Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 11 October 2017

1. Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

Remember to tell us what you think about the training we offer! What is going well, what can we do differently?

Have your say via the Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

If you have any further comments about the childcare providers survey please contact the Practice Improvement team by emailing me at: Catherine.Newell@westsussex.gov.uk

2. For Sale – Rainy Days Pre-School, Worthing.

Leasehold Pre-school for sale, operating 8:45 am – 2:45 pm, term time only. Pack away setting in large hall with garden.  Registered for 30 children aged 2 to 5 years.

Well established and run by current owner for 11 years. Good location close to local schools. OFSTED Rating Good. 

For more information, please contact Lorraine on 07940 950975 or email rainydayschildcare@hotmail.co.uk

3. Foundation Years National Partnership Working Events – FREE to attend.

Action for Children is pleased to announce two national partnership working events in the autumn. Duplicate events will run in the north and the south of England and with a focus on effective and innovative ways of working in partnership to deliver quality across the EYFS and the 30 hours offer. The National Partnership Working Events are in York on 18 October 2017 and London on 2 November 2017.

Throughout the year, Action for Children has been delivering roadshow events across the country offering bespoke opportunities for the sector to develop partnership working. These national events will consolidate the learning from the past 10 months. There will be the opportunity to explore examples of existing good practice through our case study presentations.

Aim of the session is to:

  • support all types of settings wishing to work in partnership with each other,
  • explore examples of developing and existing good practice,
  • share experiences and what works within partnership working,
  • share resources and give opportunities for networking.

Please click here to book.

These events are being brought to you as part of the Department for Education’s VCS grant programme and as such carry no participating costs to those attending.

Latest newsletters

4. Save £140 off your energy bill

Did you know you could save up to £140 off your energy bill?  

The largest energy suppliers* in the UK are offering a £140 discount to customers on low incomes and certain means tested benefits. 

Pensioners receiving eligible benefits automatically receive the Warm Home Discount, but anyone else who qualifies must apply.  There are standard qualifying benefits, but some energy suppliers offer the discount to a wider range of customers (e.g. customers with certain health conditions) so it’s worth contacting your energy supplier to find out if you are eligible under their scheme.

The Warm Home Discount scheme is limited and suppliers will close their application process once they have reached their Government set targets. 

So don’t delay and contact your energy supplier today to find out if you are eligible.  You can also promote the scheme to parents by displaying the attached flyer. 

Or for more information and friendly advice, call us on 01903 737925 or email info@arunwellbeing.org.uk

*Energy suppliers offering the Warm Home Discount include:


Warm Home Discount Flyer A5 p1.pdf

Warm Home Discount Flyer A5 p2.pdf 

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter 

SEND newsletter

 September 2017 Newsletter

LSCB newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?
WC 23.10.17        FE Actuals payments expected

30.10.17              Inclusion claims open on the Online Provider Portal

8.11.17                FE Estimates open (Spring Term) on the Online Provider Portal

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • Starting School September 2018 – Important Information
  • Transition 2017 – How was it for you?
  • Winter Readiness for Schools and Nurseries
  • West Sussex Portage Service Leaflet Update 
  • New Monthly Small Business Grants Initiative
  • 0-19 (up to 25 years for SEND) Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH) Offer

Thursday 28 September 2017

  • Free Entitlement Autumn term actuals – FINAL REMINDER
  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • Bruising in Children who are not independently mobile
  • Sussex Safeguarding Week 27 November - 1 December 2017

Wednesday 13 September 2017

  • Autumn Term Free Entitlement Actuals - now open
  • Important information from the Department of Education: 30 hour codes for Autumn 2017
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals (Stage 1 – 4 and Additional Vocabulary)

Wednesday 06 September 2017

  • Termly Network Meetings
  • Reaching Families Training Workshops Autumn/Winter 2017