Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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20 December 2017

1. Consultation on proposed changes to the eligibility criteria for Free Entitlement for 2 year olds 

The Department for Education are consulting on proposed changes to the eligibility criteria for the Free Entitlement for two year olds in light of the introduction of Universal Credit. The proposal will mean that more two year olds will become eligible to receive the two year old Free Entitlement from April 2018.

Click here to read more and to give your views: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/views-sought-on-early-years-education-for-disadvantaged-children

Closing date: 15 January 2018

2. Free Entitlement Spring Term Estimate payments

Thank you for submitting your Spring term Estimate claims.  For all submissions that met the deadline and there are no outstanding queries, payments have now been made. Payment should reach your account within three to five working days of the payment date (15 December ‘17).

You can log back on to the Online Provider Portal to view your payment summary, please refer to the Estimate Help guide here for step by step guidance on how to do this.

Please note that we will request your actuals data in January and further details will be in the January Setting broadcast.

If you have any questions, please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk or phone the Family Information Service on 01243 777807.

3. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccination

Measles is in the news again with serious outbreaks in Wales and England. As such, we are asking for your support to raise awareness of the importance of children receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine. Please find more information in the attached letter.

Furthermore, Public Health England (PHE) is encouraging anyone travelling to Romania, Italy and Germany this Christmas to ensure they’re up to date with their MMR jab. See more information here.  

Attachments: Letter

4. Reaching Families Winter 2018 Workshops

Reaching Families are running a variety of workshops throughout Winter 2018, aimed at Parents and Carers of Children and Young People with additional needs and/or disabilities. Please promote these opportunities to any of your families who may find these of interest. More information can be found here.

5. Emergency Heater Referral Scheme

The West Sussex Affordable Energy group are running emergency heater schemes for residents across the county who do not have any working heating systems. More information about the scheme along with links to the referral forms can be found here:  http://www.westsussexenergy.co.uk/refer

6. Last Broadcast for 2017

Please note:  This is the last broadcast for 2017. The next one will be sent on Wednesday 3 January 2018. In the meantime we hope you have a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year from all of us within Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help.

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Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

31/12/17              Parents need to confirm their eligibility for 30 hours by today for the Spring                             Term

18/1/2018            FE Spring Headcount Day

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 13 December 2017

  • Free Entitlement Spring Term Estimates
  • Spring Term Training Courses
  • Adverse Weather Closures
  • Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
  • Bold Beginnings

 Wednesday 6 December 2017

  • Are parents you work with having difficulty reconfirming for Extended Free Entitlement with HMRC?
  • Call for Free Entitlement (FE) Parent Testimonials
  • When is a toy not a toy?

Wednesday 29 November 2017

  • 30 Hours Delivery Support Fund
  • New ‘Discover…Free Entitlement’ leaflet available
  • HMRC update: reconfirming 30 hours eligibility 
  • Health Protection Guidance in schools and other childcare facilities

Wednesday 22 November 2017

  • Online Provider Portal – Planned Maintenance
  • Early Years and Childcare Business Conference. Save the Date. Saturday 17 March 2018
  • Potential Scam - Safety Guide Services
  • Eat Better, Start Better