ECS Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

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Wednesday 25 January 2017

1. Final reminder to all Free Entitlement providers - Early Years Census 2017, mandatory return

A final reminder that the deadline to complete your Early Years Census form  via the Online Provider Portal (OPP) is 26 January 2017.

As you may know, every year we carry out the Early Years Census for the Department for Education (DfE). This is a mandatory return. The Census is important because it is used to calculate the funding West Sussex County Council receives for free early education. If we do not capture your claims now, we may not have the funding later on. Headcount day was 19 January 2017.

We need to collect child-level and setting level information from you to submit to the DfE. The child-level information will be collected, like we do every term, via your actuals. Please make sure that you have entered all funded children for the 2017 Spring term on the portal, and completed the census fields for all these children.

Please refer to the attached document “Important Information – Census 2017” for further information and guidance.

Future FE payments may be at risk if you do not complete your Census return by this deadline.

If you have any queries, please contact the Family Information Service specialist team on 01243 777807 or email


2. Final Reminder - Free Entitlement Spring term actuals – deadline Thursday 26 January

A reminder that the deadline for your Spring Term Free Entitlement (FE) actuals claims via the Online Provider Portal (OPP) is Thursday 26 January 2017.

It is important to read the attached information and follow the guidance entitled “How to claim child-level funding” available here before submitting any information.

Headcount day: Thursday 19 January 2017.

Please note that all children on your headcount record will be listed with 0 hours. This will enable you to check and update all child records and will reduce the risk of overclaiming.

You can decrease the number of weeks attended in the term for each child via the Online Provider Portal. However, if you wish to increase the number of weeks as you are claiming FE as per the stretched funding option, please contact the Family Information Service. Once we have enabled this, you will need to log back into the Online Provider Portal and increase the number of weeks for each child.

If you have any queries please contact the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 or email


3. Tax Free Childcare – Have you received your invitiation?

Tax-free childcare will be launched by the Government this spring!. You’ll only receive an invitation to sign up for tax-free childcare if Ofsted has your current address and email, so check that this is up to date. If Ofsted does have your current address but you haven’t received your invitation, you can call the childcare service helpline on 0300 123 4097.

4. 30 hours FREE Training - Use them or lose them!

For this coming term, the courses specially commissioned to support you with the 30 hours extended entitlement are all FREE. They do not require a training subscription. This is for a limited time only so use them before you lose them!

We have the following courses running very soon but they are in danger of being cancelled:

  • Quality training ‘Every Hour Matters’ (EY185N) in Worthing, first part on 3 February 2017.
  • Business training ‘Collaboration and Partnership for 30 hours’ (EY190N) in Chichester on 6 February 2017.
  • Business training ‘Bite Sized Cashflow Forecasting for 30 Hours FE’ (EY187N) at Roffey, Horsham on 7 February 2017.
  • Business training ‘Collaboration and Partnership for 30 hours’ (EY190N) in Broadfield, Crawley on 18 February 2017.
  • Quality training ‘Every Hour Matters’ (EY185N) in Billingshurst first part on 4 March 2017.

To book call the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 today, quoting the course codes above.

To view the full training schedule click here:

If you have subscribed to the Training Subscription Scheme you are also able to book courses online via the Online Provider Portal (OPP). Access the OPP here:

5. School Recruitment Fair: Give children the best start in life

Know someone looking for a change? Whether they are new to teaching, returning to work or looking for a new career, our local schools may be the answer.

There are 284 West Sussex schools looking for people with the skills to make a difference.

School roles include: Teacher, Educational Psychologist, Governors’ Clerk, Headteacher, Business Manager, Teaching Assistant, Caretaker, Apprentice, Catering Assistant, Technician and Governor.

The School Recruitment Fair is taking place on Saturday 11 February in the Premier Lounge at Fontwell Park Racecourse from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

Featuring a live jobs board, the recruitment fair will give people the chance to speak to schools, teacher training organisations and service providers from food to educational psychology.

Find out more at

6. The Affordable Warmth Scheme

Householders who receive certain benefits and have a household income of £16,010 or less may qualify for The Affordable Warmth scheme. The scheme helps qualifying residents to install and pay for new, energy efficient heating systems and / or insulation. Residents can qualify if they own their home or rent it from a private landlord, subject to permission from the landlord for work to go ahead. Under the current round of the Affordable Warmth scheme the following  incentives are available:

  • Heating – energy efficient replacements for broken or inefficient boilers, LPG (liquid petroleum gas) boilers or electric storage heaters in homes that are not connected to mains gas.
  • Loft insulation – insulating a loft with no insulation, or providing a ‘top-up’ where the current level of insulation does not meet modern building standards.
  • Cavity wall insulation – insulating homes without existing cavity wall insulation.

The scheme is run by Your Energy Sussex, the WSCC-led council energy partnership, and funded through the Government’s Energy Companies Obligation (ECO). All work is delivered by Osborne Energy, which is a Sussex-based reputable installer.

Full details of the scheme and the eligibility criteria are available on the Your Energy Sussex website and the scheme flyer (attached). You can also call Osborne Energy directly on 0800 085 1674 (quoting 'West Sussex Affordable Warmth') if you know of a resident that you think could qualify for help.


Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?
31/01/17             Early Years Learning and Development Networks (NM003N) begin

11/02/17             Business Conference 2017 (CON041N)

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Forgotten to action a broadcast item? You can’t remember which Broadcast the information was in? Below is a list of headlines from the previous 4 weeks' Weekly Broadcasts. If you would like a copy of a previous broadcast please email stating the week you require. Alternatively, you could search your emails by date as the broadcast is sent every Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday 17 January 2017

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return (FE Providers Only) 
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder
  • Postgraduate Open Evening at University of Brighton 
  • Reminder: Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service (IPEH) briefing document 

Wednesday 11 January 2017 

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return (FE providers)
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder (FE providers)
  • Updating staff via the Provider Portal

Wednesday 4 January 2017

  • Early Years Census 2017- mandatory return 
  • Free Entitlement Spring term actuals reminder 
  • Bookings open for 2017 Business Conference!
  • Starting School September 2017 – Important Information
  • FREE 30 Hours Extended Entitlement Courses
  • Be Food Smart (Change4Life)
  • Bednest Bedside Crib 

Wednesday 21 December 2016

  • Early Years Census 2017 - staff qualifications required - FE setting
  • REMINDER: Early Years National Funding Formula - WSCC briefing and consultation document 
  • West Sussex Safeguarding Children’s Board - Child Protection Conferences and Core Group Training
  • Courses with Spaces still available 
  • Do you need a Licence/Licences for public viewing of films and TV?
  • Settle in your new Free Entitlement for 2 year old children by headcount day – if you can
  • Training available on Saturdays and Evenings
  • Premises available for an Early Years setting