ECS Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 13th September 2017

1. Autumn Term Free Entitlement Actuals - now open.

The Online Provider Portal (OPP) is now open for you to submit your Autumn term Free Entitlement (FE) actuals for funded 2, 3 and 4 year olds.

New enhanced functions for the Extended FE means lots has changed in the OPP. Even if you are not claiming Extended hours, it is vital you follow the new guidance entitled “How to claim child-level funding” available here

Headcount Day: Thursday 21 September 2017

The deadline for return of your FE actuals data is Thursday 28 September 2017.

Please note that all children on your headcount record will be listed with 0 hours. You must review and action all child records.

For Extended FE

The enhanced functions make it quicker and easier for you to check validity of your HMRC Extended FE codes in real time via the OPP. If you use the quick eligibility checker functionality, this will not save your data.

However, when you are in the child record, to claim Extended FE, you must ensure you input the parent/carer details first on the relevant tab, before carrying out the 30hrs Extended FE check. All relevant data must be 100% correct to be able to submit. These include things such as correct dates of birth, parent/carer details and their National Insurance number(s).

If any details do not match those which HMRC hold, the portal check function will not work and you will not be able to submit a funding claim for that child.

To ensure you can submit you should:

  • Double check all details on the Parent Declaration forms are correct, matching against birth certificates etc.
  • Ensure that the parent information you are submitting includes the parent that applied to HMRC for Extended FE.
  • Follow the new guidance

If, after reading the guidance you still have any questions, please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email to

2. Important information from the Department of Education: 30 hour codes for Autumn 2017

The DfE anticipate that a small number of parents who have applied before 31 August may receive their 30 hours code after the 31 August 2017 deadline. This is due to HMRC requiring additional information before determining their eligibility (‘amber’ cases). To support this critical first term of delivery, and for this term only, local authorities will fund these cases.

In these circumstances, providers should be satisfied that a parent applied for 30 hours by 31 August before offering a 30 hours place. A parent can prove that they applied before 31 August by sharing the information from their childcare account mailbox and secure message that will state when they were identified as an amber case, and the date they received the message. The DfE anticipate that amber cases from before 31 August will have been processed by the end of the second week of September.

Please remember that the ‘validity start date’ of a 30 hours code is the date it was successfully generated through the childcare service and not the date a child can start a place from. A 30 hours place starts for a child from the term following their third birthday or the term following the date they received their code, whichever is later. Therefore, providers need to check the child’s date of birth to ensure that they are 3 years old by 31 August before offering the autumn place.

Parents should contact the HMRC Childcare Service helpline on 0300 123 4097 if they applied before 31 August 2017 and are still experiencing ongoing technical issues.

3. Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals (Stage 1 – 4 and Additional Vocabulary)

Please see attached flyer for details of an upcoming Makaton course running in Chichester.

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Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter 

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Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?
21/09/17             Headcount day
28/09/17             Actuals deadline
03/10/17             NM003N Early Years Learning and Development Network (Crawley)

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below.

Wednesday 06 September 2017

  • Termly Network Meetings
  • Reaching Families Training Workshops Autumn/Winter 2017

Wednesday 30 August 2017

  • Early Years Inclusion Funding - revised model
  • Important info from DfE - 30 hours codes for Autumn Term
  • FREE 'Delivering the 30 hours through a partnership approach' events

Wednesday 23 August 2017

  • Online Provider Portal Workshop
  • Online Provider Portal – Planned Maintenance
  • Parents reconfirming their Extended Free Entitlement eligibility – News Update
  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

Wednesday 16 August 2017

  • Extended Free Entitlement and Inclusion Funding Provision
  • Online Provider Portal - Planned Maintenance
  • Tax Free Childcare Compensation
  • Termly Network Meetings
  • Making the 30 hour offer work for disabled children and children with SEN
  • Chichester 'Trauma and Resilience' Film Event