Early Years and Childcare Broadcast

Early Years and Childcare Broadcast header

With you, with the child. Every step of the way.

Weekly broadcast for Early Years and Childcare settings from the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service.

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Wednesday 5 June 2019

Publication of the revised Ofsted Inspection framework

Ofsted have recently published their new inspection framework and handbook which will be used from September 2019. The guidance for inspecting safeguarding has been updated to reflect the changes to the inspection framework. The revised documents can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/ofsteds-inspection-of-early-years-providers.

West Sussex have booked some training to support you in preparing for the changes. Information about “Getting Ready for the New Ofsted Framework” courses is available on the Learning and Development Gateway at: www.westsussexcpd.co.uk and in the West Sussex Early Years Training Programme newsletter below.

Inclusion Funding

We have been reviewing the processes for inclusion funding applications and reviews in order to make sure that we make the process as effective and efficient as possible. Our aim is to ensure that we allocate funding to children with emerging SEND needs accessing their Free Entitlement in West Sussex, in accordance with the statutory guidance.

Changes will come into effect from September 2019.

Revised information, guidance and forms will be available on the website at: www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsgoodpractice.

Attachment: Inclusion Funding Update.pdf

Revised Early Years Foundation Stage - Consultation

A new early years coalition has launched a survey for practitioners and leaders. The group of early years organisations have come together to to ensure a strong and unified voice from the sector as the Department for Education (DfE) works on changes to the early years curriculum, ahead of a consultation on the proposals later this year. The coalition members include Early Education, the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), PACEY and the Early Years Alliance, who have designed the survey to gauge the sector’s views in advance of the Government consultation. The group wants to hear about practitioners' experience of the current EYFS across the sector, including what helps, what makes it more difficult, and what should change. The responses will be used to put together a report to inform decision-making by ministers and officials about possible changes to the EYFS. You can take part in the survey here.

Transition Events – Please provide your feedback

We hope you all found the Transition Events beneficial to support the children transitioning to school in September.

We have had some great feedback already but we’d really appreciate it if you would spend a little time further completing a survey to help indentify any feedback you would like to share with us. We would like to hear your views, even if you did not attend, so we can understand the reasons why.

Your feedback will be used to help plan the events for the children who will transition to school in September 2020.

Please follow this link to complete the survey. This should take on average 10 minutes to complete.

Latest newsletters

(click on the icons below to view newsletters)


West Sussex Early Years Training Programme Newsletter

Updated 05 June 2019

New course: Getting Ready for the New Ofsted Framework courses


Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter

Updated 28 May 2019


SEND Newsletter

SEND Newsletter

Updated April 2019



SCB Newsletter

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Board Newsletter

Updated April 2019

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                 What's happening?
19/06/19           Free Entitlement Estimates for Autumn 2019 open
w/c 24/06/19     Free Entitlement Actuals payment - Summer 2019
w/c 01/07/19     Inclusion Payments - Summer 2019

Previously on the weekly broadcast

Wednesday 29 May

  • Are you ready for Pyjamarama?

Wednesday 22 May

  • Free Entitlement Summer term Actuals claims
  • Have your say SEND and Inclusion Strategy
  • New resource from Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust

Wednesday 15 May

  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – reminder
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) – consent for eligibility checking
  • Early Years Planning and Review Meetings
  • Update your Termly Childcare Provider Update form today!

Wednesday 8 May

  • Anxiety in Autism
  • Early Years Information Evening - Reminder
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Early Years Education with Early Years Teacher Status
  • Helicopter Stories

Wednesday 01 May 

  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – reminder
  • Disability Access Fund – Summer term claims
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Summer term claims - open