Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 17th May 2017

1. Final reminder – deadline to submit your summer term actuals is 19 May 2017

This is a final reminder that the deadline for Summer Term Free Entitlement (FE) actuals claims is end of this week. Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF) claims must be submitted at the same time as your FE actuals data. 

It is important to read the “Free Entitlement – additional information for providers” on www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsfreeentitlement and follow the updated guidance entitled “How to claim child-level funding” available here before submitting any information.

The updated guidance now includes how to claim DAF for eligible 3 and 4 year olds. (For further information about the DAF please refer to the Broadcast sent on 26 April 2017.)

Headcount day: Thursday 11 May 2017.

The deadline for return of your FE actuals data is Friday 19 May 2017.  

If you have any queries please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

2. 30 hours Extended Entitlement: process for claiming

September 2017 is fast approaching and some settings have already been handed eligibility codes from parents looking for extended entitlement places.

We are working hard to get to you a quick ‘What To Do Guide’ during this interim implementation phase of the 30 hours extended entitlement funding. This will come out next week via the broadcast.

I’ve got questions – what should I do?

  • Read all the broadcasts as things are rapidly changing and updates of what to do and how to do it will all be via the broadcast.
  • Email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

Attend your local network meetings as an invaluable opportunity to discuss queries with your peers and an EYCA.

3. Contacting us with Free Entitlement Queries

If you have a query regarding Free Entitlement, please contact us in the following ways:

Please do not contact individuals by their email addresses as this slows down the time it takes to respond to you as not all team members work full time, or they may be on leave when you email them.  This is especially important at the moment as our colleague Mark Wrein is currently working for another department and so is unable to deal with your messages.

4. Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH) Update

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the launch of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH) which includes the service formerly known as Early Childhood Service (ECS).

The vision is to bring services together with a more co-ordinated, joined up approach to providing support across a range of ages in West Sussex. By working together, we can deliver a stronger, seamless service for our children, young people and families.

Activities and staff in the IPEH services have a ‘whole family’ approach to support, ranging from pre-birth to 19 years old (and up to 25 years old) with families having one main contact when they need additional support. The aim of the IPEH is to ensure that we give children the best start in life, through improving services for children, young people and their families. By combining services, we want to make it more efficient for families to get the help they need.

The service is in six geographical areas or ‘Hubs’ supported by a small, centrally based team. Building on the established work of ECS including the Family Information Service (FIS), the Early Years Advisory team, the Family Support Networks and includes venues and locations such as ‘Find It Out' shops for young people and existing Children and Family Centres. This enables the right kind of support to be delivered locally by a mix of skilled professionals and volunteers across a range of disciplines.

Contact Details

Hubs have absorbed the work of Children and Family Centres and Family Support Networks. For now, the contact details of FIS, the Early Years Advisers and the Children and Family Centres will remain the same to keep things working smoothly. Further details will be made available on the WSCC website shortly. The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) contact details also remain the same.

Key Senior Managers

5. Foundation Stage Transition Events

Transition Events are currently underway across the county and feedback from those attending is really positive. 

“Brilliantly organised and an efficient way to share information.”

“ In just 3 events over 450 children were discussed.”

If you have not been able to attend an event, the documentation used is available on the WSCC website to support your own Transition arrangements.

6. Southampton Early Years and Childcare Conference 2017

The Southampton Early Years and Childcare Team are delighted to bring you the 2017 Early Years & Childcare Conference – Inclusion begins with ‘I’.

This conference will consider many aspects of care, education and provision that impact on a child, their unique situation and their ability to participate and learn. You will explore the needs and experiences of children and the roles of professionals, parents and carers in supporting all children to make a positive contribution, progress in their learning and achieve positive outcomes in the future. You will attend three workshops throughout the day, all of which focus on inclusion.

Conference Information:

Saturday 7 October 2017

9:00am – 4:30pm

Oasis Academy Lord’s Hill

Romsey Road


SO16 8FA

Costs: £100 per person.

See attached for workshop details and booking form. Alternatively, please visit: Southampton Information Directory, search ‘Early Years Conference’ or contact the Early Years and Childcare Team: eyconference@southampton.gov.uk


Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?
19/05/17             FE Summer Term Actuals Deadline
26/05/17             NM003N Early Years Learning and Development Network - Broadfield

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below. 

Wednesday 10 May 2017

  • Missing any child records? (FE Providers only)
  • Are you ready to submit your summer term FE, EYPP and DAF claims? (FE Providers only)
  • DfE Operational Guidance: Tips for settings and parents.
  • Consultation for the Early Years Educator Level 3 Apprenticeship standards – Have your say
  • Training Courses for Childminders
  • Person Centred Planning Pack available online

Wednesday 3 May 2017

  • Online Provider Portal open for Free Entitlement Summer term actuals, EYPP and DAF claims (FE provider only)
  • Training Subscription Scheme now open
  • Training this month
  • DfE Early Years Entitlement - Operational Guidance 
  • The sun has got his hat on!

Wednesday 26 April 2017

  • Free Entitlement summer term actuals now open
  • Disability Access Fund – Early Years
  • Childcare providers working with WSCC to design the right tools for the job
  • Highest number of childcare providers accessing business training and tools!
  • Ofsted myth busting document

Wednesday 19 April 2017

  • Summer term Estimate payments and Provider Declaration 2016-17 extension 
  • Summer Term Free Entitlement actuals claims - advance notice
  • Childcare Choices
  • Reminder: Online Provider Portal Account Usage Survey
  • ICAN’S Chatterbox Challenge

Wednesday 11 April 2017

  • Summer term Estimate payments and Provider declaration 2016-17 extension
  • 30 Hours Childcare Business Toolkit: live and available now! 
  • Department for Education (DfE) offers childminder start-up grants for 30 hours
  • New Rates for National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage
  • Nurseries share 'Awards for All' funding
  • School partnerships with Childminders and Childminder agencies – forming effective partnership models