State Superintendent Message
Uncertain times bring opportunities to overcome obstacles, build resiliency, and drive change. We at the state level are experiencing some of the same local challenges. Thank you for all you do in putting Montana students first in a healthy learning environment.
Please Read: Superintendents Arntzen’s editorial on serving our students through Mental Health Services.
Attendance Guidance - February 2022 Count Date
In the midst of the pandemic upsurge that is causing an increase in school closures, hybrid options, and student absenteeism, the purpose of this guidance is to clarify the spring count for all school districts.
February 7, 2022 – School districts count the students enrolled on that date. Students who are absent but enrolled, in the school district, are eligible to be counted. Any student who has 11 consecutive absences for which districts have no documentation as to why, is dropped and not eligible for the February count.
Districts are reminded that an unforeseen emergency causing district closures that may impact this date will still have a February 7, 2022 count day on which they collect the data. If closure will impact the district’s ability to submit their data, they should contact Barb Quinn, Senior School Finance Manager at 406-444-3429.
CSCT Comprehensive School and Community Treatment
School Districts have the revised Intergovernmental Transfer Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The signed MOU should be returned to the OPI no later than February 11, 2022, in order to be paid for claims. February 11, 2022, is the first payment to districts since the districts have been required to pay the state match for CMS match funding. Districts are encouraged to get the revised MOU approved by their trustees in order to get a 2/3 match for the mental health services the district is offering to some of their students through the Comprehensive Schools and Community Treatment program. Please see the Medicaid portion on our OPI website. For more information, contact Deputy Sharyl Allen at 406-444-5658.
Suicide Prevention and Self-Care for Counselors- Upcoming Webinar
The OPI and the Montana School Counselor Association are excited to team up to support school mental health professionals! School counselors, CSCT staff, school mental health providers, and other youth suicide prevention champions are invited to join us on February 1, 2022, from 3:30-5:00 pm to hear from Dr. Scott Poland: "Youth Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention in Schools and the Importance of Self-Care." Learn more and register here for the webinar.
For more information, please contact Tammy Lysons, Continuing Ed Unit Mgr, Health Enhancement & Safety, at 406-431-2309.
Our OPI experts, Jake Griffith, Krystal Andrews, and Julie Murgel working diligently at the Board of Public Education, presenting Superintendent Arntzen's recommendations regarding Montana Licensing amendments.
Renee Rasmussen appointed to the Board of Public Education
Congratulations to Bainville’s previous Superintendent Rasmussen on her appointment to Montana's Board of Public Education. Renee's years of steadfast commitment to serving rural Montana in education brings strength and energy as we put Montana students first.
Montana Licensing
The Board of Public Education (BPE) adopted the proposed timeline at their November meeting. On January 13th, Dr. Murgel and Crystal Andrews presented Superintendent Arntzen’s recommendations to the Board of Public Education. Chief Legal Counsel Jake Griffith requested approval of the notice of public hearing pertaining to the amendment of ARM Title 10, Chapter 57, Educator Licensure, and authorization of the filing of the notice with the Secretary of State for publication in the Montana Administrative Register. The board unanimously approved. The hearing date was set for February 24, 2022, and all public input needs to be submitted to by April 8, 2022. The process now lives with the BPE through the adoption of the revised rules that will be effective on May 27, 2022.
For more information, please contact Crystal Andrews at 406-444-5658.
ESSA Public Comment
The OPI is asking for public comment on the ESSA Accountability Waiver, based on changes that are needed for Montana's ESSA plan. There are two upcoming webinars to provide input, and written comments can be sent to Read all the details in the Accountability Waiver Public Comment letter.
The OPI 2022 Virtual Job Fair
The Montana headlines mirror national headlines.
Big Sky Country is still the Last Best Place to live and raise a family.
Teacher Candidates are recruited from those seeking employment in Montana! MT Educator Fair advertised nationally and internationally!
District Deadline for Booth Competition: February 24th
DATES: February 26-27 Candidate browse
February 28 - Pre-set Interviews
March 1 - Virtual Fair Live 11:00 am. - 4:30 p.m.
Candidates: FREE
Districts: $89.00 for 1 Booth Member - $10.00 for each additional Member
For more information, please contact Deputy Sharyl Allen at 1-406-444-5658.
Superintendent Arntzen Selects Montana Students for United States Senate Youth Program
After nomination by teachers and principals, Superintendent Elsie Arntzen has selected this year’s remarkable high school students to represent Montana as delegates and alternates in the Senate Youth Delegation. Two Seniors from Gallatin High School, Chase Casey and Melaina Springer, will join Senator Jon Tester and Senator Steve Daines in representing Montana during the 60th annual USSYP Washington Week, to be held March 6 — 9, 2022.
Read more: 2022 USSYP Delegates
For more information, please contact Kristen Bokovoy, USSYP Coordinator, at 406-444-2417.
DPHHS Update
DPHHS will continue to distribute all COVID tests directly to schools. Districts do not need to take any additional steps and can continue ordering from the state as they’ve been instructed.
For more information, please contact Todd Harwell, DPHHS Public Health and Safety Division at or 406- 444-0303.
Robotics Teams Demonstration at the Rotunda
On January 24, Team Fusion 4133, an independent student/mentorship-based robotics team located in Helena, and Redneck Robotics, students based out of the Sun River Valley School, had a robotics demonstration for the Education Interim Committee in the Rotunda at the State Capitol.
Colet Bartow, Senior Manager for Teaching and Learning, is retiring from the Montana Office of Public Instruction on March 4, 2022. Colet joined the OPI as the School Library Specialist in the Content Standards and Instruction division in 2007 after 13 years at Manhattan Public Schools. In December 2016, she was hired as the Content Standards and Instruction Director. In July 2020, she became the Senior Manager for the OPI Teaching and Learning Department, supervising Standards, Instruction and Professional Learning (SIPL), Career Technical and Adult Education (CTAE), and Assessment.Colet will always have a place in our education hearts.
State Graduation Rates
All districts received this data a week ago as a courtesy embargo and all graduation rates are live on GEMS.
Click the links below to see updates from OPI's units.
Achievement in Montana (AIM)
Career, Technical and Adult Education
Coordinated School Health
Educator Licensure
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS)
Indian Education for All
Montana Autism Education Project
School Finance
School Nutrition
Special Education
Standards, Instruction & Professional Learning
Title & Federal Programs
Traffic Education
Transformational Learning & Montana Advanced Opportunity
Questions? Contact:
Dennison Rivera, Communications Director
Brian.O'Leary, Deputy Communications Director
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.