The personal, physical, and environmental benefits of walking can lead to healthier, quieter, cleaner, and safer streets. Walking can also improve local economies and enhance social and community engagement, which can lead to more vibrant, resilient, and livable spaces.
Unfortunately, in 2020 there were 6,516 pedestrians killed in the United States. That is 18 pedestrians a day and 125 pedestrians a week. On average, a pedestrian was killed every 81 minutes and injured every 10 minutes in traffic crashes in 2020.
Ohio reported 2,287 Pedestrian-related crashes in 2020
167 of those crashes were fatal
Franklin County (Columbus) reported the most pedestrian crashes - 430
In 2020, most pedestrian crashes in Ohio occurred in January - 259
Click here to get the 2022 Pedestrian Safety campaign materials. Please use these materials to increase awareness about how we can combat pedestrian crashes in our communities.
On behalf of the NHTSA team, thanks for your proactive support in pedestrian safety.
October is also a time to get out and explore your community with events like WALK TO SCHOOL DAY scheduled for October 12th.
On October 5, the National Transportation Safety Board will present “Advancing Pedestrian Safety Through a Safe System Approach,” a roundtable moderated by NTSB Member Tom Chapman. In this roundtable, we will discuss the state of pedestrian safety; planning for a Safe System; and ideas for improving pedestrian safety through inclusive road infrastructure, vehicle design and safety technology, and the policy changes needed to implement a proactive, integrative, and shared responsibility approach to safety. We will also learn how the city of Hoboken, New Jersey, population about 60,000 people, achieved zero road fatalities.
Click HERE to view the agenda and register for this FREE webinar.
Ohio Governor Learns About Efforts to Promote Traffic Safety
On September 25th, Gov. Mike DeWine was supporting First Lady Fran DeWine as she promoted Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio at the Cincinnati Reds game.
The Governor stopped by the Hamilton County Safe Communities table, as they engaged families on child passenger safety, seat belts and pedestrian safety. Gov. DeWine got some first hand education on promoting traffic safety to the public.
Thank You to Sharon Garry from Hamilton County Safe Communities for sharing these photos!
Teen Driver Safety Week: October 16-22, 2022
This week, and every week, parents should have conversations with their teens about the important rules they need to follow to stay safe behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.
These rules address the greatest dangers for teen drivers:
distracted driving (including texting while driving)
impaired driving (alcohol and drugs)
inconsistent or no seat belt use
number of passengers
Even if you think they aren't listening, they are. Remember, set the rules before they hit the road.
Click here and get your campaign materials now from NHTSA.
COMBATING ALCOHOL AND DRUG - IMPAIRED DRIVING (IIHS), to view this video click here.
TRAFFIC SAFETY CASE LAW UPDATE FOR 2020 - to view this video click here.
OHIO INTOXILYZER 8000 FOR PROSECUTORS - to view click here.
Stay tuned to future issues of TrafficWise as new videos are released.
*The following webinars are approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credit hours for prosecutors* You must virtually attend the live webinar for CLE credit. Please email your bar number to Holly Reese ( at the conclusion of the webinar to have it submitted to the Supreme Court.
Title: DUI Report Writing: Best Practices for Completing the DUI Alcohol/Drug Influence Report
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Time: 2p-3:30p Eastern
Presenter: Vin Petty, Florida TSRP
Description: This session will provide an in-depth discussion of techniques and tips to improve the documentation of all aspects of a DUI Investigation. This presentation is taught from a prosecutor's perspective and is designed to assist the law enforcement officer in improving his or her DUI Reports, so that a prosecutor can better use them to succeed in court. It will also serve as a way for prosecutors to better understand what needs to be included in a DUI Report so that they can work to better educate the law enforcement officers that they deal with. A variety of DUI Reports submitted from various agencies in actual DUI Prosecutions -- both good and bad examples -- will be discussed and serve as examples of how to better prepare and use the DUI Alcohol/Drug Influence Report in DUI cases.
There is no charge to attend this webinar, but you must register in advance. Click here for complete information and registration information.
Title: DUI Cases and the HIPAA Myth
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Time: 2p-3:30p Eastern
Presenter: Vin Petty, Florida TSRP, Ken Stecker, Michigan TSRP
Description: This presentation will cover the basic legal principles behind the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA. The presentation will also cover specific principles relating to criminal law and the built-in exceptions for law enforcement and prosecutors conducting investigations into criminal matters, such as DUI Cases. Lastly, the presentation will cover methods in jurisdictions to work more closely with hospitals. Attendees will learn methods to find hospital personnel to keep the lines of communication open on legal matters to better investigate DUI cases. Attendees will receive example forms that they can use to better navigate the legal roadblocks to obtaining protected health information when investigating DUI cases.
There is no charge to attend this webinar, but you must register in advance. Click here for complete information and registration information.
Title: Forensic Toxicology in DUI Cases: Bringing Out the Nerd in You
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Time: 2p-3:30p Eastern
Presenter: Amy Miles, Director of Forensic Toxicology, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, UW School of Medicine and Public Health; National Resource Toxicologist
Description: You have received the toxicology report back from your laboratory for your DUI case. Listed on the report are drugs that you know are not the active parent, but you observed impairment. Now what? What did the subject ingest? What drugs are there as a result of the body's metabolism? Your lab is always a great resource, yet there is some preliminary information you can learn to help navigate the report before you must write an email or make a call to the lab. This presentation will discuss the differences between active drugs, their metabolites as well as various precursors and derivatives so that one can better understand and handle drug DUI cases using several examples of specific cases.
There is no charge to attend this webinar, but you must register in advance. Click here for complete information and registration information.
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) provides officers with general knowledge related to drug impaired driving and to promote the use of Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes.
The ARIDE program stresses the importance of the signs and symptoms of the seven drug categories. Officers attending this course will receive an update/refresher of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs) and must successfully pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. This training also promotes interaction with representatives from the state's prosecution community who are encouraged to attend. The instructors for this course are all Ohio DRE certified instructors.
October 31 - November 1 - Lancaster
December 5-6 - Richfield
Prerequisite: Law enforcement officers must have had training in SFST (previously ADAP). This course is funded through an OTSO/NHTSA grant and is free for sworn Ohio law enforcement officers and prosecutors only. Tuition for out-of-state officers is $250.
To view the upcoming classes and to register, click here.
Drug Recognition Expert Program
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program is a traffic safety program that focuses on the detection, apprehension and adjudication of drug-impaired drivers.
A DRE is a law enforcement officer highly trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than or in addition to alcohol.
For more information, upcoming training dates and how to apply for this free training, please view the DRE Application, School Information and upcoming classes by clicking here.
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
REMEMBER the OTSO offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including impaired driving, restraint usage, distracted driving, speeding and motorcycles. Utilizing the numerous materials found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness YOU can help save lives. The order form can be found by clicking here.