Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

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Wednesday 15 February 2017

1. Are You Ready for September 2017?

In September 2017, most working parents of 3 and 4 year olds will be eligible for an extra 15 hours of free childcare per week. To help you prepare we have developed a toolkit packed full of useful information and resources.

You can access this here www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsbusiness.

2. Safer Recruitment for Settings Training

The Safer Recruitment for Settings (EY175S) course is running this term on the following date, time, and location:

Friday 17 February between 9:30am – 4:40pm at the Aldingbourne Trust, Chichester.

This is an accredited Safer Recruitment training course and it is aimed at individuals involved in the recruitment process. This course will help you recruit safely.

The aims of the course include:

  • Considering policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse.
  • Exploring the elements that contribute to an ongoing culture of vigilance.
  • Helping participants begin to review their own and their organisations policies and practices with a view to making them safer.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Gain the safeguarding skills you need to better protect children while recruiting staff and volunteers to roles in education.

Course overviews for all courses are available at: www.westsussex.gov.uk/courseoverviews 

If you would like to book a place on this course you can do so via the online portal at www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal or contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 quoting the course code and your training subscription number.

3. Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings

The document within the link below provides guidance from Public Health England for schools and other childcare settings, such as nurseries, on infection control issues. It is an updated version of guidance that was produced in 2010. 


The guidance aims to prevent the spread of infections by ensuring:

  • routine immunisations
  • high standards of personal hygiene and practice, particularly handwashing
  • maintaining a clean environment

The full updated guidance can be found by clicking the link here


For infection control advice and to report suspected outbreaks please contact the local Public Health Protection Team at the Horsham office on 0344 225 3861 selecting option 3 and then option 1.

4. FREE Learn, Explore, Debate (LED) Events

Childcare Works has created a special programme of LED events for providers focusing on 30-hours. The events will be delivered in partnership with the Foundation Years Team at Action for Children.

The audience for these events is all types of early years and childcare providers including PVIs, chains, children’s centres, schools, childminders and local authority officers working with providers, business support officers, and partner roles in other organisations.


  • Introduction and setting the scene
  • Childcare Works update
  • Partnership models
  • Parents’ point of view/experiences
  • Practice implications for children
  • Actions before 1 September
  • Evaluation and close

To book your place please follow the links:

8th March London (Morning) 
8th March London (Afternoon) 
21st March Birmingham (Morning) 
21st March Birmingham (Afternoon) 
22nd March Leeds (Morning) 
22nd March Leeds (Afternoon) 
23rd March Taunton 
23rd March Manchester (Sold Out)
27th March Newcastle

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                                              What's Happening?
16/02/17                                       Inclusion Funding Panel
wc 28/02/17 - wc 06/03/17           INCO/SENCO Networks (SI001N)

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please click on the hyperlinks below. 

Wednesday 6 February 2017 

  • Bruising in children who are not 'Independently Mobile' 

Wednesday 1 February 2017

  • Important information about Early Years Funding (FE Providers Only)
  • Minding the Gap Conference
  • PHE Immunisation Newsletter January 2017
  • Premises available for an Early Years setting

Wednesday 25 January 2017

  • Final reminder to all Free Entitlement providers - Early Years Census 2017, mandatory return 
  • Final Reminder - Free Entitlement Spring term actuals – deadline Thursday 26 January 
  • Tax Free Childcare – Have you received your invitation? 
  • 30 hours FREE Training - Use them or lose them! 
  • School Recruitment Fair: Give children the best start in life 
  • The Affordable Warmth Scheme 

Wednesday 17 January 2017

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return (FE Providers Only) 
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder
  • Postgraduate Open Evening at University of Brighton 
  • Reminder: Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH) briefing document