Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 16 August 2017

1. Extended Free Entitlement and Inclusion Funding Provision

On Wednesday 16 August all early years providers in receipt of Inclusion Funding for the Autumn Term were emailed consultation documents relating to the future provision for Inclusion Funding in light of the Extended Free Entitlement.

If you have had Inclusion Funding agreed for the Autumn Term, please ensure that you look out for this email. We are keen to hear your views as providers, so please do complete the Proposals Feedback Form and return to inclusionteam@westsussex.gov.uk. The deadline for responses is Tuesday 22 August 2017

2. Online Provider Portal – Planned Maintenance

Please be advised that the Online Provider Portal (OPP) will be unavailable between midnight Friday 18 August and Monday 11 September whilst we upgrade our technology. This affects all tasks within the OPP (including Free Entitlement submissions, course booking requests and profile forms).

To book spaces on courses whilst the OPP is unavailable please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807, please ensure you have your training subscription number available.

Our FIS childcare website will be unavailable to the public for one day only on Thursday 31 August.

Our telephone and email services will be operating a reduced service during this time, however once the enhancements are in place, the benefits you will receive include:

  • carrying out instant checks of 30 hour validity codes at the point of parent enquiry
  • submitting all FE claims via the funding tab
  • faster notification of EYPP outcomes via the OPP
  • parents receiving an instant decision about their FE 2 year old application
  • more detailed funding summary/breakdown

Further updates will be provided via the weekly broadcasts.

3. Tax Free Childcare compensation

Families who have missed out on Tax-Free Childcare due to technical problems with the Childcare Service website may be able to claim compensation from the Government. Further information is available at Gov.uk.

In case of any queries, please be aware that this Childcare Service compensation is regarding Tax Free Childcare, and is NOT applicable to the 30 hours Free Childcare. If families have technical problems relating to the 30 hours free childcare application they should call the HMRC helpline on 0300 123 4097.

4. Termly Network Meetings

The IPEH service remains committed to providing early years settings with support and information to enable you to remain up to date with current developments and to have opportunities to work with our staff and with each other to develop and maintain high quality practice.

As part of our universal offer to settings, we offer regular network meetings for all settings. The dates for the autumn term network meetings are available in the new Training Schedule available from www.westsussex.gov.uk/trainingschedule. There have been some changes made which we feel will allow us to provide you with support and respond to local needs more effectively.

INCO Network and Childminder Events will continue to run each term.

Early Years Learning and Development Networks will continue to run in the autumn and spring terms. In the summer term, we will no longer run these networks to allow time for settings to plan and implements transition plans for children moving on to other settings and to attend local Transition Events with schools.

Business and Welfare Events will be planned and organised at a local level to respond to the needs. The format, regularity and content of these will be decided by the local teams in response to needs of the local settings. These events will be advertised to all local settings. If you have any suggestions for the network meetings, please share them with your EYCAs in your local Hub.

5. Making the 30 hour offer work for disabled children and children with SEN

This series of Learn Explore and Debate events for practitioners will have a specific focus ‘Making the 30 hour offer work for disabled children and children with SEN’.
These FREE events aim to:

  • Improve knowledge of what high quality SEND provision looks like (e.g. learning from members of SEND advisory Board)
  • Support setting to know where to go for help, e.g. on how to use the disability access fund or access funding via inclusion fund
  • Signposting to resources to support sector

For more information, including the full agenda, and to book your place, please click on the relevant link below:
York - 20th September
London - 21st September

6. Chichester ‘Trauma and Resilience’ Film Event

The award winning documentary film ‘Resilience is being shown alongside a panel discussion and presentation specifically designed to support the children’s workforce in disarming the after effects of trauma (the fear and anxiety that can be a barrier to learning for children who have had disrupted early years).

This event is a community based CPD event that will offer information, explanation and strategies for professionals working in schools, nurseries, children and family centres, looking after children in their own homes and primary care settings. It will also be an opportunity to network with practitioners from a range of disciplines to share knowledge and best practice locally.

Date: Saturday 7 October 2017, 1pm - 4pm

Venue: University of Chichester (Chichester Campus)

Tickets: £7 (all profits go to PASCO)

Booking required:  media@beaconhouse.org.uk

Please see the attached document for further information.

Attachments: resilience.pdf 

Latest newsletters

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter 

SEND newsletter

 July 2017 Newsletter

LSCB newsletter

 July 2017 Newsletter

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?
18/08/2017           Online Provider Portal unavailable until 11/09/2017
21/09/2017           Headcount Day
28/09/2017           FE Actuals Deadline

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below. 

Wednesday 7 August 2017

  • Ofsted Myth-busting Videos
  • Health4Families Programme - Healthy Eating Campaign

Wednesday 26 July 2017

  • FE Frequently Asked Questions
  • Information from HMRC - How parents who’ve applied for 30 hours already can re-access their account.

Wednesday 19th July 2017

  • URGENT: Eligibility Codes for 30 hours (FE PROVIDERS ONLY)
  • Updated Operational Guidance (FE PROVIDERS ONLY)
  • Free Entitlement (FE) – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Baby Buddy - Raise the Awareness!
  • Let’s get moving shall we?
  • Please help improve our Stay Well this Winter advice

Wednesday 12 July 2017

  • Deadline Today - Free Entitlement Autumn Term Estimates reminder (FE Providers Only)
  • 30 hours Promotional Materials 
  • Supervised Contact Vacancies
  • Childcare Providers Survey
  • Autumn Term Training Schedule
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals