Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

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Wednesday 1 March 2017

1.  Additional 'Introduction to Child Protection' Courses

We have recently booked some additional Introduction to Child Protection Training due to high demand. All waitlisters have been contacted and we still have spaces on the following three courses:

Course Code and title: ST045S Introduction to Child Protection

Saturday 11 March, 9:30am–3:30pm, Chichester College, Chichester

Thursday 23 March, 9:30am–3:30pm, Roffey Millennium Hall, Horsham

Tuesday 28 March, 9:30am–3:30pm, Field Place, Worthing

Course overviews for all courses are available in our 'Course Guide' at: www.westsussex.gov.uk/courseoverviews  

If you would like to book a place on this course you can do so via the online portal at www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal or contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 quoting the course code (ST045S) and your training subscription number

2. Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals

Makaton Foundation Workshop for the Professionals (Stage 1 – 4 and Additional Vocabulary). This is a TWO FULL DAY course and will take place over two weeks. Read an overview here.

Date: 12 and 19 May 2017, 9.00–16.00

Venue: Bognor Regis Nursery School & Children’s Centre, 85 Victoria Drive, Bognor Regis, PO21 2TB

Cost: £150 for the 4 modules which includes materials but lunch is not included.

Tutor: Noriko Bayes (SSC nursery nurse at BRNS&CC and Makaton Regional Tutor)

Entry criteria: Participants need to have an understanding of early communication skills but no signing experience/knowledge required. 

To make a booking, please ring School Office on 01243 642924 or return this booking form to office@bognorregis-nursery.w-sussex.sch.uk

3. Proposal for Tooth brushing in Early Years Settings in West Sussex

Tooth decay is acknowledged to be the most common oral disease affecting children, although it is largely preventable.

Lynette Anear, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Oral Health Promoter, would like to support Settings establish supervised tooth brushing sessions to improve oral health, promote and support good tooth brushing habits in the home.

For further information please read the full proposal and contact lynette.anear@nhs.net

Upcoming Key Dates

Date          What's Happening?

Now           Summer Term FE Estimates open (deadline 17 March)

Now           INCO/SENCO Networks meetings taking place (course code SI001N)

Now           Spring Term FE Actuals payments expected this week
6/3            Inclusion Funding claims open (deadline 17 March)

14/3          Business and Welfare Events start (14-29 March)

1/4            Childminder Events (1-3 April)

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below. 

Wednesday 22 February 2017

  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals payments – advance notice
  • Free Entitlement Summer Term Estimates – now open
  • Inclusion Funding - Spring Term claims
  • Staff Module – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Additional Child Protection Refresher Courses
  • Scheduled Expression of Interest Courses
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Training Pathways
  • Purchase Left at Business Conference
  • West Sussex Safeguarding Children's Board Survey

Wednesday 15 February 2017 

  • Are you ready for September 2017?
  • Safer Recruitment for Settings Training
  • Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings 
  • FREE Learn, Explore, Debate (LED) Events

Wednesday 6 February 2017 

  • Bruising in children who are not 'Independently Mobile' 

Wednesday 1 February 2017

  • Important information about Early Years Funding (FE Providers Only)
  • Minding the Gap Conference
  • PHE Immunisation Newsletter January 2017
  • Premises available for an Early Years setting