ECS Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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1. Free Entitlement Spring Term Estimates – Deadline today

A final reminder that the Online Provider Portal (OPP) is open for you to submit Spring term estimates for Free Entitlement 2, 3 and 4 Year Olds.

The deadline to submit your estimates is midnight 13 December 2017. You must have submitted your estimate claims through the OPP by this deadline in order to receive 70% of funding in advance of the Spring term.

For further information on how to claim Extended Free Entitlement, please refer to the previous broadcast dated 6 December 2017 and follow the guidance available here.

Please do not submit your actual data at this time. If you do, this information will be overwritten and lost. We only require estimate information at present and we will request your actuals data in due course.

If you have any questions, please email or phone the Family Information Service on 01243 777807.

2. Spring Term Training Courses

Spring Term 2018 training course bookings open on Monday 18 December.

The courses will be available at  

You will need to join the Early Childhood Service Training Subscription Scheme to access training and you will be able to pay and join online at:  

You can book a course either online or by phone.

You can book a place for a course online using the Online Provider Portal (OPP) –

You can book a place by phoning the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 on weekdays, between 8am and 6pm.

You will need to have your Training Subscription number, course code, course date, venue and the practitioner’s name and postcode ready before you call.

Once your booking has been made, we will send you an email within 2 days to confirm your booking. 

3. Adverse Weather Closures

With the recent snowy and icy weather that has visited many parts of the country the past week, it is a timely reminder of how to contact us if your setting needs to close due to adverse weather conditions.

For each day the setting is closed ring 01243 642104 (from 7.30am) to be added to the website or you can email

Please note as the list is created afresh each day, if you do not ring/email on any day you will not be included on the ‘Closed’ list.

Please remind parents to look at the list on from 7.45am. This will save you having to ring round/field calls from parents each day.

4. Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

The latest Childcare Sufficiency Assessment has now been published here.

This document sets out the policies and principles of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of childcare places for 0-14 year olds (or up to 18 for disabled children) to meet statutory requirements for working parents.

There is a section for each district and borough which includes an area overview of childcare sufficiency, as well as information on new housing developments and area priorities.

5. Bold Beginnings

Ofsted has recently published a report on the reception year. Bold Beginnings looks at practice, provision and the curriculum of the reception year.

This report looks at the Reception curriculum in successful schools and how well it prepared 4 and 5 year olds for the rest of their education and beyond.

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Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

13/12/17              Free Entitlement Estimate Deadline
18/12/17              FE Estimates due to be paid this week
31/12/17              Parents need to confirm their eligibility for 30 hours by today for the Spring                             Term

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 6 December 2017

  • Are parents you work with having difficulty reconfirming for Extended Free Entitlement with HMRC?
  • Call for Free Entitlement (FE) Parent Testimonials
  • When is a toy not a toy?

Wednesday 29 November 2017

  • 30 Hours Delivery Support Fund
  • New ‘Discover…Free Entitlement’ leaflet available
  • HMRC update: reconfirming 30 hours eligibility 
  • Health Protection Guidance in schools and other childcare facilities

Wednesday 22 November 2017

  • Online Provider Portal – Planned Maintenance
  • Early Years and Childcare Business Conference. Save the Date. Saturday 17 March 2018
  • Potential Scam - Safety Guide Services
  • Eat Better, Start Better

Wednesday 15 November 2017

  • Bognor Regis Nursery School Conference 2018
  • Free Entitlement (FE) Autumn term payments
  • Inclusion funding Autumn term payments
  • Making Sense of It All
  • National Safeguarding Week
  • Online Provider Portal Workshops
  • Support for childminders from HMRC
  • Termly childcare provider updates