February is CTE Month!
 As a career and technical education (CTE) teacher, you know the importance of preparing students for the workforce — no matter which CTE career cluster or pathway they follow.
But how do you express that importance to your students, school, and community?
That’s where CTE Month comes in!
Every February, students, educators, and administrators raise awareness of CTE programs by celebrating CTE month.
What can I do to celebrate CTE Month?
- Invite a different guest speaker each day (for a week) or once a week whoholds a different career related to CTE.
- Start a service-learning project for your community.
- Encourage the entire CTE department to decorate their doors/classrooms, or digitally on your virtual backgrounds, based on their area/careers.
- Find local college/university connections and opportunities.
- Get together with the CTE department to create a promo video for all CTE programs.
- Focus on a different aspect of CTE each week: Week 1-Schools that offer CTE career programs, Week 2- CTE Clubs, Week 3- CTE Careers, Week 4- All CTE Celebration (Spirit Week).
- Takeover school announcements highlighting different students, clubs, and activities for the month: CTE Student of the week, CTSO of the week, CTE Teacher of the week, etc.
- Plan a CTE (or virtual) Community Fair- Each CTE class can invite someone from their industry to showcase program related careers.
Download the CTE Month logo for use with any print or digital outreach.
Please note, the “CTE Month” or “Career and Technical Education Month” must be followed by the trademark sign (®) the first time it appears in a document or visual presentation.
Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Upcoming Event Schedule
DECA State Conference: Jan. 30 - Feb. 1
BPA State Conference: March 13 - 15
TSA State Conference: March 28 - 29
SkillsUSA State Conference: April 10 - 14
FFA State Conference: March 30 - April 2
HOSA State Conference: April 5 - 6
FCCLA State Conference: March 17 - 18
Montana Teach CTE Day 2022
 Montana Teach CTE Event will be going virtual for 2021-2022 school year. This year any Montana high school student interested in becoming a Career and Technical Education teacher can sign up to receive their "Teacher in a Box". Space is limited to the first 50 students who register.
Students will receive their box in early February. Along with some educational materials there will also be items from Montana State University's Department of Agriculture and Technology Education, University of Montana-Western's Business Education Department, and Montana State University- Northern's College of Technical Science.
Stock Market Game Registration Open for Spring Competition
The Montana Council on Economic Education (MCEE) is excited to announce registration is now open for teams for the Spring 2022 Stock Market Game. The Spring 2022 Stock Market Game will run from February 7 to April 15, 2022.
Glacier Bancorp and their family of Montana Banks will once again sponsor all team fees, ($15/team) for all teams with two (2) or more students enrolled, maximum size is five (5) students per team.
Glacier Bancorp will also provide prize money to the top 5 winning teams again this semester. Join MCEE in congratulating the top finishers from Fall 2021:
- Corvallis High School - Teacher Joel Loran
- Belgrade High School - Teacher Rodger Enochson
- Skyview High School - Teacher Kurt Wohler
- Bozeman High School - Teacher Abbey Wesche
- Whitehall High School - Teacher BJ Robertson
You can learn more and register teams on the Stock Market Game website.
The Stock Market Game is an excellent classroom resource to teach the fundamentals of investing in the Stock Market. The simulation provides student teams a $100,000 portfolio to apply in the real market by purchasing stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The program can apply current events, macro-economic influences, and personal preferences of consumer brands in an engaging way.
When students connect the news with their investment positions while competing in real time against their class and other schools, don't be surprised they are logging-in without you asking. Buy low and sell high, have fun while learning, and maybe be rewarded with cash prizes.
The Stock Market Game software is provided by SIFMA and shared nationally with other state councils. The program is intuitive and provides excellent teacher resources with videos and other learning tools making it an easy to implement program to introduce to your school.
For questions regarding the Stock Market Game or other MCEE programming, please contact Dax Schieffer, MCEE Executive Director, at mcee@montana.edu.
Sprint 2022 Big Sky Biz Sim Registration is Open New & Improved Online Format
The Spring 2022 registration is now open for the Big Sky Biz Sim. The Montana Council on Economic Education (MCEE) is pleased to launch the Big Sky Biz Sim by First Interstate Bank. This is an in-class business simulation where students make all of the operating decisions for their business to produce, sell and distribute widgets.
The decision inputs are then matched against other teams competing across Montana until the end of eight quarters, (weeks in the simulation). The spring semester program will run from February 2, 2022 (first input due February 9) to April 13, 2022.
Please register your teams by January 31.
New this year MCEE will offer additional resources for teacher and student success. The resources have been revised and additional support videos developed. In addition, the software is now available online that can better coach and keep the students on the right track for their decision making.
Advance registration is required, there is no cost per team as the fees have been generously covered by First Interstate Bank Foundation.
Learn more about the Big Sky Biz Sim by First Interstate Bank on the MCEE website or register with this form.
Congratulations to the Fall 2021 Winning Teams
First Place: Sidney High School - Teacher Russel Biniek Second Place: Heritage Christian, Bozeman - Teacher Wayne Tofslie Third Place: Melstone High School – Teacher Tamaira Wacker
Industry Winners Included: Helena High School (Samantha Humphrey), Columbus High School (Susan Deming), Glacier High School (Josh Munro), Three Forks Schools (Jessica Oehmcke), Twin Bridges High School (Jody Sandru), Skyview High School (Kurt Wohler), and Bozeman High School (Tanner Curey).
CS Across the Curriculum Summit—February 12, 2022
Computer science can enhance learning of all subject areas. At the virtual CS Across the Curriculum Summit, teachers will explore ways to integrate computer science into all subjects and grade levels. The CS Across the Curriculum Summit will be held Wednesday, February 12 from 9:00-2:00 pm (MST). The summit is tailored for teachers who teach any subject in grades K-12 or are already a computer science teacher, with pathways in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, Social Studies/History and Visual/Performing Arts, and other subjects.
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) works hard to price events low enough so that all interested teachers are able to participate. The summit registration fees cover the costs associated with hosting the summit, including the technology platforms that we use. There are a limited number of scholarships available to support K-12 teachers for whom the registration costs are a barrier. If you’d like to help fund these opportunities for teachers, please contact daniel.rosenstein@csteachers.org.
To apply for a scholarship, you will need a CSTA membership. You can sign up for a membership for free here.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.