Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 20 July 2016

1. Summer term Free Entitlement – Online Provider Portal re-opens for pre-payment check (7-9 June)

Thank you for submitting your Free Entitlement (FE) actuals, Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF) claims for Summer.

The Online Provider Portal (OPP) is now re-open for you to log back in and check your claims are correct prior to payments. This is your final opportunity to rectify any errors before payment is released. The deadline for this check is Friday 9 June.

Please check the following:

·         All children no longer claiming FE with you have been deleted. If not, please request delete.

·         No children with zero hours left on your headcount.

·         All eligible children are present and correct, including their personal details.

·         All children have the correct number of hours per week and weeks attended in the term listed.

·         All EYPP information is present and correct.

·         If DAF has been confirmed, payment will show as an adjustment.

Important: If you have submitted a Post-Headcount/Exceptional Payment Request, these will be processed in due course, please do not submit again via the OPP.

Payment is due for release at any point during the week commencing 26 June. Please note it may take 3-5 working days for the payment to appear in your account. This may therefore be the following week.

If you have any queries please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk


2. Important Messages for Parents plus 30 hours Promotional Materials

This week we will be sending out Extended Free Entitlement (30 Hours Free Childcare) promotional items for settings to promote the scheme to parents. Each Free Entitlement setting will be able to access the following items from their local Children and Family Centre:

·         30 Hours Postcards x 50 each for Setting (Day Nursery/Pre-School Playgroup) (10 for Childminders)

·         30 Hours and Tax-Free Childcare flyers x 30 for each Setting (10 for Chilminders)

·         A4 30 Hours poster x 1 for each FE provider

To find your local Children and Family Centre search www.westsussex.gov.uk/cfc. Please contact your local Children and Family Centre before arriving to collect your allocation.

Each of the 30 Hours and Tax-Free Childcare flyers should be inserted into the FIS FE leaflet. If you require more FE leaflets or more allocation of 30 Hours promotional items, please contact free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk specifying how many you require.

Please remember to encourage eligible parents to apply as soon as possible. Only applications approved by HMRC before 31 August 2017, if the child is also age appropriate, will start receiving Extended Free Entitlement at the beginning of the Autumn term. If parents (who would be eligible from Autumn term) apply after this date they will not receive funding until January 2018 (Spring term). 

3. Update your profile form today!

Did you know…?

Update, even if you’re full!

·         Please submit an updated profile form on the Online Provider Portal for this term. For support to update your vacancies, see page 14 in the online guidance.

Reasons you should submit: it benefits your business!

·         When new businesses or housing developments are proposed in your local area we use your profile and vacancy information to help identify if new early years provision is required. New settings may open unnecessarily if your information is out of date and wrong.

·         Your information helps families find suitable childcare for their children across the county.

·         Free advertisement on our website which has received, on average, just under 10,000 hits a month.

It benefits families:

·         Families call us for help to find childcare that meets their individual needs.

·         One of the biggest complaints the FIS receives from parents is that setting vacancy information is wrong. It wastes their time and is frustrating for parents when searching for childcare. Our information is only as good as the information you can give us.

·         They use our website to find childcare. The details you provide help them to make informed decisions on which providers to contact.

You should provide at least a termly update:

·         Update, even if you’re full. Updating is about more than just free advertising. Out of date information can directly affect your business.

·         If you have not updated your details in the last year we remove you from our public list. This is to prevent a breach to the data protection policy, which you agree to when submitting your profile update.

The new Early Education and Childcare statutory guidance (March 2017) requires local authorities to update setting information at least once a term.

4.  IPEH Stakeholder Newsletter

Click here. 

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

WC 19/06/17           INCO/SENCO Network Meetings (Course Code SI001N)

21/06/17                 FE autumn term estimates open

WC 26/06/17           FE summer actuals payments due to settings this week

WC 1/07/17            Business and Welfare Network Meetings (Course Code BR018N)

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below. 

Wednesday 31 May 2017

  • Inclusion Funding – Summer Term Claims
  • Person Centred Planning (PCP)
  • Child Safety Week 5-11 June

    Wednesday 24 May 2017

    • 30 hours Extended Entitlement: process for claiming 
    • Last chance for FREE 30 hours courses
    • Focus on: Delivering Differently
    • FAB Summer Conference 2017
    • Practitioner email addresses required for course bookings

    Wednesday 17 May 2017

    • Final reminder – deadline to submit your summer term actuals is 19 May 2017
    • 30 hours Extended Entitlement: process for claiming
    • Contacting us with Free Entitlement Queries
    • Foundation Stage Transition Events
    • Southampton Early Years and Childcare Conference 2017
    • Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH) Update

    Wednesday 10 May 2017

    • Missing any child records? (FE Providers only)
    • Are you ready to submit your summer term FE, EYPP and DAF claims? (FE Providers only)
    • DfE Operational Guidance: Tips for settings and parents.
    • Consultation for the Early Years Educator Level 3 Apprenticeship standards – Have your say
    • Training Courses for Childminders
    • Person Centred Planning Pack available online