Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Friday 29 September 2017

1. Free Entitlement Autumn term actuals – NOW CLOSED

The deadline for Autumn Term Free Entitlement (FE) actuals claims has now passed. 

If you still have any questions, after reading the help guide, please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email 


2. Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

The Childcare Providers Survey is now open!

This is your opportunity to tell us what you think about the services we provided to you! Topics within the survey include:

·         The training offer

·         The website

·         Communication with practitioners  & settings

·         Network meetings

·         Conferences

·         Targeted Setting Support

·         The Online Provider Portal 

This is a valuable chance for you to tell us what you think and it will help us enhance the services we provide to you.

The survey open from Tuesday 26 September to Tuesday 31 October and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

You can access the surver here: Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

If you have any further comments about the childcare providers survey please contact the Practice Improvement team by emailing: Catherine.Newell@westsussex.gov.uk

3. Bruising in Children who are not independently mobile

The West Sussex Safeguarding Children’s Board had been working with partner agencies in West Sussex to develop guidance for professionals to develop a strategy for assessment, management and referral of children who are not independently mobile, who present with bruising or otherwise unexplained marks.

This guidance is available on the following webpage:


4. Sussex Safeguarding Week 27 November - 1 December 2017


Sussex Safeguarding Week is fast approaching!

There are lots of plans from a range of organisations to get involved and promote safeguarding in their workplaces and with the families they are supporting. There will be six events each held in a different area of the County. These will be multi- agency events and will be an opportunity to find out more about the Integrated, Prevention & Earliest Help (IPEH) Service and MASH. There will also be an opportunity to attend one of 3 workshops which will focus on a specific age range . These will take place on the following dates:

  • 28th November in Horsham
  • 29th November in Crawley
  • 30th November in Adur & Worthing
  • 1st December in Chichester
  • 4th December in Arun
  • 7th December in Mid Sussex

More detailed information will be sent out soon on how to book your place and where to attend. WATCH THIS SPACE! 

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH) Stakeholder Newsletter 

LSCB newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?
28/09/17             Autumn Term Actuals Deadline
03/10/17             Learning and Development Network (Langley Green Youth Centre)

WC 23/10/17       Autumn Actuals payments due

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

  • Inclusion Funding Equipment Amnesty
  • Disability Access Fund - Autumn term claims
  • Stoptober is back!

Wednesday 13 September 2017

  • Autumn Term Free Entitlement Actuals - now open
  • Important information from the Department of Education: 30 hour codes for Autumn 2017
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals (Stage 1 – 4 and Additional Vocabulary)

Wednesday 06 September 2017

  • Termly Network Meetings
  • Reaching Families Training Workshops Autumn/Winter 2017

Wednesday 30 August 2017

  • Early Years Inclusion Funding - revised model
  • Important info from DfE - 30 hours codes for Autumn Term
  • FREE 'Delivering the 30 hours through a partnership approach' events