Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 29 November 2017

1. 30 Hours Delivery Support Fund

The Department for Education (DfE) has developed a Delivery Support Fund (DSF) to support Local Authorities (LA) to deliver sufficient 30 hours places.

The funding West Sussex will receive depends on an application form which we must submit by 15 December 2017.

There is no minimum or upper limit for grant awards; however we have been informed that no LA is expected to be awarded more than £70,000 in total.

The guidance for this is found here: https://www.foundationyears.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/30Hours-Delivery-Support-Fund-Bid-Guidance.docx

Any funding we are awarded must support the delivery of 30 hours and be spent by 31 August 2018.

Please see the attachment for guidance from the DfE on the types of work that will be considered for funding.

To ensure that this funding benefits providers as much as possible, we need your feedback on how to do this. This will ensure that we can use the funding to support providers across West Sussex the most.

If you have any thoughts on what we should include in our application and how we can best use this funding, please email Katie.crompton@westsussex.gov.uk by 5pm on Monday 4 December.

Attachments: Delivery Support Funding

2. New ‘Discover…Free Entitlement’ leaflet available

The ‘Discover… Free Entitlement’ leaflet has been updated and now covers Extended Free Entitlement (FE) and Tax Free Childcare.

As you’re aware, this leaflet is aimed as a guide for parents and carers about the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. As part of the Free Entitlement Provider Declaration you are expected to provide parent/carers with a copy of this leaflet.

The new leaflet is available to collect from your nearest Children and Family Centre. Please call your nearest centre prior to collecting.

You can also find a copy of the new FE leaflet on our webpage under ‘Additional scheme documents’: www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsfreeentitlement

For further information regarding the Free Entitlement scheme please visit our webpage or email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk.

3. HMRC update: reconfirming 30 hours eligibility

Some parents are experiencing technical issues when trying to reconfirm their eligibility through the HMRC childcare service. HMRC are aware and are keen to resolve this as a high priority to ensure parents eligibility continues.

Parents experiencing technical issues must contact HMRC. Part of the solution may be for HMRC to delete these childcare accounts from the system. In these cases, HMRC will then contact the parents directly, asking them to re-apply through the childcare service. This means the parent will then receive a new childcare account and a new 30 hours eligibility code.

The 30 hours codes that have been used by parents to secure an autumn-term place continue to be valid. To continue a 30 hours place after the old code expires, the affected parents will need to get their new 30 hours code before the old code’s validity end date.

Key Points

  • Parents who don’t reconfirm (or reapply) before the deadline 31.12.17 will not receive Extended Free Entitlement funding in Spring term 2018
  • Parent should always contact the helpline on 0300 1234097 if they experience any issues to ensure they do not lose their place
  • Some parents will receive new codes – you need to submit the new code on Headcount Actuals.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact the Family Information Service by email at free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

4. Health Protection Guidance in schools and other childcare facilities

Please see information circulated on behalf of colleagues at Public Health England (PHE).

New guidance on health protection in schools and other childcare facilities has been published on PHE website at:


It is aimed at the operators and give advice on:

  • Introduction and infections in childcare settings
  • Prevention and control
  • What to do if you suspect an outbreak
  • Immunisation
  • Cleaning the environment
  • Staff health
  • Pets and animal contact
  • Managing specific infectious diseases
  • Exclusions
  • D&V outbreak action checklist

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Upcoming Key Dates

Date                      What's Happening?

30/11 - 6/12 (am)  Online Provider Portal (OPP) is unavailable due to upgrade
06/12/17               FE Spring Estimates Open

13/12/17               FE Spring Estimates Close

WC 18/12/17         FE Spring Estimate payments due

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 22 November 2017

  • Online Provider Portal – Planned Maintenance
  • Early Years and Childcare Business Conference. Save the Date. Saturday 17 March 2018
  • Potential Scam - Safety Guide Services
  • Eat Better, Start Better

Wednesday 15 November 2017

  • Bognor Regis Nursery School Conference 2018
  • Free Entitlement (FE) Autumn term payments
  • Inclusion funding Autumn term payments
  • Making Sense of It All
  • National Safeguarding Week
  • Online Provider Portal Workshops
  • Support for childminders from HMRC
  • Termly childcare provider updates

Wednesday 8 November 2017

  • Have your parents reconfirmed their eligibility for Extended Free Entitlement (FE)?
  • The proposed expansion of primary and secondary schools in West Sussex from September 2019
  • Free Safeguarding Children Online Training
  • Mind Coastal West Sussex Mental Health and Resilience Training Programme

Wednesday 1 November 2017

  • Settings offering Extended FE
  • Change of email address for the Crawley Hub