Shropshire's RESET Team Flyer Now Available
According to Office for National Statistics Data, in 2021, almost two in five deaths (35%) of homeless people in England and Wales were related to drug poisoning and almost 1 in 10 deaths (10%) of homeless people in England and Wales were alcohol-specific.
To help tackle the growing number of deaths of homeless people in the county, Shropshire Council was awarded £1.4m to provide substance misuse treatment and support services for rough sleepers and people at risk of rough sleeping. The money is part of the Rough Sleepers Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant provided by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).
Launched in March of this year, RESET is a potentially lifesaving multi-agency service to provide drug and alcohol treatment support for rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping across Shropshire.
RESET’s multi-agency team provides holistic support services for rough sleeping communities including domestic abuse support, adult social care, housing support and mental health treatment.
The RESET team is made up of Shropshire Council, Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS, operated by Connexus), With You at Shropshire Recovery Partnership, the Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust (MPFT), The Shrewsbury Ark and Intuitive Thinking Skills.
The team will work alongside colleagues in Shropshire Council’s Housing Services so that those currently rough sleeping are ready to take on accommodation that takes them off the streets, and those at risk of rough sleeping receive help and support to ensure they don’t become future rough sleepers.
The RESET Team have just released a new flyer for distribution - download it here! You can also learn more about services available on the Shropshire - With You website.
NPC - 'Future Thinking' on How Government Can Work with the VCSE
In a new blog from Dan Corry, the Chief Executive of New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) draws on his extensive experience working for the previous Labour government to outline simple steps that a new Labour administration might be able to take to help help improve the relationship and effectiveness of partnership work.
Corry recalls the impact of both national and local Compacts, as well as other free and simple methods of working with the sector that might be useful going forward. Shropshire's local Compact can be found here, but this was last reviewed in 2014.
At its most recent meeting last week, the VCSA Board voted to review this local compact and give it new life in VCSE relations with statutory partners such as the local authorities and the NHS.
Read Dan Corry's full blog post here.
In Kind Direct Introduces 'Not a Choice' Campaign
9m UK adults are currently living in hygiene poverty, according to In Kind Direct, whose campaign Not a Choice campaign is helping to raise awareness of hygiene poverty in the UK and the impossible choices that people are having to make on a daily basis.
In Kind Direct is a charity that believes everyone deserves access to life's essentials and that no usable product should go to waste – they exist to enable more people to thrive with confidence and dignity.
They are calling on voluntary and community organisations help to support the campaign. Access a range of educational resources on talking about hygiene poverty and other difficult subjects. You can also access the Human Right to Hygiene Report here, created in conjunction with NPC.
Organisations can also sign up for free on the In Kind Direct website to access essential hygiene products like shampoo, toothpaste and period products to give to the people they support, for a fraction of the retail price.
Check out the In Kind Direct website to learn more about this campaign or the charity.
Interested in having your organisation's stories of success featured in our newsletter, website or social media? We want to hear from you! Contact:
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Work-related violence in social care: A collaborative partnership between the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and The University of Manchester are undertaking research into work-related violence and aggression in social care. HSE’s statistics show that social care workers have a higher than average rate of the risk of violence and aggression. This includes any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work. The partnership, known as the Thomas Aston Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research, is looking for volunteers to complete a short survey on work-related V&A in social care and is also offering a virtual workshop on good practice. Closing date 15th September.
VCSE Sector Barometer - Volunteer Wellbeing: The fourth quarterly VCSE Sector Barometer from Pro Bono Economics and Nottingham Trent University is now live. Previous Barometers highlighted that charities of all sizes believe that volunteer wellbeing has worsened over the last 12 months. They have decided to take a closer look at this in September, with topical questions that explore wellbeing as an organisational purpose, wellbeing impact measurement, and changes in indicators of staff and volunteer wellbeing over the last year. Closing 27th September
Severn Valley Country Park: Shropshire Council and partners would like to hear what you think about how they manage Severn Valley Country Park for both visitors and wildlife.The results of the survey will help them understand how satisfied visitors are with Severn Valley Country Park and will help them see what future actions should be prioritised. They would also like to hear from you if you do not use Severn Valley Country Park so they can understand what the barriers to visiting are. Closing 5th November
Healthwatch Shropshire Domiciliary Care: Healthwatch Shropshire would like to hear people’s experiences of accessing and receiving domiciliary care or care at home in Shropshire in the last two years. Closing date TBD
Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin Health and Care Experiences: Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin are seeking local views on health and care (including experiences with GPs). Closing date TBD
Health Needs Survey for Ludlow (JSNA): Are you an organisation working in the Ludlow area? Please help get the word out about the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) happening now for Ludlow residents. This survey happens every few years and helps determine how health resources are allocated. Closing date TBD
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VCS Breakfast Networking Meeting
Tuesday, September 19th 9-10:30am
The Lantern, Shrewsbury
This is a great, opportunity for:
- Networking with voluntary and statutory partners
- Opportunities to share best practice
- Guest speakers and presentations on topics relating to health and care
- Strengthening our sector across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
Free Training Opportunities for VCS Organisations in September
Energize Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, with funding from Sport England, are offering a range of FREE training courses during September.
These courses are available for individuals working in or supporting not for profit voluntary and community organisations delivering sport and physical activity across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.
Attendance will be booked on a first come, first serve basis, so don't miss out!
The courses have been selected based on feedback from local voluntary and community physical activity providers when asked what further support and courses they would find useful.
The easiest way to apply is online, groups can find out more information and APPLY HERE.
Courses include:
- Multi-Sport Activator Course, Shrewsbury – 20th September, 09:00-12:00
- Empowering Change through Conversation, Park Lane Centre, Telford – 21st September, 18:00-20:00
- 1 Day First Aid, Annscroft, Shrewsbury – 22nd September, 09:30-16:30 with registration from 09:15
- Inclusivity and Engagement for Ethnically Diverse Communities within Sport & Physical Activity, Shrewsbury – 27th September, 18:00-20:00
- Mental Health First Aid Awareness, Online – 28th September, 09:00-13:00
If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with
Upcoming Community Connector Meetings
Are you a local group or individual delivering activities that benefit and support the communities of Shropshire?
Then please come along to one of these community connector network meetings throughout the county to connect with other local community services, groups and support organisations:
19th September Ludlow Methodist Church 10am to 12pm
20th September Enterprise House, Station Street Bishop's Castle 1pm to 3pm
Please contact Clare Kennefick to book your place
21st September Sundorne Sports Village, Shrewsbury 10am to 12pm *Fully booked*
Please contact Natalie Jackson to be added to the waiting list.
9th October Market Drayton Community Amateur Sports Club 10am to 12pm
Places are limited Please contact Lou Woolcock to book
Please contact Lesley Jewell to book your place
People, Planet, Pint
Sustainability Meet Up
20th September, 5:30pm The Loopy Shrew, Shrewsbury
Whether you're a sustainability professional, small business owner, community group or charity, local council/government worker, student, consultant, looking to switch careers, or anything else besides, come down and meet others interested in sustainability.
No agenda, workshops or webinars. Just chat over some nibbles and beers.
Started in Glasgow during COP26, this relaxed event brings together those with a shared passion for sustainability in all its forms.
They meet monthly to chat about what's going on in the Net Zero / Sustainability space, "network" and meet others who are interested in the industry.
They see where the conversation, and night, takes them!
Chat with other industry experts and talk directly to business owners facing the challenges you're trying to solve.
Find others who can collaborate and help you on your journey and have fun doing so.
Next Shropshire Carers Partnership Board Roadshow
20th September 2pm - 4pm Bridgnorth Library
- Free to attend
- Run by Shropshire Carers Support Team & The Board
- Carers from all areas of the county can come along to the venue and join virtually
- Includes guest speakers
- Partner organisation updates (Health, Vol Orgs, ASC, SATH, MPFT)
- Refreshments included
The roadshow is being held to offer carers across the county an opportunity to come along and observe the Board meeting and participate as necessary.
Download the flyer to share the invite!
Shropshire Partners in Care Annual Conference and AGM 2023
Thursday 21 September 2023 Shrewsbury Town Football Club 9am-2pm Free to attend
There will be an opportunity to meet Shropshire Partners in Care staff and Board members, and to network with other care providers.
The event will celebrate Shropshire Partners in Care’s 20th Anniversary this year, and there will be a keynote speaker from the Care Quality Commission speaking on the new Single Assessment Framework and how it will assess Local Authorities.
There will also be an opportunity for you to help shape their next 20 years and how they can better engage with their members and to tell them what services and support you need/want.
Click here to book.
Shropshire Charity Network Meeting
Thursday 21st September, 9.30-10.30am Online
At the September event we will be joined by Lewis Hardy, from Start Tech. Lewis will be talking to us about Cyber Security in the Charity Sector, giving some recent attacks against charities examples. He will cover how we can protect ourselves and mitigate risk and give some helpful information on Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation and potential Government Funding.
In this session we will also be joined by Selina Graham. Selina will be sharing an update on the new Shropshire Community Foundation, of which she is Chair. It is very likely that you will also be familiar with Selina who was High Sheriff for Shropshire for 2022 – 2023.
 This Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital (SaTH) People's Academy is a free one day course and includes presentations, videos, a skills session, behind-the-scenes tour and opportunity to talk to people who work in the NHS.
The course has been designed to give you the information you need to consider a career in the NHS or just to find out more and #GetInvolved with your local hospitals.
Everyone attending the course will receive a SaTH People's Academy certificate and badge.
Free Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events
Next Meeting: 26th September 1-2pm
Since April 2020, Get Grants have delivered monthly Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events – supporting the sector whilst it responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These friendly sessions involve a Get Grants Expert providing an update on the current grant fundraising landscape, before facilitating discussions about how the grant fundraising world continues to change, and what opportunities and challenges this presents to you as fundraisers.
Through attending this event they aim to give you the opportunity to:
- Join the Get Grants community and connect with like-minded people.
- Share fundraising frustrations and successes.
- Learn from the real-world experiences of fundraisers at all levels of experience.
- Get new fundraising ideas and inspiration.
- Gain opinions and advice from Get Grants Fundraising Experts.
- Tell us what else Get Grants can be doing to better support you.
Register to attend free via the Get Grants website.
If you’d like more information, would like to let them know of any access requirements you have, or have any questions, you can contact them via their website or email
Mental Health Forum Networking & Meeting
Wednesday, 27th September 9:30-11:30am
The Lantern, Shrewsbury
The next meeting will, as always, include an opportunity to network and learn about what others are doing. It will also have a short presentation from MPFT about their grants for significant mental illness prevention.
Please note that the venue has changed from previous meetings. This time we will be at The Lantern in Shrewsbury.
Doors open at 9:00am for tea, coffee, biscuits and chat!
Small Steps Big Difference Conference
3rd October 2023, 9.15am – 4.15pm, Shrewsbury Town Football Ground
EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion is a unique local campaign – and you can hear why people have joined in by clicking this link (4 mins).
Small Steps Big Difference takes this all a step further to practical action. It is a conference which will consider some of the issues specifically facing LGBT+ people as they age and then showcase some of the amazing work being done in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin to make this a safer and more inclusive place to age well.
Come to the conference to find out more. You will hear from local organisations which have made a commitment to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion, with contributions from: Residential care providers * GP Practice * Social Housing providers * Domiciliary Care Providers * Social Prescribing * Information & Advice services * Counselling services * and more ..
There will be opportunities for discussion around:
- how to get started with implementing change
- the development of a new resource which helps community and social groups to more easily understand why inclusion matters
- how to make Equality, Diversity and Inclusion a golden thread throughout organisational practice
Plus films, stalls and lunch! For more information and to book - click here: Small Steps Big Difference
The conference is organised by locally-based organisation, SAND (Safe Ageing No Discrimination CIC) and is sponsored by Coverage Care, Cruse Bereavement Support and Wrekin Housing Group
FREE Radio Audio Workshop for Community and Charity groups in Shropshire
Wednesday, 4th October 11am - 1pm
Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, Shrewsbury
Book your free place here!
InTune Radio have already trained local organisations to use audio in their marketing mix to reach more diverse people across Shropshire in a dynamic way, they include:
- Open Harmony
- Citizens Advice Shropshire
- Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance
- Sight Loss Shropshire
- Telford Crisis Support
This audio workshop is FREE, friendly, and is all about COOLaborating with each other - because working together we are stronger!
They're supplying light refreshments. Places are limited - please book early.
This is a pro-active opportunity to use radio, one of the most trusted marketing platforms - now available to you to use within your marketing mix.
All they ask is that you commit to creating 3 to 5 minutes of audio each month, within a predefined schedule, that they will master and roll into a regular show spot.
To learn more about InTune Radio, check out their website, or follow them on social media with hashtags #ListenLocal #GetInvolved
Thanks to Shropshire Chamber of Commerce for supporting this event.
Community Resource AGM
19th October 10am
Community Resource would love to welcome you to their 2023 AGM taking place at Dawley Town Hall, Telford on Thursday 19th October from 10am.
Their Chair Hugh Strickland and CEO Bev Baxter will be sharing the exciting plans they have for the future, and how they'll achieve them, with the launch of their new five-year strategy. They will also be reflecting on the year’s highlights and how the charity has been navigating these ever-changing and challenging times.
High Sheriff of Shropshire, Mandy Thorn, will be sitting down with Board member Simon Broad for a Q&A about her time in office so far, and his Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire, Anna Turner, will be presenting cheques to grant recipients.
Attendees will also get the opportunity to view part of the Wave Project, an exhibition of photographs celebrating and raising the profile of older and old LGBT people in Shropshire. The exhibition was put together by the group Safe Ageing, No Discrimination (SAND), who Community Resource has been working closely with this year.
Doors open at 10am for Tea, Coffee and networking, plus access to the Wave Project exhibition.
The AGM will start promptly at 10.45am and finish at 12.30pm. Tickets for this free event can be booked via - TicketSource, by emailing or calling 01743 360641.
Looking for Local Health-Related Events and Information?
Looking for health-related events and meetings local to your area? The VCSA recommends subscribing to the Community Connectors newsletter for all of the latest local event information, including classes, clubs and social groups that are related to health and wellbeing. You can subscribe by emailing
Download the Community Connectors Leaflet for more information on what they are and how you can get involved in social prescribing in Shropshire.
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Community Development Officer
Community Resource, a long-established local charity who is committed to making life better for people and communities facing challenges in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin are looking for someone who would like to work in their Wellbeing & Care team. The role supports local communities and residents across Shropshire by developing new and imaginative ways to reduce loneliness and isolation, encourage self-help and improve wellbeing and independence for isolated, elderly and more vulnerable individuals.
If you have experience working with voluntary and community groups, setting up or developing projects and are passionate about supporting community activities, then they want to hear from you!
The role will be three days per week (21 hours). However, some evening and weekend work is sometimes required. Flexibility is expected to ensure relevant public events are attended.
If you’re interested, please read the full job description and person spec on the Community Resource -'Working for Us' page. Applications close 5pm Friday, 29th September.
Please direct any queries about this role to
Executive Support Officer
Salary: £30,151
Location: The Shirehall, Shrewsbury (with some remote working)
Closing date: 21st September
About the role:
To provide a complete and comprehensive executive support and business management service to the Executive Director of People, ensuring that the Executive Director is as informed, briefed and prepared as necessary to undertake their duties effectively. This provision will include research, drafting, work progression, schedule management, coordinating meetings, responding to correspondence, responding to telephone enquiries and email management in order to assist with the effective management and operation of Shropshire Council. In addition, the postholder will line manage a team of Personal Assistants.
Find full details including job description, person specification and application on the Shropshire Council website.
Two Nursing Positions
If you are a caring, compassionate individual looking for a new challenge then Severn Hospice want to hear from you.
Working at Severn Hospice you are given time to care.
Caring is what they do best, and this includes caring for people in a supportive, fulfilling and friendly environment. As a Hospice at Home Nurse Practitioner you’ll be working in a highly rewarding area of nursing supporting patients in their own homes with dignity and in peace.
If you would like to be part of something special please send your CV to
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Nurse Practitioner – Hospice at Home
£33,706 – £40,588 per annum depending on experience
37.5 hours per week
Community Based
Registered Nurse – Hospice at Home
£27,055 – £32,934 per annum depending on experience
Full time and Part Time Considered
Community Based
Do you have a job or volunteer opportunity you would like us to promote? Please send your information to and we will include it in our next newsletter!
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VCSA Publishes New Funding Roundup
A new Autumn Edition of the VCSA's Quarterly "Funding Roundup" is now available to download!
This is your chance to review a host of available small and large grants with upcoming deadlines between October and January.
The list is tailored to the geography and interests of VCSE organisations in Shropshire, so don't miss it! Download the Autumn Funding Roundup now, or visit our website anytime to get the latest version.
Shropshire Council has been allocated £3,067,408 for the Supporting Local Community and Place Priority of Shropshire’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund to be delivered by March 2025.
Shropshire Council are seeking applications for projects that will deliver until 31st March 2025 under the Supporting Local Community and Place Priority.
Projects applying under this call must start before January 2024 and all outputs and outcomes must be delivered by 31st March 2025.
The call is specifically for intermediary organisations to deliver support, services, amenities or facilities to local communities i.e. one to many. Proposed projects must demonstrate a clear positive impact on their community
How to apply:
Refer to the links below for the application form, full details, including information on the types of projects required and eligibility.
The call application window closes at 5pm on Friday 6th October 2023. Visit the Invest in Shropshire website for more information.
Supporting Documentation:
Applications are invited for activity that will deliver the objectives, outputs and outcomes of Shropshire’s UKSPF Investment Plan and meet the aims of the Shropshire UKSPF Investment Plan, the Shropshire Plan and Economic Growth Strategy.
Shropshire Council has been allocated £1,600,000 from the Rural England Prosperity Fund as part of the UKSPF Investment Fund for Rural Communities projects to be delivered by March 2025.
Shropshire Council are seeking applications for CAPITAL only projects that can deliver up until 31st March 2025 under the Rural England Prosperity Fund – Rural Communities priority. Projects applying under this call must start by January 2024 and all outputs and outcomes must be delivered by 31st March 2025.
Projects must be in rural areas of Shropshire with populations below 10,000 and the wider countryside and market or ‘hub towns’ with populations of up to 30,000 that serve their surrounding rural areas as centres of employment and in providing services.
On this basis projects within the Shrewsbury Town Council area are not eligible to apply under this call.
How to apply:
Refer to the links below for the application form, full details, including information on the types of projects required and eligibility.
The call application window closes at 5pm on Friday 13th October 2023. Visit the Invest in Shropshire website for more information.
Supporting Documentation:
Applications are invited for activity that will deliver the objectives, outputs and outcomes of Shropshire’s UKSPF Investment Plan and meet the aims of the Shropshire UKSPF Investment Plan, the Shropshire Plan and Economic Growth Strategy.
Shropshire Council has been allocated £5,900,000 for the Supporting Local Business Priority of Shropshire’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund to be delivered by March 2025.
The call is specifically for intermediary organisations to deliver support to businesses, such as through business support initiatives or grant programmes, i.e. one to many. It is not a call that will support individual grant requests from businesses for their own benefit.
Shropshire Council are now seeking applications for activity that will start within 6 months of 1st November and will deliver all outputs and outcomes by 31st March 2025.
How to apply:
Refer to the links below for the application form, full details, including information on the types of projects required and eligibility:
The call application window closes at 5pm on Friday 6th October 2023. Visit the Invest in Shropshire website for more information.
Supporting Documentation:
Applications are invited for activity that will deliver the objectives, outputs and outcomes of Shropshire’s UKSPF Investment Plan and meet the aims of the Shropshire UKSPF Investment Plan, the Shropshire Plan and Economic Growth Strategy.
Hospice UK’s Dying Matters Community Grants Programme Opens for UK Applications
Now in its second year, the Hospice UK’s Dying Matters Community Grants Programme, supported by Dignity Funerals, offers grants to UK hospices for innovative and creative arts and culture projects, events and activities that focus on opening up conversations about dying, death and grieving with communities across the UK who are traditionally less likely to be reached by hospice care and the Dying Matters campaign.
This year’s funding aims to support hospices to build new partnerships, particularly with arts and cultural organisations to reach new and diverse audiences.
Applications should be made by hospices in partnership with local groups/community organisations who can help the hospice to reach one of the following groups who the hospice has traditionally struggled to support:
- Ethnic minorities.
- People experiencing homelessness.
- Imprisoned people.
- LGBTQ+ people.
- People living in remote and rural areas.
- People living in poverty, deprivation and with lower socioeconomic status.
- People living with learning disabilities.
Proposed projects should approach the subject of death in an innovate and culturally relevant way through arts and culture.
There is a total budget of £40,000 with project grants of between £5,000 and £8,000.
The grants can help cover project costs, including, for example:
- Artist fees
- Exhibition / Installation costs
- Materials
- Facilitator costs
- Translation & Marketing
- Refreshments
- Craft materials
- Sound and Light
- Venue Hire
The lead applicant must be a hospice based in the UK and a member of Hospice UK. This includes adult hospices and children’s hospices.
The deadline for applications is 24 November 2023 (17:00). For more information and to apply, visit Hospice UK's website.
Rosa’s Voices from the Frontline Fund Reopens for UK Applications
Now in its sixth year, Rosa’s Voices from the Frontline Fund offers one-year grants of between £500 and £7,000. This year, Rosa expects to award between 30 and 35 grants.
The funding is for women’s and girls’ organisations to deliver activism and campaigning to raise awareness of the issues women and girls face. The campaigns could be targeted at local communities, the general public, local or national government, media, service providers or businesses.
Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit women's sector voluntary and community organisations in the UK that have been active for at least one year and can produce annual accounts for an entire year.
They must meet Rosa’s definition of a women’s and girls’ organisation as those which are run by, for and with women and girls:
- Their organisation will be governed and led by women.
- They will have a Board of Trustees (or similar) where the Chair is a woman, and the majority of members are women.
- The majority of their organisation’s employee leadership team will be women.
- Their organisation will have the principal objective of working with women and/or girls and the majority of their organisation’s beneficiaries are, and will always be, women and/or girls.
Priority will be given to the following organisations, not listed in priority order that are:
- Operating in the top 20% of the most disadvantaged areas in the UK based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).
- Based in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
- Led by and for Black and minoritised women and girls.
- Led by and for disabled women.
- Led by and for LGBTQ+ women and girls.
Rosa will be hosting ‘How to Apply’ webinars on 21 September (13:00 to 14:00) and 3 October (16:00 to 17:00). Registration is required and can be done on Rosa’s website.
The deadline for the online application and three minute video is 11 October 2023 (16:00). For more information and to apply, visit the Rosa website.
£500,000 for Projects to Tackle Electronic Waste and Support Digital Inclusion
Grants are available for UK organisations to support innovative approaches to tackling e-waste, with a focus on small electrical devices.
The Time after Time e-waste Fund is provided by Hubbub Foundation and Virgin Media O2 to boost initiatives for tackling the UK’s e-waste challenge. The funding will support projects that aim to prevent e-waste by extending the life of small electrical items; that increase the recycling of e-waste; or that increase understanding of e-waste and reach new audiences.
This year, a total of £500,000 is available, with grants ranging in size from £25,000 to £100,000. The expectation is that between six and eight projects will be supported, with varying grant sizes.
The 2023 round of the programme focuses on digital inclusion projects using smartphones, tablets and laptops. The funding may be used for projects costs only - not organisational core costs.
Applications will be accepted from UK charities, academic bodies, Community Interest Companies, social enterprises, registered companies and local authorities. Collaboration is encouraged, and partnership applications are welcomed. The lead applicant for such applications must be a registered body in the UK.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 20 October 2023. For more information and to apply, visit the Time After Time website.
The Royal Countryside Fund Opens for Autumn 2023 Round
Previously known as the Prince's Countryside Fund, the Royal Countryside Fund's Supporting Rural Communities programme is supported by the People's Postcode Lottery and the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust. The Royal Countryside Fund is a registered charity founded by HM King Charles III in 2010 while he was The Prince of Wales.
The Royal Countryside Fund is currently accepting applications from constituted, not-for-profit organisations with an income of less than £500,000 for projects that will create a long-term difference in rural communities across the UK.
Grants of up to £25,000 over two years are available for projects that can be completed by January 2026.
The funding is designed to support community-led projects that are pursuing innovative and strategic solutions to the challenges facing their rural area and which will improve the viability and resilience of their community.
Successful projects will achieve one or more of the following:
- Support people to resolve existing and emerging community issues, circumstances, and priorities in their locality.
- Build rural community resilience.
- Develop innovative and replicable projects.
- Enable leadership and community planning.
- Improve the economic or social resilience of a rural community.
- Reduce isolation for people living in rural areas through improving service provision.
- Create a self-sufficient rural community fit for the future.
There is particular interest in 'fledgeling' ideas and projects.
There are a number of funding restrictions, including purchase of food, working capital, youth clubs or projects where there may be other more appropriate funders, such as those dealing with domestic violence, dementia or elderly care, and migration.
Groups are encouraged to submit their application before the deadline as the link to the application form will be taken down at midday on the closing date.
The deadline for applications is midday on 20 October 2023. For more information and to apply, visit the Royal Countryside Fund website.
Freelands Foundation Invites Applications to Autumn 2023 Round
Freelands Foundation offers funding twice a year as part of its work to broaden access to art education and the visual arts across the UK.
The Autumn 2023 funding round offers larger grants of between £50,000 and £150,000 per year for up to three years. The minimum grant is £50,000 for one year and the maximum grant is £450,000 over three years.
Funding will be provided no earlier than June 2024. Project delivery is to commence between 1 September and 31 September 2024.
Applications will be accepted from organisations that meet all of the following criteria:
- Visual Arts
- Organisations including museums, non-commercial galleries, education organisations, studio providers, etc. working in the visual arts with proven track record of learning and education work, and established partnerships or networks of schools and teachers.
- Charitable Status
- Organisations registered with The Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Scottish Charity Regulator, or The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
- Exempt charities
- Galleries, museums, or organisations part of a Local Authority
- Galleries, museums, or organisations part of a larger charitable organisation, such as a university
- Community Interest Companies
- Location
- Organisations must be based in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
- The activity must benefit UK based schools, teachers and students.
- School partner(s)
- Grants are made to eligible art organisations and not to schools directly. However, in order to be eligible to apply, a school(s) partnership will have to be in place and confirmed by the applicant organisation, and evidence provided that the project will be managed jointly by the organisation and the partnering school(s) and teachers.
- Schools cover: any state or academy educational institution for children 4–18 years including schools for children with special educational needs.
The funding is for projects that sit within a broad definition of visual arts. Organisations that include visual arts as part of their work, including heritage organisations and multi-arts organisations, may be considered.
The Foundation is hosting an online information session on 20 September (2pm to 4pm). Register to find out more about the opportunity.
There is a two-stage application process.The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 20 November 2023 (12noon). For more information and to submit an EOI, visit the Freedlands Foundation website.
Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership (SIP) Issue Tender Brief for Impact Report
Energize STW, on behalf of the wider Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership (SIP), requires a consultant with an understanding of the voluntary and community sector (VCSE) in Shropshire, and how the organisations within the sector contribute to people’s health and wellbeing, and play an important role in the cultural, economic and civic life of the county.
The purpose of the contract is to complete an Impact Report on the infrastructure support activity of the Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership (SIP) and will include both the impact of individual organisations and a critique of the perceived difference the Partnership creates.
A short written expression of interest is requested from interested contractors with a proposed methodology for the work including how the outputs described will be met, a break-down of costs including day rate and number of days proposed, and evidence of relevant skills and experience. The pricing specified should include all costs required to fulfil the brief.
All aspects of the project need to be completed by 31st March 2024, excluding delivery of the briefing sessions which will be held as soon as possible after this date.
Download the full brief with all necessary information here. Submission of Expression of Interest should be sent by email to Pete Ezard by 30th September 2023
The success of the EOI will be notified by email or phone as soon as possible after this.
Should any further background information be required please feel free to contact Pete Ezard, Chief Executive Officer, Energize STW via email:
Don't forget to check out the VCSA's latest funding roundup, which is now available to view on our website, or you can click here to download a copy now.
Don't forget to check out our list of grants with rolling deadlines as well!
Don't see something on this list that should be here? Please contact us and let us know.
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To share your news with Shropshire Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly members and our partners email: