Teacher Learning Hub News
A Super Bowl of Facilitated Offerings!
Great educators train hard! Their job is often grueling, and they are expected to be at the top of their game for every play! Our team at the Teacher Learning Hub is here to help you achieve your goals with professional-worthy courses offered at no cost to you! Enrollment opens February 13, 2022, for the following courses, and the renewal units and run dates are listed at the end of each course title:
Champion Your Professional Development!
Take charge of your ongoing professional development and choose courses that are most beneficial to your needs! Challenge yourself and enroll in courses that nurture and enhance your professional growth. Would anyone want to go to a doctor who didn't stay on top of the latest innovations in medicine? Or an accountant or lawyer who didn't stay on top of current laws? Most likely not! Be that cutting-edge teacher who is always striving to do the best for all students in the classroom! Check out these self-paced opportunities:
Heartfelt Education Comes from Educators who Put Their Heart into It!
Valentine's Day is such a big event for students! It's kind of a big event for a lot of people! It's such a grand day to show you care for friends, for family, for your students, and your colleagues!! Here is our Valentine to you, Montana educators! (By Teacher Linda, at Global School Networks):
Every day you greet your students with a smile upon your face.
Though paperwork the night before seemed like a grueling race.
Money's not your motivation, it's the love for what you do.
You hear that special calling to which you always will stay true.
Your students are your dedication, devotion is to them.
To you each child's unique and special, a beautiful little gem.
Some days are just demanding and frustration takes its course.
Then you see those little faces, their inspiration is your force.
Each day you're in your classroom reminds you why you're there.
Making differences in children's lives with whom your heart you share.
There's a special pride in teachers and a love for what you do.
And appreciation’s always shared between those little lives and you!
Helpful Hub Tip of the Month: Have you decided not to take a course that you signed up for? No problem! Please just unenroll yourself from the course— particularly if it is a facilitated course with limited enrollment. This will make room for someone else who is really hoping to take the course.
Wishing Everyone the Gift of Good Health!
Visit us at the link above to set up an account and sign up for courses.
Course List | Catalog | Calendar
Questions? Contact Allyson Briese or Marti Paugh
opilearninghub@mt.gov | 406.444.3557
Date: March 3, 2022
Time: 3:30 to 4:30pm
Where: Zoom meeting
Cross-curricular integration creates meaningful and life-like learning, as well as makes teaching more efficient and enjoyable. The OPI content standards specialists, with the assistance of the Montana Small School Alliance members, created the Associations Framework that integrates standards’ skills, practices, and anchor standards with six learning competencies.
Please join us when we share Montana’s new integration document, the Associations Framework, that is now available in the IMS Global CASE Network.
Join us to learn about our review process and resources that meet rigorous criteria for the ARP-ESSER funding. The OPI's Content Standards & Instruction team has completed reviewing vendor responses to a Request for Information regarding evidence-based curricular materials. Five vendors responded with information regarding how their supplemental digital programs, computer-based programs, and/or curricular materials meet ESSA Tiers of Evidence and Student Data Privacy to enrich and deepen K-12 students' conceptual understanding of English language arts, mathematics, and/or science.
Keep updated with Science Opportunities!
Grant opportunities, professional learning, challenges and competitions are all available and updated weekly on the OPI Science Page. The page will soon get a face lift so that items will be easily located. Keep watch and find that something wonderful for you and your classroom!
Get on the NSTA monthly eBlast list serve! Montana Science Matters!
You don’t need to join NSTA, this is all free (in fact, it may have some benefits down the line). So please take a minute and……..
1. Go to the NSTA site and:
2. If you have an account, login and skip to step 9
3. Click “Join” in the top right 4. Scroll down and click “Create a Free NSTA User Account”
5. Click “Continue and Complete Your Profile to Get Started”
6. Enter your Name, Email and Password, click “Continue”
7. Complete the form, click “Continue”
8. Select your Areas on Interest, click “Get Started”
9. In the top right click “Menu” and then “My Account”
10. Click “Manage Subscriptions”
11. Select the Montana Science Matters Listserve you want to subscribe to, click “Save”
Questions for our Science Instructional Coordinator?
Contact Michelle McCarthy | mmccarthy5@mt.gov or 406.444.3537
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.