Newsletter for Local Authority Partners Issue 22

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Newsletter for Local Authority Partners

Issue 22 | 1 April 2021

Welcome to the latest in a series of newsletters to keep you up to date with Census 2021 developments.

You can get in touch with the LA Partnership Team at 

What's in this issue?

  • Reminder letters and field staff
  • COVID-19 tests for field staff
  • Census scams - please get in touch
  • Response rate RAG maps
  • Social media update and content calendars

Reminder letters and field staff

Second reminder letters have been sent this week and more census field officers have started work. They are out in force following up with households who have not yet completed their census.

As a reminder, census field officers will:

  • carry an ID card with their photograph and name
  • work through the day to make contact with residents but will not call before 09:00 or after 20:00
  • never ask for money or bank details
  • never need to enter someone’s home

Quick links and reminders

There is still time to complete the census 

Contact Us page of website

Comms Toolkit_English.pdf

Comms Toolkit_Welsh.pdf

Student pages

Helping someone who lacks the capacity to answer for themselves

Downloadable resources page 

Check your website signposts your residents to the correct contact centre number and website