State School Funding Payments
The January State School Funding Payments for FY 2022 were posted at the following link: State School Payments
The January 26, 2022, payments include: Direct State Aid, Direct State Aid Tuition Reimbursement, Quality Educator Component, At Risk Component, Indian Education for All, Student Achievement Gap, Data for Achievement, and Special Education.
The FY 2022 February payment is scheduled for February 23, 2022.
If you have questions regarding the payments, please contact Mari Haefka at (406) 444-9852.
Additional Support Payments to Schools (HB630)
The 2021 Legislature, through HB 630, amended the statute to suspend the funding of enrollment increases through the Anticipated Enrollment increase (20-9-314, MCA) and Unanticipated Enrollment Increase (20-9-166, MCA) processes. However, the legislature provided for additional payments to schools for enrollment increases during FY2022 & FY2023. Please follow these links to review the Guidance and preview the FINAL payment chart.
If questions please contact: Paul Taylor, Financial Specialist, 406-444-1257.
Spring Count for Student ANB
In the midst of the pandemic upsurge that is causing an increase in school closures, hybrid options, and student absenteeism, the purpose of this guidance is to clarify the spring count for all school districts.
February 7, 2022 - School districts count the students enrolled on that date. Students who are absent but enrolled in the school district are eligible to be counted. Any student who has 11 consecutive absences for which districts have no documentation as to why, are dropped and not eligible for the February count.
The official fall count day is Monday, February 7, 2022. You may import data once your data is entered in AIM (Infinite Campus), however you will not be able to submit to the OPI prior to February 8. You may import as many times as necessary before submitting your final data. Student Count for ANB Reports must be submitted to the MAEFAIRS system no later than February 11, 2022.
Questions: For ANB questions or to correct submitted data, please contacct:
Nicole Thuotte, Financial Specialist, 4066-444-4524 or Barbara Quinn, School Finance Senior Manager, 406-444-3429.
ESSA Reporting
General Information
The Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school-based expenditure reporting. This guidance is designed to help districts comply with statewide uniformity to fulfill the federal requirements created in 34 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) § 200.35. District compliance is essential for Federal compliance. The federal law requires all districts report expenditures by SC, regardless of enrollment, number of school buildings, or location.
The OPI has limited authority to make changes in district’s financial records after the Trustees’ Financial Summary (TFS) report has been approved by the Board of Trustees and County Superintendent of Schools. All expenditures, including mandatory ESSA entries are the responsibility of the district. The allowable circumstances in which the OPI can make changes to the TFS are prescribed in ARM 10.10.504.
All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) report per-pupil expenditure data at the school or LEA level, including allocations of district wide expenditures to the school level. Expenditures are disaggregated by the source of (revenues) funds (state, local and federal). School level expenditure reporting is submitted to the OPI in MAEFAIRS, which publishes the information in the Montana Report Card as mandated by ESSA reporting requirements.
LEs with only one designated SC will automatically have expenditures allocated to that SC. An exception applies for expenditures in the School Food Service Fund (12), Miscellaneous Programs Fund (15) and the Interlocal Agreement Fund (82) when the district is designated the Prime Agency.
Please contact your software vendor for guidance on setting up school codes in your accounting system. This is a very important step and the OPI is encouraging school districts to work with their software vendors. The MAEFAIRS corrective validations prevent submission of TFS/Budgets not in full compliance.
The following software vendors have provided their contact information:
Black Mountain Software
Please contact support@blackmountainsoftware.com or call the support line
at 1-800-353-8829.
C and C Accounting
Please contact David Bardwell at 877-318-0837 or help@candcschoolaccounting.com.
Tyler Technologies/ Infinite Visions
Enter a ticket online through the support portal at https://www.tylertech.com/client-support/Infinite-Visions-support# [tylertech.com] and you will be contacted by the support department, or call the support line at 888.654.3293.
Pupil Transportation
FY 2022 Semester 1 Transportation Reimbursement Claims
By February 15th school districts must electronically enter and submit Bus Route Reimbursement Claims (TR6) and Individual Contract Reimbursement Claims (TR5) in the Pupil Transportation System.
School districts will receive state and county transportation reimbursement based on actual days for all routes operated for transporting eligible riders from home to school. (20-10-145, MCA).
NOTE: If school districts experienced unplanned school closures, or routes were not run anytime within the semester, districts may not claim for reimbursement for those days.
Individual transportation contract claims will be reimbursed for each day of school attendance for the student and for actual miles transported.
Once the school district has submitted reimbursement claims, a signed copy by the board chair must be sent to the county superintendent.
By February 22nd county superintendents must review and electronically approve the TR-5 and TR-6 claims for the first semester.
The state transportation reimbursements for first semester will be made with the March 2022 payment.
Upon receipt of electronic state payment notice, the county superintendent orders the disbursement of county reimbursement for first semester transportation based on state reimbursement.
If you have questions or require assistance entering and submitting the first semester transportation reimbursement claims, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 422-0320.
2021 Montana School Bus Standards
The Board of Public Education has adopted the amendments to ARM 10.64.301 pertaining to the Montana School Bus Requirements.
The 2021 Montana School Bus Standards implement the new laws improving school bus safety which were passed by the 2021 Montana Legislature.
61-8-351, MCA Now requires the use of an extended stop arm that partially obstructs the roadway and equipped with additional flashing red lights as specified 61-9-402, MCA, and requiring a school district trustees to approve each bus stop that requires a student to cross the roadway.
61-9-402 and 20-10-111, MCA Now authorizes the use of four or more flashing red lights on school buses, and placement of flashing red lights.
Other general updates to the 2021 Montana School Bus Standards have been implemented for purposes of providing additional safety procedures and guidelines.
If you have questions, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 422-0320.
Spring Count for Student ANB
The official fall count day is Monday, February 7, 2022. You may import data once Aggregate Hours are entered in AIM (Infinite Campus), however you will not be able to submit to OPI prior to February 8. You may import as many times as necessary before submitting your final data. Student Count for ANB reports must be submitted to the MAEFAIRS system no later than February 11, 2022.
Questions: For ANB questions or to correct submitted data, please contact: Nicole Thuotte, Financial Specialist, 406-444-4524.
School Elections
Upcoming Election Deadlines:
- Thursday, December 9 through Thursday, March 24 – Trustee candidates file for election
- Tuesday, February 22 – Deadline for trustees to call for an election
- Friday, February 25 – Deadline to file resolution for school election with county election administrator (within 3 days of passage of election resolution)
- Friday, March 4 – Deadline to file for mail ballot election with the Secretary of State
The OPI, in coordination with MASBO, will again be conducting bi-weekly check-in meetings during the election season, starting with a demonstration of the electronic voter interface devices by Election Systems & Software (ES&S) on January 28:
- January 28 – ES&S Demonstration
- February 11 – Preparing for an Election
- February 25 – Mail Ballot Plans
- March 11 – General Q & A
- March 25 – Ballot Certification; Late Registration
- April 8 – Election Notices; Early Voting
- April 22 – Preparing for Election Day
- May 6 – Election Wrap Up
The Zoom link will be available on the MASBO website closer to the January 28 webinar date.
Questions: For ANB questions or to correct submitted data, please contact: Nicole Thuotte, Financial Specialist, 406-444-4524.
Impact Aid
The US Department of Education has opened the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS) for FY 2023 applications. Applications not submitted by January 31, 2022 are subject to a 10% late payment penalty. Amendments to submitted applications may be made through June 30, 2022.
Data sheets to assist with the completion of the application may be found here: Impact Aid
Questions: For Impact Aid questions please contact: Nicole Thuotte, Financial Specialist, 406-444-4524.
FY2023 Indirect Cost Rate Applications Available Districts that plan to charge indirect costs (e.g., general administration, accounting services, and personnel services) to FY2023 federal and state grant awards using an indirect cost rate must complete an indirect cost rate application form. Application for an indirect cost rate does not increase the amount of the grant award.
For compatibility with the e-grants system the closing date for applying for an Indirect Cost Rate is April 30.
The U.S. Department of Education renewed our indirect cost agreement effective for FY2021. Consequently, some aspects of the indirect calculation have changed with this application round:
- School Systems enrolling greater than 2,600 students must redirect costs associated with business manager salary and benefits to direct and unallowable.
- Indirect Cost Rates will be awarded per school system rather than by LE.
- The use of a carry forward calculation has been eliminated. The calculation has been replaced with a five-year rolling average with a 5% discount.
Indirect Cost Rate Application and resources for FY2023 are available on the OPI website.
Please review the instructions and additional documentation for more details.
If you reclassify costs to adjust the indirect cost rate, please read the Indirect Cost Rate Instructions prior to reclassification of costs for an adjusted rate. A reclassification calculator is available for aiding in the determination of an adjusted indirect cost rate.
If you have questions or need assistance viewing the files, please contact: Debbie Casey, Technology Support Coordinator, 406-444-3096.
If you have questions about how to complete the indirect cost rate application, please contact: Barbara Quinn, Financial Manager, 406-444-3249.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.