Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

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Wednesday 1 February 2017

1. Important information about Early Years Funding (FE Providers Only)

The attached briefing document relates to the Free Entitlement (FE) indicative funding from April 2017.

Attachment: WSCC+EYNFF+Briefing.pdf

2. Minding the Gap Conference

Calling all Childminders and Early Years practitioners in West Sussex. Orange Caterpillar and Children at Heart are pleased to announce that a unique conference will be taking place in Brighton in March.

  • Saturday 25 March 2017
  • 9.30am - 4.30pm
  • Brighton University (Falmer)

There will be 2 keynote speeches (reducing educational disadvantage; superheroes) from renowned early years experts plus 3 workshops from a selection of 6-8, covering topics including: supporting children from bilingual backgrounds; positive behaviour; speech and language delay; bereavement; disability inclusive books;  30hours; risky outdoor play and safeguarding.

There will be goody bags and a marketplace including Commotion Distribution, the popular wholesale supplier of early years resources at heavily discounted prices and Cosy Direct, a favourite for open ended, natural and loose parts play resources.

Please visit our website at www.mindingthegap2017.weebly.com for more information about the conference, prices and to download a booking form

You can contact us at mindingthegap2017@gmail.com or by direct message from our Facebook page. Please also follow us on Twitter @MTG_2017 

Attachments: MTG+Flyer.pdf

3. PHE Immunisation Newsletter January 2017


Click here


4. Premises available for an Early Years setting

The Scout Hut in Swindon Road, Horsham, RH12 2HF, is suitable for a pack-away provision, term-time only or all-year-round. It is a very large hall and storage is available.  It has underfloor heating and large garden area, entrance lobby area, kitchen and toilet facilities, some parking on-site and plenty of on-street parking. Hire rates would be discussed depending on the hours/days required. Any further questions email Caroline at beavers.michigan@2ndhorsham.org.uk.

Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

11/02/17             Business Conference 2017 (CON041N)

15/02/17             Spring Estimates Open

28/02/17             INCO/SENCO Networks Begin (SI001N)

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please email stating the week you require. Alternatively, you could search your emails by date as the broadcast is sent every Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

  • Final reminder to all Free Entitlement providers - Early Years Census 2017, mandatory return 
  • Final Reminder - Free Entitlement Spring term actuals – deadline Thursday 26 January 
  • Tax Free Childcare – Have you received your invitiation? 
  • 30 hours FREE Training - Use them or lose them! 
  • School Recruitment Fair: Give children the best start in life 
  • The Affordable Warmth Scheme 

Wednesday 17 January 2017

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return (FE Providers Only) 
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder
  • Postgraduate Open Evening at University of Brighton 
  • Reminder: Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH) briefing document 

Wednesday 11 January 2017 

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return (FE providers)
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder (FE providers)
  • Updating staff via the Provider Portal

Wednesday 4 January 2017

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return 
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder 
  • Bookings open for 2017 Business Conference!
  • Starting School September 2017 – Important Information
  • FREE 30 Hours Extended Entitlement Courses
  • Be Food Smart (Change4Life)
  • Bednest Bedside Crib