Oregon State Workforce & Salaries
State workforce, position creation, compensation and funding are always in the forefront of budget discussions.
In this month's Transparency Bulletin, we will explore more about how state positions are created, sourced, budgeted and utilized.
Chief Human Resources Office (CHRO)
The Chief Human Resources Office (CHRO) purpose is to provide direction and services to promote a stable and qualified workforce in Oregon state government, while reflecting the state's values of accountability, equity, excellence and integrity.
- Classification and compensation
- HR policy
- Executive recruitments
- Labor Relations and workforce development
- Service agreement level HR needs, operations and systems
State Position Creation, Budget and Processes
How are state positions created, budgeted and used?
Position types, budget, total position counts, approval processes and related details can be found in this Budget Information Report.
Workforce Authority & Management
Under the law, some agencies have authority to manage their workforce independent of DAS administrative rules, policies, and human resources reporting systems.
Examples include Oregon Lottery, Oregon Judicial Department, the Oregon University System, and Oregon's semi-independent boards and commissions.
State Employee Salary Reports
Additional Resources
There is a wide range of state workforce resources including:
 Transparency Bytes
The state budget is a tool used to carry out state law and policy decisions.

Department of Administrative Services procurement services, Oregon cooperative procurement program, OregonBuys procurement services and outside contracts.

When you play Lottery games like Scratch-its, Keno, and Powerball, your dollars find their way to projects across every county in Oregon. Learn More

Learn how the state manages, utilizes and shares data assets on behalf of Oregonians.

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