Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 8 November 2017

1. Have your parents reconfirmed their eligibility for Extended Free Entitlement (FE)?

Currently 34% of families who were added onto this terms headcount need to reconfirm with HMRC before 31 December 2017. If they do not they will not be eligible to claim their Extended FE funding for Spring term. You can log into the Online Provider Portal via www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal to see all your parents grace periods so you know which ones you need to prompt.

Don’t delay – remind your parents today!

Parents need to go online at www.gov.uk/childcareaccount and log into their Childcare Service account to reconfirm. They need to check their secure email inbox within this account and follow the reconfirmation process. Parents who have not reconfirmed in time will not get funding next term.

In preparation for the next term, from this week HMRC will begin to issue letters to parents with temporary codes to invite them to complete a childcare service application to receive their permanent 30 hours code ahead of January. Parents will then need to take their new 30 hours code to you to secure their 30 hours place for the spring term. The letters will be issued in batches so that HMRC can monitor parents coming into the service.

2. The proposed expansion of primary and secondary schools in West Sussex from September 2019

Please click here for an electronic copy of the consultation on the proposed expansion of primary and secondary schools in West Sussex from September 2019 focusing on the Bognor and Midhurst area.

To complete the online survey visit www.westsussex.gov.uk/schoolexpansions19

The initial consultation closes on 28 November 2017.  After which there will be a WSCC Cabinet Member decision on whether to publish statutory public notices.

If you are able to share this consultation as you feel appropriate we’d be most grateful.

3. Free Safeguarding Children Online Training

The West Sussex County Council Learning and Development gateway has an online Safeguarding Children training course that is FREE to access. 

This module is for anyone that comes into contact with children or young people especially those involved in the care and education of children and young people.

The aim of this course is to set out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

If you apply what you have learnt on this course you will be able to:

  • Identify signs and symptoms of child abuse
  • Identify what to do if abuse is suspected
  • Develop some useful assessment skills

 This course can be found here

4. Mind Coastal West Sussex Mental Health and Resilience Training Programme

West Sussex County Council and West Sussex CCGs are funding a two year training programme of mental health awareness and suicide prevention awareness training and workshops.

The courses cost between £10 - £30 per person, per course.

This training is primarily for staff and volunteers working with children and young people in public facing settings across West Sussex.

Information regarding courses, course costs and how to book are available here.

Latest newsletters

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH)

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 November 2017 Newsletter

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September 2017 Newsletter

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

w/c 13 Nov           Inclusion funding payments expected
4 Dec                   Inclusion funding panel meets

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 1 November 2017

  • Settings offering Extended FE
  • Change of email address for the Crawley Hub

Wednesday 25 October 2017

  • inclusion Funding Claims for Autumn Term
  • Free Entitlement Parent Testimonials
  • You said. We did.  Termly Childcare Provider Update

Wednesday 18 October 2017

  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • Social Media and Ofsted Inspections
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service update
  • Sussex Safeguarding Week (27 November – 1 December) 
  • Childcare Business Grants Scheme Offers Support for New Childminders in England

Wednesday 11 October 2017

  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • For Sale – Rainy Days Pre-School, Worthing
  • Foundation Years National Partnership Working Events – FREE to attend.
  • Save £140 off your energy bill