our data?
Digital take up of Census 2021
Issue Thirty - 8 Jul – Outputs consultation, CQS, Census scams, QA reminder, Focus group reminder
Issue Thirty one - 13 Aug – Keeping you updated, outputs consultation reminder, Population and social statistics, Census unearthed
Issue Thirty two - 9 Sep – Outputs consultation reminder, webinar international migration
Issue Thirty three - 21 Sep – 2 weeks left for outputs consultation, census analysis webinar, LA survey
Issue Thirty four - 18 Oct – Ed Dunn's blog, QA update, Inclusive Data Taskforce Report, Population Estimates Mid-2020