Early Years and Childcare Broadcast

Early Years and Childcare Broadcast header

With you, with the child. Every step of the way.

Weekly broadcast for Early Years and Childcare settings from the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service.

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Wednesday 15 May 2019

Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – reminder

A reminder that the Online Provider Portal (OPP) is open for Summer term Free Entitlement (FE) actuals claims.

Please ensure you check and submit your claims correctly by following the updated Actuals guidance available at: www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal and viewing the ‘Provider portal – help and guidance’ document.

Headcount day: Thursday 9 May 2019.

Final deadline for return: Friday 24 May 2019.

Please note, the OPP will not be re-opening after this deadline, and we will be unable to process any late claims for children who are in attendance during Headcount week.

For further information please refer to the broadcast sent on 1 May 2019.

If you have any queries please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) – consent for eligibility checking

Did you know? In order for a child’s Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) eligibility to be checked, the Online Provider Portal (OPP) requires you to tick a consent box under the ‘Parent/Carer details’ section of the funding claim.

Please note, if a parent/carer has completed and signed the Parent Declaration form, they have given you consent to provide their details for the purpose of checking eligibility for EYPP. In addition, parent/carers should have been shown a copy of the Privacy Notice prior to signing the Parent Declaration form. The Privacy Notice explains how data is used and shared with the Local Authority, and covers providing parent/carer information for the purpose of claiming EYPP.

The Privacy notice can be found under ‘Additional scheme documents’ at www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsfreeentitlement.

(Remember, EYPP claims must be submitted at the same time as your Free Entitlement actuals data. Please follow the updated Actuals help and guidance document available at www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal)

If you have any queries please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

Early Years Planning and Review Meetings

Please read the attached information outlining some changes to the timescales for referring children to EYPARM.

Attachment: Update on EYPARM for Early Years Providers.pdf

Update your Termly Childcare Provider Update form today!

Now is the perfect time for you to update your vacancies via the Termly Childcare Provider Update form on the Online Provider Portal (OPP) – even if you’re full. Reasons you should submit includes:

It benefits your business:

  • When new businesses or housing developments are proposed in your local area we use your profile and vacancy information to help identify if new early years provision is required. New settings may open unnecessarily if your information is out of date and wrong.
  • Your information helps families find suitable childcare for their children across the county.
  • Free advertisement on our website.

It benefits families:

  • Families call us for help to find childcare that meets their individual needs.
  • One of the biggest complaints the FIS receives from parents is that setting vacancy information is wrong. It wastes their time and is frustrating for parents when searching for childcare. Our information is only as good as the information you provide.
  • They use our website to find childcare. The details you provide help them to make informed decisions on which providers to contact.

You should provide at least a termly update:

  • Update, even if you’re full. Updating is about more than just free advertising. Out of date information can directly affect your business.
  • If you have not updated your details in the last year we remove you from our public list. This is to prevent a breach to the data protection policy, which you agree to when submitting your profile update.
  • The Early Education and Childcare statutory guidance (March 2017) requires local authorities to update setting information at least once a term.

For support to update your vacancies, see page 8 in the online guidance.

Latest newsletters


West Sussex Early Years Training Programme Newsletter

Updated 15 May 2019


Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter

Updated 30 April 2019

SEND Newsletter

SEND Newsletter

Updated April 2019

SCB Newsletter

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Board Newsletter

Updated April 2019

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                 What's happening?
WC 20/05/19     Transition Events      Enter item here
24/05/19           FE Summer Term 
19/06/19           FE Autumn Estimates Open

Previously on the weekly broadcast

Wednesday 8 May

  • Anxiety in Autism
  • Early Years Information Evening - Reminder
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Early Years Education with Early Years Teacher Status
  • Helicopter Stories

Wednesday 01 May 

  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – reminder
  • Disability Access Fund – Summer term claims
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Summer term claims - open

Wednesday 24 April

  • Summer Term Free Entitlement Actuals
  • Early Years Transition Events – Bookings closing
  • Early Years Information Evening

Wednesday 17 April

  • Free Entitlement Summer Term Estimate payments
  • Early Years Transition Events bookings
  • Sleep Well eLearning – now available