Professional Development for World Language Educators
Please see the list of upcoming conferences and professional development (PD) below from various organizations that serve multiple World Languages and/or types of programs. Details about registration, discounts, content, etc. are available using the links provided.
Additional PD is listed in chronological order through October 2024 on the K-20 Professional Development page on FLANC's website under the Resources tab.
Online Offerings
Adobe Express Online Seminar Series
Adobe Express is a free tool for anyone in the North Carolina education world. Adobe Express is used for photo design and basic video creation, and can be incorporated into any course to help with planning, design thinking, and portfolio creation. In addition, it is user-friendly and has several generative AI features built into it.
Adobe is going to be offering three training seminars on Thursdays at 4:30 - 5:30 pm that are open to anyone involved in the K–12 space in North Carolina. Please click on the flyer for information about the individual sessions with links to register for the broadcasts on February 15, March 21, and April 18.
Questions can be sent to Eli Hamrick at
Digital Transition Webinar Series
The North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) 2023-2024 Digital Transition Webinar Series for Educators offers new webinar topics throughout the school year based on participant requests, including a monthly World Language focused broadcast. In February, the sessions below will be presented by Sandy Waters, NCVPS American History and African American Studies Instructor, and Lisa Worthington-Groce, NCVPS German Instructor.
Please use the links above to learn more and register for the upcoming broadcasts, which typically earn participants Digital Learning and/or World Language CEU credit.
In-person Offerings
FLANC Spring Conference
Greenville, NC on Saturday, March 2
The Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) is holding its 2024 FLANC Spring Conference at the Greenville Convention Center in Greenville, NC, on Saturday, March 2. There will be dozens of sessions for World Language educators, including teachers and administrators in dual language/immersion (DL/I) programs. Check-in starts at 7:30 am and includes coffee and breakfast snacks. Sessions run from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm with a keynote speaker for the luncheon, as well as information about Project CAFE.
There are also DL/I school site visits available for Friday, March 1, in three different school districts: Edgecombe County Schools, Greene County Schools, and Pitt County Schools.
Details about the conference, such as online registration and DL/I site visit options, are posted on the 2024 FLANC Spring Conference webpage and linked on the flyer in this article.
SCOLT Annual Conference
Atlanta, GA on March 7 - 9
Register by February 14
The Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), the Southeast's professional organization, is hosting its annual spring conference at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday - Saturday, March 7-9, 2024.
Details about the conference, including the schedule and registration rates, are posted on the 2024 SCOLT Conference webpage.
World Languages Pedagogy Workshop: Using Art and Objects to Teach World Languages
Raleigh, NC on Saturday, March 9
The UNC Chapel Hill and Duke Area Studies Centers, in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Museum of Art, present the 2024 World Languages Pedagogy Workshop: Using Art and Objects to Teach World Languages.
RSVP by submitting the online registration form and join us on Saturday, March 9, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm at the NC Museum of Art at 2110 Blue Ridge Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607. Lunch will be provided, and participants will earn a certificate with five contact hours or 0.5 CEUs for participation. This event is a free professional development workshop for K-16 educators and there will be specific breakout sessions for teachers of Arabic, Chinese, *French, German, Latin, and *Spanish.
*Registration is full for French and Spanish sessions, but space is still available in the other language sections.
For those that cannot attend in-person on March 9, there will be an asynchronous option for 0.5 CEUs available later in the spring.
Resources, Grants, and Opportunities
Please see the list of awards, calls, grants, etc. below from various groups that are available to World Language educators, students, programs, and organizations. Details about applications, eligibility, timelines, etc. are available using the links provided.
Additional opportunities are listed in order by deadline through June 2024 on the K-20 Opportunities for Students and Educators page on FLANC's website under the Resources tab.
NCDPI Opportunities
 Governor's School Teaching Positions for Spanish Instructors
Teaching position applications are open for the 2024 session of NC Governor’s School!
Come and work with talented and intellectually engaged high school students in a thriving learning community this summer – without grades! NCDPI is specifically seeking creative, engaging teachers. This is an opportunity to play a role in shaping a life-changing summer for these amazing students.
More information can be found on the employment page of our Governor’s School (GS) Website. Teachers are needed for both Governor’s School campuses, hosted by Greensboro College and Meredith College. Currently, we are seeking instructors for Spanish, English, Math, Science, Area II/Philosophy, and Instrumental Music classes.
Governor’s School will take place June 23 - July 20, with faculty arriving on June 17 to begin orientation. We will be reviewing applications and conducting interviews in the coming weeks. If you have questions regarding any openings, reach out to us at
Draft 2 Survey of the proposed World Language Standards
Due March 4
North Carolina State Board of Education policy specifies that the NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) will formally collect feedback on the draft revised standards from educators, administrators, parents, students, institutions of higher education, business/industry representatives, and other education agencies. The purpose of this survey is to obtain input from educators and stakeholders familiar with the World Languages Standard Course of Study in order to inform revision decisions.
Educator Scholarships
EU in NC Study Tour Applications
Due February 23
The “EU in NC” Study Tours are intensive, development experiences for educators from across North Carolina and the Southeast from the UNC Chapel Hill Center for European Studies (CES). The tours provide K-12, community college, and HBCU/MSI educators with in-depth knowledge of Europe critical for developing lesson plans and finding resources for teaching about contemporary Europe. The tours include meetings, discussions, and interactive sessions with faculty experts and practitioners in the Triangle on contemporary Europe and the European Union (EU). Study tour participants receive certification of one continuing education credit and approximately 10 hours of professional development, provided they complete the post-tour lesson plan/module development.
This year's "EU in NC" tour takes place on April 12 - 13 on UNC Chapel Hill's campus, and online applications need to be submitted by Friday, February 23. Additional details are posted on the EU in NC Study Tours webpage.
CARLA Priority Teacher PD Scholarships
Due March 15
The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota offers the Priority Teacher Professional Development Scholarship program to provide funding for selected teachers to attend a CARLA Summer Institute for no charge. This program is designed to promote equity and access to affordable professional development for K-16 World Language educators in the US who are currently teaching a Less Commonly Taught Language and/or are at a Community College, Historically Black College/University, or postsecondary Minority Serving Institution. Please see the application and selection details on the CARLA Scholarship Opportunities webpage.
Calls for Proposals
Summer Teacher Workshop Proposals
Due February 23
The Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) at Georgia State University in Atlanta offers workshops across a variety of content areas and grade levels to support the needs of language educators everywhere seeking professional development. CULTR is currently seeking in-person workshop proposals for the 2024 Summer Series. Please submit the form online under the 2024 Teacher Workshops tab by Friday, February 23, 2024, to propose a workshop or program you would be interested in teaching or facilitating. Questions can be directed to
FLANC Fall Conference Proposals
Due March 2
The Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) has its call for proposals open through Saturday, March 2, for the 2024 FLANC Fall Conference, which will be held at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem on Saturday - Sunday, October 5 - 6, 2024.
The theme, Cultivating for Tomorrow, is designed to highlight the many ways we nourish and grow our world language learners, their proficiency levels, our world language programs, and our world language teachers for the future.
For proposal submissions, please think about the following:
- How do you cultivate your world language and learners for tomorrow?
- How do you support and grow the world language programs within your community?
- How do you grow a strong professional world language community for the future?
Please use the online submission form to share your ideas for a 3-hour Friday evening workshop, a 50-minute Saturday or Sunday session, or a graduate student research poster. Questions can be sent to Jennifer Solis, 1st Vice President and Program Chair (Fall 2024), at
 The World Language Advancement and Readiness Grants Program (WLARP) is now accepting applications, and the deadline to apply is Friday, March 29, 2024. The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) seeks innovative applications for the establishment, improvement, or expansion of world language programs targeting K-12 students in order to enable successful students, as they progress from elementary school through secondary school, to achieve an advanced level of proficiency in those languages. Additionally, all projects awarded under this funding opportunity must include a professional development component.
Each individual grant award will be a minimum of $500,000 and may be up to a maximum of $2,000,000 for a period of up to five (5) years. For details, please see the WLARP webpage or the DoDEA Evaluation Technical Assistance Center (ETAC) website, where information about the February 29 technical assistance webinar will be shared.
If you would like to learn more about past grants, please see the JNCL-NCLIS press release on the 2023 WLARP grant recipients, which included Wayne County Public Schools in North Carolina.