Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 25 October 2017

1. *IMPORTANT* Inclusion Funding Claims for the Autumn Term

For all settings who have had Inclusion Funding agreed for the Autumn Term, please note that you will not need to submit claims for this Inclusion Funding via the Online Provider Portal (OPP) this term. Payment will be made automatically using the hours submitted in your Free Entitlement (FE) Actuals claim. For those children not in receipt of FE, an Inclusion Funding claim form will be sent to you by email. We will aim to release payment of Inclusion Funding the week commencing 13 November 2017.

To confirm, the OPP will not open for Inclusion Funding claims this term. No further action is required by you and payments will be released in due course. If you have any queries about Inclusion Funding in the Autumn Term, please email inclusionteam@westsussex.gov.uk

2. Free Entitlement Parent Testimonials

We are already halfway through the term and we want to say an massive thank you to those of you who are offering Extended Free Entitlement (FE) funding. You are making a real difference to children and their families, including the most vulnerable in our communities. Don’t take our word for it – see these testimonials from parents in West Sussex for yourself:

“I thought childcare would be too expensive with two young children. 2 year old FE allowed me to volunteer as stepping stone back to work. 30 hours FE allowed me to return to work! Without funding I couldn’t have returned to work as a solo parent with young twins”.

“Getting FE for my children has taken a lot of stress and worry away. Without funding my children would not be able to go to nursery. Having no family to help it allows my children to be able to experience time in a different environment, learning to be more independent away from us and still feel safe”.

 “My children have learned so much and their confidence has soared along with their social skills and interaction. They love going and get so excited. Their whole development and learning has increased so much since attending”.


3. You said. We did! Termly Childcare Provider Update

You said…

During a recent telephone survey, and via regular feedback at events and networks, you told us that the Online Provider Portal (OPP) ECS Provider Profile Update was too long and time consuming.

We did…

We have created a new ‘Termly Childcare Provider Update’ form. We have made it simpler to follow and reviewed all the questions included to ensure we are only asking what is absolutely essential.

You must update this at least termly, and we will send out reminders through the broadcast email to help you remember. Updating is a condition of Free Entitlement funding, as per the Provider Declaration 2017-2018: 6.1 WSCC is required to keep an up-to-date Directory of all providers within their area that are eligible to claim funding for the provision of FE places. Providers must update their setting information termly.’

Updating your vacancies also ensures that when we are assessing childcare sufficiency in your area we do not encourage new settings to open if they are not needed. We do not publish this vacancy information. This is for internal use only. However, you can add information on vacancies and individual aspects of your setting to share with parents in the free type box on page 5 of the form ‘Additional Information’.

The new form is now available via the forms tab on the OPP.

If you need any help or have any questions regarding anything in this article please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email family.info.service@westsussex.gov.uk

4. Last Chance!! Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

Thank you to everyone who has already taken the time to complete the Childcare Providers Survey September 2017!

For anyone who hasn’t already done so, you still have time. The survey closes at midnight on 31 October 2017 – it’s not so scary really!

Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

Your responses really will help us shape the support you receive in the future and it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

If you have any further comments about the childcare providers survey please contact the Practice Improvement team by emailing me at: Catherine.Newell@westsussex.gov.uk

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Date                             What's Happening?

25.10.17 - 03.11.17       FE Actuals payments made

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 18 October 2017

  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • Social Media and Ofsted Inspections
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service update
  • Sussex Safeguarding Week (27 November – 1 December) 
  • Childcare Business Grants Scheme Offers Support for New Childminders in England

Wednesday 11 October 2017

  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • For Sale – Rainy Days Pre-School, Worthing
  • Foundation Years National Partnership Working Events – FREE to attend.
  • Save £140 off your energy bill

Wednesday 4 October 2017

  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • Starting School September 2018 – Important Information
  • Transition 2017 – How was it for you?
  • Winter Readiness for Schools and Nurseries
  • West Sussex Portage Service Leaflet Update 
  • New Monthly Small Business Grants Initiative
  • 0-19 (up to 25 years for SEND) Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH) Offer

Friday 29 September 2017

  • Free Entitlement Autumn term actuals
  • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
  • Bruising in Children who are not independently mobile
  • Sussex Safeguarding Week 27 November - 1 December 2017