Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)
Agency Links to Oregon Administrative Rules
HB 2370 requires agencies that maintain webpages with agency rules to display those webpage links on the Oregon Transparency website. You can also download the Administrative Rules listing from data.oregon.gov.
 Revenue Resources
A variety of revenue sources fund the operation of our state government.
The state budget allocates all revenue resources including General Fund, Lottery, Federal, and Other Funds that pay for public services. The budget may also authorize debt financing for projects and activities.
Multiple Reporting Data
The revenue report shows the total General Fund, Other Funds, Lottery Funds, and Federal Fund revenues, projected to be available to agencies during the biennium. View the Report
Oregon's Budget Process
Agency Request Budget: Agencies start the budget early in even-numbered years to develop their Agency Request Budget.
Governor's Recommended Budget: The Governor and the Chief Financial Officer review the budget requests. They use the Governor’s priorities, budget policies, and current law to make budget decisions. The Governor’s Recommended Budget document summarizes those decisions.
Legislatively Adopted Budget: Once the Governor's Recommended Budget is received, legislative committees review the proposed budget. They hold public hearings to request feedback from each agency and the public. The Legislature votes on each budget bill. The budget bills that are enacted into law make up the Legislatively Adopted Budget.
Budget Resources and Links
Oregon Lottery Funds
Lottery dollars play a vital role helping support thousands of projects across the state and in every one of Oregon’s 36 counties. Today, almost 26% of Lottery funds are allocated for job creation and economic growth, assisting a variety of Oregon’s industries. Read the Report
 Transparency Bytes
Award-winning Portland produced stop-motion feature film directly impacted the Film Industry and Oregon's stop-motion animation legacy. This internationally celebrated film spent nearly $46 million in production in the state.

There are currently 76 enterprise zones in the state of Oregon that create better opportunities for business and employment across Oregon.

Opening state government to everyone. The transparency program created an open resource where Oregon taxpayers can easily access the details on how the state is spending their tax dollars and what performance results are achieved for those expenditures.
 Stay Healthy and Stay Safe.