OPEN NOW: 2024 NC Charter Applications
The 2024 North Carolina Charter School Application is now open, as of Friday, January 26th at 5 pm Eastern. The 2024 charter application window will close on April 26, 2024, at 5pm Eastern. Applicants who are interested in opening a charter school in 2025 under the accelerated timeline, or in 2026 under the standard timeline must submit their charter applications on or before the April 26, 2024 application close date.
Both the online application and $1,000 application fee must be submitted on or before April 26, 2024 at 5pm Eastern. Applicant boards will be expected to appear in-person for interviews at the Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh, NC that will commence during the monthly meetings of the Charter Schools Review Board meeting beginning September 2024.
For questions about the charter application process, please reach out to
The link to the 2024 NC Charter School application is posted on the NCDPI Charter Schools Application page found here.
School Business February 9, 2024
The FBS website continues to be updated with information related to School Business and our ongoing operations. Please check the FBS homepage regularly for updates. Please review the upcoming deadlines for due dates.
Charter School Average Daily Membership (CSADM) - IPSs Only
Phase I - Submission for FY 2024-2025 ADM Projection due by February 18, 2024
The new legislation removes the cap on the maximum allowable ADM growth for schools that do not have a low performing status. This adds a significant challenge to DPI being able to project charter school growth and ensure sufficient funding from the General Assembly. School Business must rely on the charter schools and it is CRITICAL that School Business Services receives the most accurate planned ADM for the 2024-25 school year. This information will be the basis for our budget request from the General Assembly and will ensure that we have sufficient funding to fund each school's growth.
We have updated the system to capture critical data related to these projections and to meet the new legislation. The system will step you through the process.
All Charter, Regional, and UNC Lab Schools with current year enrollment and new charter schools approved by the State Board of Education to open July 1, 2024 are required to report.
All charter school's Head of School are required to submit between February 8, 2024 – February 18, 2024 the CSADM Phase I – Submission for FY 2024-2025 ADM Projection.
The CSADM Projection System is accessible at the following link:
CSADM website:
We will only accept information submitted by the charter school's Head of School. We have scheduled a webinar for Wednesday, February 14th, at 11:00am to go through the system if you are new to this process. On Friday, the Webex invite will be sent to Directors to get the IPSs registered for that webinar.
If you have questions about the CSADM system and/or submission, please contact or
Scheduled State Allotments (Various PRCs) - All PSUs
The following PRCs are scheduled for allotment in the coming week:
- PRC 036: Charter School Transportation Grant
- PRC 040/ School Safety Grant – Grant Allotments
- PRC 057/ Transportation of Pupils – Stop Arm Cameras
- PRC 120/ LEA Financed Purchase of School Buses – Delivery #13 Allotments
Additional PRCs not listed may also be processed throughout the week.
Please refer to the Allotment Policy Manual on the FBS Website.
For general State and Federal Allotment questions please contact
FY24 Federal PRC Data in BAAS (Various PRC) - All PSUs
At this time, the forward funded flags (installment required flag) are set to be flipped once the Allotments Section has received the final approvals from the Federal Programs and EC areas.
After that has occurred for a PRC, the system will look at the actual (Initial) allotment amounts.
Federal approvals to-date will be processed next week and then their respective flags will be updated appropriately. To-date, PRCs 047, 051, 060, and 109 have been flipped to show actual amounts in BAAS.
As of February 8, 2024, the following PRCs are scheduled for full allotment and flag update by end of next week. This list is subject to change contingent upon PRC approval/status updates received from Federal Programs.
- PRCs: 049, 050, 103, & 108.
Please refer to the Allotment Policy Manual on the FBS Website.
For general State and Federal Allotment questions please contact
From the Office of Transportation
Deadline Extended - Stop Arm Enhancement Grant Funding Application - All PSUs
In SL 2023-134 the NC General Assembly directed non-recurring funds for DPI to establish a grant for Public School Units (PSUs) to acquire and install Enhanced School Bus Stop Arms. Please see the School Business Newsletter from February 2nd for more information.
The application deadline for this grant is being extended to allow districts additional time to gather data and the signatures of Finance staff which are participating in the NCASBO conference.
The new deadline is Thursday, February 15th. In addition, we're providing further application assistance for any PSU via office hours on Monday, February 12, 10:00 AM - Noon.
Office Hours Monday, February 12, 10:00 AM – Noon:
*View prior newsletters online: Newsletters and Guidance | NC DPI.
Spring 2024 NCStar & School Improvement Planning Professional Development
The Office of District & Regional Support within the Division of District & School Support Services is excited to announce the Spring 2024 NCStar & School Improvement Planning Professional Development!
This two-day training will be offered in six different locations across the state during the months of September through November. These sessions will cover content similar to what was shared during the Fall 2023 trainings, such as the continuous improvement pathway, and will offer collaborative work time for each school improvement planning component. Spring 2024 sessions also offer new resources and strategies including tips for implementing recent changes to the 12 Key Indicators.
Day 1: Participants will learn about school improvement using NCStar and how to navigate the platform to assess, create and monitor school-based practices. Participants will also learn about the components of Set Direction in NCStar, including the use of Performance Measures to monitor the progress of school improvement goals.
Day 2: Participants will continue to learn about school improvement using NCStar with a focus on the Continuous Improvement Cycle (Assess, Create, Monitor) to create robust school improvement plans. Participants will also learn about best practices for school improvement teams, including how to run an effective SIT meeting, effective forms of distributive leadership and the critical role that SIT leaders and committees play in moving the school achievement needle forward, and the evaluation of a school’s School Improvement Plan.
To register, please click on this link: Spring 2024 Regional Training - NCStar Registration.
OCR/CRDC - SY2021-2022 - NCDPI Updates and Reminders
Please inform other staff as appropriate. The SY2021-2022 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is due on February 26, 2024.
Note: PSUs that were not open in the school year 2021-2022 are not required to participate in this collection.
Retention Data
It has been brought to our attention that some schools’ retention data may be incorrect in the Federal Submission Tool. NCDPI is conducting a root cause analysis to ensure that retention data is accurate for future collections. Please review and update the RETN section of the CRDC as needed.
CRDC Support
- For CRDC system-related issues, please email CRDC Partner Support Center at
- For questions regarding the NCDPI data upload, please email
- CRDC Coordinators can book an hour-long meeting to ask specific questions about their CRDC. Office hours will be held Tuesday through Thursday from 1pm to 5pm until February 26, 2024. Book time with Terra
NC CRDC Documentation and Webinars
NC-specific documentation is available in the CRDC Canvas course in NC EdCloud. All documents can be accessed from the Quick List of Resources page, including the NC CRDC Course List, CRDC 2021-2022 Collection by Entity, NCDPI Guidance - LEA Form 2021-2022, and NCDPI Guidance - School Form 2021-2022.
NCDPI completed the final SY2021-2022 CRDC webinar on January 17, 2024. To review the presentation and recorded webinar, visit the Quick List of Resources in the CRDC Canvas course.
NC Workgroup for CRDC
The NC Workgroup hosted at the federal level is not functioning as intended. Please refrain from using this optional workgroup. This feature will not be available for future collections.
Please email with any questions you may have.
Want information about the CRDC, but are not the CRDC Coordinator contact? Add your information here: 2122 CRDC – Info Only Contacts List
The NC SECU People Helping People scholarship application is due March 5th
NCSECU Foundation Scholarship SECU Foundation takes an active role in assisting communities across North Carolina because we believe in “People Helping People®.” To support this commitment, the People Helping People scholarship was established to help North Carolina public high school students attend college. A scholarship award of up to $10,000 over four years will be awarded to 10 Charter High School Seniors across the state. The Application Process opened on December 1st. Please share this scholarship opportunity with your high school guidance counselors and deans to promote this scholarship opportunity. Applications will close on March 5th, 2024, with selection interviews starting March 22nd, 2024. All final nominations are due to Dr. Natasha Norins by March 5th via email with PDF attachments from applicants. For further assistance, please contact Dr. Natasha Norins,
NCSBE Rulemaking Information
Below is a link to the website where we post information about SBE Rulemaking. It typically gets updated on the Friday the week after the SBE proposes a rule.
Important MEMOs:
Office of Charter Schools (OCS) Updates
Can You Help A Fellow Charter Leader?
From Michael Luplow, Executive Director of FernLeaf Community Charter School
Susan Mertz, long time Executive Director at Evergreen Community Charter School retired this past June. A couple of months before her well earned retirement she was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and began to deteriorate rapidly. She went from a vibrant and active lifestyle to struggling to walk and talk in a very short period of time. She has found a promising treatment in Miami that has yielded positive results in the last several months but unfortunately it is not covered by insurance and will cost well over $100K. Please consider supporting Susan in her fight against ALS by making a contribution to her GoFundMe campaign.
February 14th, 10AM; OCS Office Hours
For the Love of Charter School Leaders and Educators.
Hear from our inspiring School Leaders in the Office of Innovation, Learning Recovery, and Principal Engagement; NC State Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Andrew Smith, Dr. Erika Shoulders-Royster, and Tabari Wallace, Ed. S join OCS for an hour of inspiration with the goal of lifting up our Charter School Leaders to inspire their own staff and students! Topics such as ESSER funds, teacher recruitment, innovative college and career readiness programs, and school leadership series sponsored by DPI and Truist Trust
 OCS Lunch+Learn
Mark your calendar! Our next quarterly Lunch+Learn is scheduled for February 19 at Pine Springs Preparatory from 11:30 am-1:30 pm. School tours will begin at 10:30 am. The topic of discussion is Navigating Charter School Legislation. Please RSVP HERE.
We look forward to collaborating with you!
Other Resources from DPI and beyond

Please share with your educator friends and colleagues.
We encourage you to pass this information along to anyone who is interested in either attending or presenting at the CSD Annual Fresh Take Conference on
March 1, 2024.
NABSE Conference: Please Share
Superintendents, School Leaders, Administrators, Teachers, Support Staff & Parents
North Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators First Annual Statewide Conference -
March 8-9, 2024
High Expectations for all Students
Frequent Monitoring and Adjusting Instruction
Implementation of Effective Educational Research
Strategies and Best Practices
Positive Belief System for Everyone
Nurturing & Building a Positive School Community
You will receive information on the above items and much more at the conference.
There will be a panel for North Carolina TOY and POY focusing on Effective Teaching and Leadership Strategies, plus a Panel on Educational Equity/System Change with focus on "The State of Our Schools."
Tabari Wallace
Special Advisor to the Superintendent for Principal Engagement NC Department of Public Instruction (984) 236-2313
NCVPS Updates
1. NCVPS Continues Tutoring Program
It is time for yet another upcoming, exciting, and highly beneficial semester of Edvantage Tutoring offered by North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS). As a quick introduction (or reminder) about the program, you may view their infographic for an overview of Edvantage Tutoring.
NCVPS Edvantage Tutoring is offered in the following curriculum areas:
• 7th & 8th Grade ELA • 7th & 8th Grade Math • 7th & 8th Grade Science • 8th Grade Math I • High School Math I • High School Math III • High School Biology
*An asynchronous Writing Lab is offered
*ACT prep sessions are also offered
Tutoring for the Spring begins Monday, January 22, 2024, and will be available Monday-Thursday, 4:00 PM-7:30 PM nightly (through May 23rd). Daytime tutoring is also available per school/district request and may be utilized for students who are in ISS, suspended, homebound, absent, and/or working from home, McKinney-Vento, athletes needing extra support, etc.
2. Earn CEUs with NCVPS Free Professional Development
Each month, NCVPS offers several professional development sessions featuring interactive conversations in our Digital Transition webinars. Sessions feature a wide range of topics and offer CEUs in various disciplines. Sessions are also recorded, archived, and searchable. January sessions include:
“Digital Tools for Core Subject Courses” Presenter: Nancy Hooper. Target Audience: All Are Welcome. CEU Type: Digital Learning. Register for January 30th at 7:00pm
WORLD LANGUAGES: “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Create Escape Rooms for Language Learners” Presenter: Elena Allen. Target Audience: Spanish & World Language Teachers; All Are Welcome. CEU Credit Type: Spanish or Digital Learning. Register for January 31st at 6:30pm
Social Studies Educators,
Recognizing continuities and changes over time is a critical social studies skill students must acquire. So, what are some best practices for teaching Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT)?
Join us in this webinar workshop to find out!
Use the QR Code Below and Register Today!
Michelle McLaughlin
K-12 Social Studies Consultant; U. S. Senate Youth Coordinator Office of Academic Standards NC Department of Public Instruction (W) 984-236-2827
School Counselor Cohort resource
Any school counselors who wish to network may share their information in this form.
You may also view the current list through this link.
Charter School Job Postings
If you have current teaching/leadership positions open and wish to share them in this newsletter, reach out to and provide a link to the posting/s.
Lab School Opportunities
Whom Should I Contact at the Office of Charter Schools?
Please forward
School leaders, we encourage you to forward this newsletter on to your staff so they can subscribe to DPI bulletins directly through this link. They will enter their email and then it will bring them to another page where they can select “Charter School Comms Contacts” and any other public listserv to sign up for.