Early Years and Childcare Broadcast

Early Years and Childcare Broadcast header

With you, with the child. Every step of the way.

Weekly broadcast for Early Years and Childcare settings from the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service.

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Wednesday 8 May 2019

Anxiety in Autism

West Sussex County Council in collaboration with the Autism Research Group at City, University of London have created an Anxiety in Autism guide which pulls together the latest research and practice for improving emotional wellbeing in children with Autism.

Dr Sebastian Gaigg of the Autism Research Group at City, University of London said: “Research is beginning to tell us what the likely causes are of anxiety in Autism, and the experience of schools highlights many strategies that can be effective in supporting the emotional wellbeing of children.

“The aim of our guide is to help parents, teachers and other professionals better understand why certain strategies are often effective in helping children manage their emotions, why the same strategies might not always work, and what other strategies might be explored. Ultimately we want to help professionals make informed decisions on how best to support individual children.”

You can download a copy here.

Early Years Information Evening - Reminder

The University of Chichester are holding two Early Years Information Evenings for those interested in progression and learning more to further enhance children’s experiences and gain a higher qualification.

The first session is tomorrow, Thursday 9 May 2019 at the Academic Building, Room 1.01, Bishop Otter Campus, College Lane, Chichester. PO19 6PE. Book your place here https://bit.ly/2TKjOHq

Full details of the Information Evenings can be found in Wednesday 24 April Early Years and Childcare Broadcast.

Attachment: Early Years Info Evening Poster Mar 19_web.pdf

Postgraduate Certificate in Early Years Education with Early Years Teacher Status

Would you like to achieve Early Years Teacher Status with an Ofsted Outstanding Early Years Initial Teacher Training provider in the South of England? Would you also like to achieve a Postgraduate Certificate in Early Years Education with the potential to progress onto further Masters level study? If so, then do contact  the University of Brighton and who would love to tell you all about their programme and how they can support you in your professional development in Early Years.

With an alumni of over 350 trainees they have an excellent network of Early Years professionals who continue to enjoy CPD opportunities organised by our EY department post-training. If you are interested in becoming a confident and reflective Early Years teacher, with a genuine passion for making a difference in children’s lives and supporting their families then they would love to hear from you. Further information on their course can be found on their website.

In addition, they also have a Train to Teach open evening at the Falmer Campus (Checkland Building) on Wednesday 15 May 2019, from 4.30pm to 7.30pm so please do come along if you would like to find out more


Helicopter Stories

Join Bognor Regis Nursery School to find out how you can use the Helicopter Story approach in your setting to support your children in developing their creativity, confidence, language and literacy skills. As a certified Centre of Excellence for Helicopter Stories they are offering training on Thursday 13 June, Thursday 17 October and Thursday 28 November. Book your place now with Bognor Regis Nursery School to find out how this exciting child centred approach can support learning and development in your setting.

Please note this is not part of the WSCC Early Years Training Programme.

Attachment: Bognor Regis Nursery School Helicopter Story training June Oct Nov.docx

Latest newsletters


West Sussex Early Years Training Programme Newsletter

Updated 8 May 2019


Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter

Updated 30 April 2019

SEND Newsletter

SEND Newsletter

Updated April 2019

SCB Newsletter

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Board Newsletter

Updated April 2019

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                 What's happening?
09/05/19           Headcount day
WC 20/05/19     Transition Events
24/05/19           FE Summer Term Actuals deadline

Previously on the weekly broadcast

Wednesday 01 May 

  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – reminder
  • Disability Access Fund – Summer term claims
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Summer term claims - open

Wednesday 24 April

  • Summer Term Free Entitlement Actuals
  • Early Years Transition Events – Bookings closing
  • Early Years Information Evening

Wednesday 17 April

  • Free Entitlement Summer Term Estimate payments
  • Early Years Transition Events bookings
  • Sleep Well eLearning – now available

Wednesday 10 April

  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals