Newsletter for Local Authority Partners Issue 14

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Newsletter for Local Authority Partners

Issue 14  |  5 February 2021

Welcome to the first of our new shorter, weekly newsletters keeping you updated with Census 2021 developments.  With only 44 days to go, we hope to provide you with all of the information you need to help us deliver a successful census. 

If you think this bulletin may be of interest to different departments within your local authority, please do forward it. 

What’s in this issue?

  • Formal updates - Census 2021 
  • Jason Zawadski to present at February workshops
  • Rough sleepers
  • Trading Standards and scam prevention
  • Call centres
  • FAQ document for LA front line staff
  • Purple buildings update
  • Professor David Olusoga's lesson for schools

Formal updates - Census 2021

We will be writing formally to all Local Authority Chief Executives by the end of February to update them on all the latest issues around the census. We will ensure copies of that letter will be sent to all ACLMs and CLMs.

February LA workshops – Places are filling fast

Jason Zawadski, Deputy Director Census Collection, will open the workshops with a Census 2021 update.

Places are filling fast for the workshops on the local data collection operation including field roles and census support centres.

Dates: 10 and 24 February.

To sign up for one of these workshops please use this Eventbrite link. The workshops are the same so there is no need to attend both.

Quick links

Register for our February workshops on Eventbrite

Get prepared for Census 2021. Take a look at our website:

Census 2021 website

Check our Census Jobs website and help us to promote census jobs

The census website downloadable resources page now includes a wide range of new promotional resources. 

Resources are available in 20 languages and include posters, postcards, leaflets, brochures, presentations and social media content that you can download to print or share digitally.  

You can contact us at: