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 Business & Economic Development
 Cultivating partnerships and pursuing opportunities.
Business development is the process and strategy of identifying and implementing product and service growth opportunities between organizations, through relationships and partnerships.
The Business Oregon Commission oversees agency business development activities to ensure a coherent, integrated approach to economic development and policy direction.
The following agencies and programs support the state's business development initiatives.
Oregon's Enterprise Zones create better opportunities for business and employment across Oregon. Sponsored by city, port, county, or tribal governments, an enterprise zone typically serves as a focal point for local development efforts. There are currently 76 enterprise zones.
Oregon Lottery dollars play a vital role helping support thousands of projects across the state and in every one of Oregon’s 36 counties. Lottery dollars fund economic growth, education, state parks, and other important services.
 Transparency Bytes
Explore statewide Community Colleges, Universities, independent/private institutions and related reports.

State workforce, position creation, compensation and funding are always in the forefront of budget discussions.

The state budget is a tool used to carry out state law and policy decisions.

Learn how the state manages, utilizes and shares data assets on behalf of Oregonians.
Stay Healthy and Stay Safe.