Please see latest SEN updates bulletin below...
 Please see updated versions below of the Early Years Panel notification form and the Early Years Panel information for parents and carers. These are now separate documents.
You can also view these on the Local Offer website.
 Children and young people who are showing signs of neuro-developmental needs can now access a new tool which can help identify what support a child or young person may need.
The Neurodiversity (ND) Profiling Tool assesses nine developmental strands of a child or young person aged 0-19. This includes speech and language, energy levels, attention skills, emotion regulation, sensory levels, flexibility and adaptability, and empathy.
The Neurodiversity Team are asking you to join multi-agency training to learn about the new profiling tool so that you can complete this profile with parents. This training is being delivered in person throughout the 2023 academic year.
Portsmouth's Neurodiversity Team (0-19) consists of family support workers, child and adolescent clinicians, an educational psychologist, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and service lead.
 This term's SENCo Network Cluster is being delivered on Tuesday 21 March, 10.00am - 12.00pm Live on Microsoft Teams.
 Nasen have received additional funding for two more Meeting the Needs of Every Child webinars. Click the links below to book your place.
The 2 hour webinar will cover the following:
- Responsibilities of a PVI setting towards children with SEND
- The role of the SENCO and the key person
- The importance of the early identification of SEND
- What effective inclusive practice looks like in a PVI setting
- How to develop positive relationships with parents of children with SEND
- Nasen’s DfE funded early years resources to support you in meeting the needs of all children in your setting
Who would benefit from this training?
- Early Years practitioners in PVI settings
- Childminders
- New SENCOs
- NQTs in mainstream reception/nursery classes
- TAs working in EYFS