Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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4 October 2017

1. Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

Did you know as a result of the last Childcare Providers survey we are creating a Providers Facebook Page?

You once again have an opportunity to tell us what you think about the services we provide and how they can be improved by completing the Childcare Providers survey via this link

Childcare Providers Survey September 2017

If you have any further comments about the childcare providers survey please contact the Practice Improvement team by emailing me at: catherine.newell@westsussex.gov.uk

    2. Starting School September 2018 – Important Information

    Are any children in your setting due to start school in September 2018?

    If you care for children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, they are eligible to start school in September 2018.

    Please encourage their parents to make a note of the dates and start thinking about their preferences now.

    The online application system is available from 09:00 hrs Monday 2 October 2017 and the deadline for all applications is 23:59 hrs Monday 15 January 2018.

    Applying online is simple, convenient and time saving, plus they will get an instant email acknowledgement that the application has been received.

    Alternatively, if they have no access to the internet at home, they will be able to access the internet for up to two hours free of charge at the following locations:

    Further information regarding making an application, including our school catchment checker, can be found at www.westsussex.gov.uk/admissions.

    This link will also provide access to the Information for Parents Booklet.  This contains important information about making applications as well as Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

    If you or any parents require further advice, or are unable to apply on line and require a paper form, please contact us on 033 301 42903.


    3. Transition 2017 – How was it for you?

    In order to develop our Transition support offer to settings and schools in 2018, we really need your honest feedback on how things went this year.

    Over 50% of schools and settings across the county attended transition events and feedback was really positive. If you did not attend please let us know why not and how we can enable you to engage with us this year.

    We need to know how you feel the children you handed over or received were supported. If you experienced challenges around making arrangements for a particular child or family, or engaging   with a specific school or setting please let us know. Like you we want to ensure the best transition experiences for our children and can only do that if we can celebrate and share good practice but also identify and learn from where the process needs further development.

    There will be an opportunity to discuss transitions at your local Learning and development network, however if you would prefer to contact me directly and in confidence, please feel free.

    Carrie O’Rourke, Early Years Consultant  - 07718 960837

    4. Winter Readiness for Schools and Nurseries

    Please see attached document.


    5. West Sussex Portage Service Leaflet Update 

    Portage is a Home Visiting Educational Service for Pre-School Children with Significant Support Needs.

    The West Sussex Portage Service has an open referral system.  Attached is a leaflet to explain about Portage and a Referral Form.

    Please feel free to contact your local Portage Co-ordinator to discuss a child in confidence, prior to possible referral to our service.  Contact numbers are shown on the attached leaflet.


    6. New Monthly Small Business Grants Initiative

    The SmallBusiness.co.uk Small Business Grants Initiative has been established to give promising new businesses the opportunity to receive a cash prize to help them become established and grow their operations into successful enterprises.

    Every month, one business deemed by a panel of independent judges to be the most deserving will benefit from a package including a financial grant, as well as being featured on the Small Business Grants website as a monthly winner.

    The winners will be those companies deemed to have the most potential in their sector, based on factors such as turnover growth, innovation, aspiration, key projects completed, contracts won and partnerships forged.

    For further information click here.

    7. 0-19 (up to 25 years for SEND) Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH) Offer

    This document defines an integrated offer for children and young people aged 0-19/25 years, based on the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) commissioned services and Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH) service commitments.  The offer is a progressive universal offer, meaning that some services are open to all children and families, while other elements of the offer are more targeted and specialist.

    The service offer incorporates the West Sussex Continuum of Needs and the four stages of the HCP. 


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    W/C 23/10/17       Headcount payments (FE) due to be released

    Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

    Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below.

    Thursday 28 September 2017

    • Free Entitlement Autumn term actuals – FINAL REMINDER
    • Childcare Providers Survey September 2017
    • Bruising in Children who are not independently mobile
    • Sussex Safeguarding Week 27 November - 1 December 2017

    Wednesday 13 September 2017

    • Autumn Term Free Entitlement Actuals - now open
    • Important information from the Department of Education: 30 hour codes for Autumn 2017
    • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals (Stage 1 – 4 and Additional Vocabulary)

    Wednesday 06 September 2017

    • Termly Network Meetings
    • Reaching Families Training Workshops Autumn/Winter 2017

    Wednesday 30 August 2017

    • Early Years Inclusion Funding - revised model
    • Important info from DfE - 30 hours codes for Autumn Term
    • FREE 'Delivering the 30 hours through a partnership approach' events