Member Feature: Girls Friendly Society in Market Drayton -
Changing the World One Girl at a Time
Gender inequality is rising around the world, but a 147-year-old charity is working to support girls and young women right here in Market Drayton.
As part of Girls Friendly Society (GFS), the local GFS group comes from a long history of supporting girls and women across England and Wales. Today, that means creating a place to develop, strengthen and maintain girls’ positive traits to prepare them for life's challenges.
Bringing together women volunteers from all walks of life to build great volunteer teams teaches girls about themselves and the world around them too.
While the group is volunteer run, it also has a unique girl-influenced, expert-designed programme, with a community-based staff member available for support.
But that doesn’t mean the groups are highly structured. The groups are still as individual as the girls are.
On top of that, the girls’ feedback goes directly into the shape that the programme takes each term. That way the programme changes to meet girls’ needs, not the other way around.
‘GFS makes me feel like I can achieve anything.’-GFS girl
‘When the group started, one of our girls was often quick to become upset…now she comes along every week and seems to have really levelled out emotionally. She is much calmer and happier…it’s really nice to see.’ -GFS volunteer ‘
This is an important part of giving girls healthier, happier childhoods. Studies show that from the age of five, girls start to see themselves and what they can achieve differently.
NHS England has also recently found that girls’ mental health is declining faster than their male peers, while Plan UK has noted rising harassment of girls and young women.
But, single-gender spaces can encourage girls to take more risks, express themselves and develop their confidence.
'Thank you for making GFS, I feel so much more confident and brave.’ -GFS girl
Groups like GFS offer girls their best defence against these new and growing challenges.
GFS needs more women volunteers to support more girls. See the Volunteer/Job Opportunities section below to learn more about volunteering with GFS in your community.
To learn more about GFS and to discover opportunities to get involved, visit the main GFS website or check out the information on the Market Drayton group here.
Image 2022 courtesy of GFS Market Drayton.
New Report Recognizes Charity Sector Pay Gap Complexities Amidst Cost of Living Crisis
As the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis start to make themselves known on the VCSE sector, more and more organisations are having to face questions around employee pay. Yet this is a complex issue for a sector where service demands are rising at the same time that income may be decreasing.
Now a new report The Price of Purpose? published by Pro Bono Economics is helping to shed further light on the difficulties surrounding pay in the VCSE sector.
"In the wake of a pandemic in which one in four charities experienced a decline in income of 40% or more, the sector is now anticipating a recession which will increase the need for charitable services, campaigning and community support. Money is undeniably tight and staff costs are a major line of expenditure by the sector, accounting for around 40p in every £1 of spend."
The report makes use of a large survey of households in order to shed light on the scale of the pay gap between the voluntary sector.
"After accounting for differences in personal (e.g. age and qualifications) and job (e.g. industry and occupation) characteristics between those working in the charity sector and the rest of the economy, we find the hourly wage gap to be 7.0%. The pay gap widens as people progress through their careers, peaking at 9.4% for those aged 46 to 50."
Finally, the report highlights the ways in which increases in the cost of living in 2022 have already impacted sector pay.
"Already there are clear indications that the cost of living crisis is causing this pay gap to grow: Bank of England survey data suggests businesses grew their average wage costs by 5.6% in the year to May 2022, compared with 3.8% among charities."
Download the full report now.
VCSA Hosts Social Value Workshop
Sixteen representatives from local area VCS organisations attended a two-hour workshop with Shropshire Council Commissioning Development Manager Neil Evans last Friday.
The workshop was designed to walk participants through the way that social value is used in commissioning at Shropshire Council, as well as the tools and resources for measuring social value that are available through the Council.
In particular, Neil wanted to highlight to VCS organisations that:
"Even if they aren't bidding for tenders with the Council, these tools can be really helpful for calculating social value within an organisation, for the purposes of seeking other grants or funding, or reporting to members, funders and stakeholders."
In addition to the Council's Social Value Framework and how it is used, Neil took organisations through two workbooks, available free to use on the Council's website, that can help organisations work out the range and amount of social value they generate, as well as demonstrate the financial value to society of what they do.
If you missed the event, but would like to learn more, you can download Neil's full PowerPoint presentation with useful links and information, here.
Current VCSE Engagement Opportunities
The VCSA newsletter will now contain a regular feature highlighting current open surveys and engagement opportunities that are relevant for VCSE organisations and their beneficiaries.
Flyers/materials for distribution will be made available for download as well as any relevant links. If you have engagement opportunities to share/list here please email Sarah Hampson, VCS Insight and Engagement Officer at Shropshire Council to have it included in an upcoming newsletter.
Access to Cost of Living Support Survey: Citizens Advice Shropshire and Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance put together this 10-min survey to understand access to cost of living support in the county. Individuals and organisations can take it. Closing date TBD
Shropshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA): Shropshire Council and partners are working to understand the needs of very local areas in Shropshire. They want to understand: what people think makes a good community; views on their health and wellbeing; views on their community. Closing date TBD
Age UK Blue Badge Survey: Age UK’s Campaigns Team are running a short survey to learn how digital-only and digital-first methods for accessing local council services are disproportionately impacting older people and how local Age UKs are supporting them. Find out full details, including how to access the survey, below. Closing 23rd September
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Shropshire: Shropshire residents and organisations are encouraged to provide feedback on experience of using pharmacy services, to help shape the future of pharmacy services in the county. Closing 30th September
ICS Public Engagement Sessions: The NHS Shropshire Telford and Wrekin are holding two upcoming public engagement sessions on outpatient care and palliative/end of life care. They are interested in hearing the views of the public, including VCS organisations in the interests of shaping local care in these two areas.
DCMS Dormant Assets Scheme Consultation: The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport is providing an opportunity for the public, the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and industry stakeholders to have their say on how to shape the direction of the Dormant Assets Scheme in England in the years ahead. Dormant assets are financial assets, such as bank accounts, that have been untouched for a long period. The Dormant Assets Scheme is led by the financial services industry and backed by the government with the aim of reuniting people with these financial assets. Where this is not possible, the Scheme unlocks this money for social and environmental initiatives across the UK. Closing 9th October
Shropshire Healthy Weight Strategy Consultation: Shropshire Council and its partners are developing a Healthy Weight Strategy to help Shropshire residents achieve and maintain a healthy weight and this will be informed by the views of those who live and work in Shropshire. The consultation includes two short online surveys, one is aimed at members of the public and the other is intended for NHS, Council and staff from stakeholder organisations such as voluntary and community groups. Closing 31st October
Open consultation Down Syndrome Act 2022 guidance: This call for evidence will inform the development of the Down Syndrome Act statutory guidance. The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking your views on what should be included within the guidance. They will consider those views when producing draft guidance which we intend to publish for full public consultation. Closing 8th November
Healthwatch: 999 and ambulance services feedback. Healthwatch want to understand how the current strains on the ambulance service are impacting people’s health and lives. No closing date
Interested in having your organisation's stories of success featured in our newsletter, website or social media? We want to hear from you! Contact: VCSAssembly@shropshire.gov.uk
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Change of Date: Cost of Living Briefing Session
New date: 26th September
Due to the timing of the Queen's funeral, the first of two briefing sessions aimed at bringing tools and resources to frontline workers across Shropshire for supporting during the cost-of-living crisis has been postponed.
Shropshire Council, Citizens Advice Shropshire, Age UK Shropshire Telford and Wrekin, Marches Energy Agency, Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance and Community Resource are partnering to run a 2-hour briefing on the cost-of-living crisis.
These sessions are aimed at those working and volunteering across the Shropshire Council local authority area to:
- Gain an understanding of the cost-of-living crisis, the impact it is having and why it is such a pressing issue
- Increase knowledge of the key local support and resources available
- Hear from professionals from Shropshire’s key organisations
- Build confidence in approaching conversations about money
- Ask questions through the Q&A session
Attendance is welcome from staff, councillors and volunteers across all public and voluntary sectors including health, care, community groups, employment, housing, education and faith groups.
The first session which was originally planned for the 19th September will now be held on 26th September, 10-12am. You can register for the session here.
There is also a second session planned for October 11th event, 2pm-4pm. You can register for the session here.
For those unable to make either date recordings will be made available.
For any questions please contact: shropshirecostofliving@shropshire.gov.uk
Free Specialist Domestic Abuse Training
Stay Telford is offering a range of domestic abuse trainings in the coming months.
All sessions are FREE, delivered to Level 3 Safeguarding by their qualified specialist trainer Nina Gee, and counts towards ongoing Continuous Professional Development.
Courses include Understanding and Responding to Rape & Sexual Violence, How to Understand and Use the DASH Risk Assessment, and Elder Abuse. Plus many more!
Download the full list of trainings available, including details of the training and the dates offered.
To book your place, email Nina Gee.
NCVO Members' Assembly West Midlands
NCVO are hosting a free online Members' Assembly in October 2022 for organisations across the west Midlands. The experiences you share will help them understand the challenges you are facing, and tailor their government influencing and practical support to your needs
Date: | Monday 17 October 2022
Time: | 09.30–12.00
Location: | Online
Free Energy Advice Sessions for Householders
Church Stretton: Stretton Climate Care host free energy advice surgeries are every Thursday 10-12pm at the Well-being Centre, Easthope Road in Church Stretton. Download flyer here
Bayston Hill and Broseley: Upcoming events at these libraries on 4th October and 20th October, respectively, are hosted by Keep Shropshire Warm, Marches Energy Agency and Shropshire Council. Download flyer here
Shropshire Charity Network Event
Online 29th September 9:30-10:30am
The speaker for this session will be Joanne Turley, Senior Consultant at ARK Consultancy, who will be presenting on Social Impact and how this can be measured effectively. The world of social enterprise and charity funding is filled with acronyms, and jargon. The terms social investment and social impact can be equally as confusing and difficult to understand. Joanne will be dispelling some myths and sharing her experience of how ARK have supported a wide range of organisations to develop bespoke social return on investment approaches to measure their social impact and outcomes.
This session will also include Dan Guy from S3 Tax. How would you feel about saving your charity some money? Dan is a VAT specialist who focuses on the third sector and will be sharing his tips on potential VAT reliefs for charities as well as potential cost saving opportunities.
Visit the Eventbrite site to register now!
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Work or Volunteer With Girls Friendly Society
in Market Drayton
As part of Girls Friendly Society, the local GFS group comes from a long history of supporting girls and women across England and Wales. Today, that means creating a place to develop, strengthen and maintain girls’ positive traits to prepare them for life's challenges.
That’s where you come in.
GFS needs more women volunteers to support more girls. Volunteers are DBS checked and trained, making summer the perfect time to sign up, so you’re checked and ready to start working on resilience this Autumn!
Visit the GFS Market Drayton website or email Volunteer@girlsfriendlysociety.org.uk to find out how you can get involved.
GFS Market Drayton is also looking for a part-time Group Coordinator. 5 hours per week; salary: £2,507 (£12,86 per hr). plus, holiday pay.
Download the full job advert here for more information and how to apply!
Joining GFS gives you the power to change the future for girls in your community, but you’ll also change your world too. As part of this local and global community, you will gain lifelong friendships, invaluable experiences and resources, which many volunteers use at work, in school and at home.
Citizens' Advice Shropshire: Projects Administrator /Trainee
Do you like to work as part of a team but also like being independent and resourceful? Are you passionate about working for an organisation that is committed to making a difference and making society fairer?
If so you can help. CAB Shropshire are looking to employ a:
Projects Administrator /Trainee
Location: Shrewsbury
Hours per week: 27.5 hours over 4 or 5 days
Salary: £20,644 annual pro rata + Pension Contribution
(Trainee Salary: £19,842 increasing to £20,644)
Holidays: 28 days + Bank Holidays
Contract type: Permanent Position
In this role, you will be responsible to the Specialist Services Manager to:
- Deliver administration of various projects
- Working as part of a team, you will be the first point of access for clients into the service
- Provide a triage service which directs clients towards the appropriate type and level of information and advice resources
The successful applicant would be based in their Shrewsbury Office
Further details and application form (no CVs) are available from the CAB Shropshire website.
Closing Date: 5pm Monday 3rd October 2022
Interviews: Week Commencing: 10th October 2022 in the Shrewsbury office.
Call for Volunteers to Champion Culture Across Shropshire
Shropshire Council is looking for up to 15 volunteer board members to establish and manage Shropshire’s new Cultural Compact. The compact will be independent of the council, and have a cross-sector partnership and broad membership, bringing together culture, business, education, health, social care and other sectors.
Its role will be to deliver the county’s cultural strategy, Vibrant Shropshire, to ensure that culture thrives in Shropshire and enhances the county’s health, wellbeing, resilience, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.
The Cultural Compact has been made possible thanks to a £20,000 Arts Council England grant being awarded to Shropshire Council.
Volunteer board members will be responsible for:
- delivering the county’s cultural strategy and strategic projects
- raising funds to support the delivery of projects
- recruitment of Compact members
- communications and advocating on behalf of culture
- working with the Department for Digital, Culture, Music and Sport and Arts Council England.
Cultural Compact candidates will be expected to demonstrate:
- an understanding of how culture can be a catalyst for change and bring economic, environmental and social value to Shropshire
- value collaborative working to achieve the county’s priorities
- be a senior decision-maker and influencer in their own sector
- volunteer time to attend quarterly meetings and deliver projects
- be prepared to lead, participate in, or allocate resources to, projects
- champion sustainability, equality, diversity and inclusion
- use innovative tactics to raise funds for projects
- be a strong networker, able to influence and advocate.
Potential candidates can find out more at an online briefing session on Thursday 15 September 2022 from 2pm to 2.30pm. Email CLT@Shropshire.gov.uk to book a place.
Applications, including a candidate’s CV and covering letter, can also be emailed to CLT@Shropshire.gov.uk. Closing date for entries is Monday 3 October 2022 at 12pm.
Shropshire Carers Partnership Board Seeks Expert by Experience Co-chair
Shropshire Carers Partnership Board, is seeking expressions of interest for the role of Expert by Experience Co-Chair.
As co-chair (with Cllr Simon Jones) of the Shropshire Carers Partnership Board, you will support work to make a difference to unpaid and family carers in Shropshire, including helping to achieve the values and priorities set out in the Shropshire All Age Carer Strategy. The Expert by Experience Co-Chair will have named contacts from the Shropshire Carers Partnership Board to discuss any queries and who will provide guidance and support as required.
Please download the application form and role description for further information. Closing date is 30th September.
If you have queries or need further information or support to complete the form, please email Jayne Smallman-Brooks or phone: 01743 258916.
Volunteer Engagement Officer, Maternity Cover
Oswestry based with Qube and a Northern Shropshire remit
Salary £23,484 pa (full time salary) + employer pension contribution
Hours: 37 hours per week
This role works very closely with the other members of the Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership Team (SIP). This role, together with 3 others employed at Community Resource, delivers infrastructure support across Shropshire.
Job Purpose: To promote volunteering and encourage new volunteers to come forward for the benefit of Shropshire VCS organisations and communities. Provide advice, support, and guidance to local charitable groups/organisations, including support to volunteer managers on recruitment and retaining volunteers. Develop relations with community led based local groups to support future growth and sustainability
Key activities: To promote good practice in volunteer management in VCS organisations. To support and offer development advice to new and existing charitable groups/organisations through advice, guidance, and signposting.
Download Job Description.
Please email Allison Richardson, Team Leader for more information or if you would like to have an informal chat about the role.
Do you have a job or volunteer opportunity you would like us to promote? Please send your information to VCSAssembly@shropshire.gov.uk and we will include it in our next newsletter!
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New Funding Available for Shropshire Community Organisations
Veolia UK and Shropshire Council have teamed up to offer £15,000 in funding to the county’s local community groups and clubs.
The first ever EnviroGrant scheme in Shropshire enables clubs or groups to apply for up to £1,000 in funding for projects that benefit the local community or environment. The funding project is one of the many ways that Shropshire Council’s waste contract with Veolia goes to benefit the local community.
Steve Mitchell, Regional Director for Veolia said:
“We are thrilled to launch our very first EnviroGrant scheme in Shropshire and offer some funding and support to groups and clubs across the county. We all know how much we rely on those in our communities and we are looking forward to receiving applications and supporting some fantastic projects.“
Ian Nellins, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for waste management, said:
“We’re delighted to be working with Veolia to help provide this funding to the local groups. This is a really good example of how the council works with our partners to benefit the local community and I encourage all eligible groups to apply.”
The EnviroGrant scheme is aimed at groups who are looking to improve areas, from planting wildflowers to clearing paths to enable access. Whether you are doing a project that focuses on reuse and recycling, or a local school looking at developing a forest school, they want to hear from you.
The scheme opens for applications on Monday 5th September and closes on Monday 31st October. To apply just visit the Veolia Shropshire website. If you need any help with your application please email Engagement Officer Angela James.
British Gas Energy Trust Offering Fuel Poverty Grants
In response to the cost-of-living crisis and energy price cap increase, the independent charitable trust is currently providing two funds:
- Individuals and Families Fund
- British Gas Energy Support Fund
Both are intended to tackle fuel poverty by clearing the energy debts of struggling households in Great Britain.
The funds will cover debt arrears of up to £1,500. The Trust does not award cash payments and will instead credit the householder account.
Applicants to either fund must have received support from a money advice organisation and are required to provide the details of the group in question.
Those applying to the Individuals and Families Fund do not need to be customers of British Gas, though the majority of the funding pot is reserved for customers.
The British Gas Energy Support Fund is only open to customers of British Gas who have not received a grant in the past 12 months.
Proof of income is required to determine whether a household is in or at risk of fuel poverty.
Applications can be submitted at any time until the funding runs out. To find out more about either fund, visit the British Gas Energy Trust website.
Asda Foundation Offers Cost of Living Grant to Local Groups
Asda Foundation’s new Cost of Living Grant will provide grants of between £500 and £2,000 for activities taking place before 28 February 2023.
The funding is intended for local not-for-profit community groups who are facing an:
- Increase in rent/utility bills: support to keep community buildings open to the public or increase opening times to help people stay warm (known as ‘warm banks’).
- Increase in food costs: support for people most affected by providing meals, support community cafes, food parcels, delivered meals, soup kitchens, etc.
The Asda superstores each have a Community Champion whose role is to support groups and projects within the community, as well as manage Asda Foundation grant applications.
Groups must contact their local Asda Community Champion to discuss their proposed project. If the group and the project are eligible, the Community Champion will provide an application form. Please note, applications cannot be made directly to the Asda Foundation. They must be submitted to the Asda Community Champion who will sign and submit it to the Foundation.
Applications will be accepted by Asda Community Champions the week commencing 19 September 2022 until the budget cap is reached (estimated to be February 2023).
For more information, including how to find your local Community Champion and how to apply, visit the ASDA Foundation website.
Hubbub Foundation Accepting Applications for Community Fridges
A partnership between Hubbub and the Co-operative, the Community Fridge programme has reopened for autumn 2022 applications.
The fund is open to UK not-for-profit groups with their own bank account, providing they:
- Are setting up a new Community Fridge which has not yet opened.
- Establish the Community Fridge within six months and have intentions to sustain the project for at least three years.
Priorities include:
- Supporting applications in regions with a sparsity of Community Fridges (a map can be found on the Hubbub Foundation website).
- Supporting groups in areas with high levels of multiple deprivation.
- Ensuring a fair and inclusive application process with equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of background, culture or race.
Each successful applicant will receive £3,000 to cover the initial costs of setting up the fridge, and a further £1,000 one year after opening.
The deadline to apply is 30 October 2022. Visit the Hubbub Community Foundation website for more information and to apply.
Keep Shropshire Warm Referral Funding For Energy Debts
Keep Shropshire Warm have funding available to pay off energy debts for vulnerable householders. This project ends on the 30th September, so please do send over any referrals as soon as possible.
This funding is not to be shared with householders or advertised via social media, newsletters, at events, etc, as it is very limited, and meant to be used only for the most vulnerable households. Your organisation can refer households to this funding, based on your assessment of need. This funding can only be used within the Shropshire Council area (i.e. the householder pays council tax to Shropshire Council). If you know someone outside of Shropshire who is struggling, please email Marches Energy Agency and they will do their best to help. If you have any questions, please contact MEA on 0800 677 1307, or email advice@mea.org.uk.
Energy Redress Scheme Opens for Main and Small Grants
Energy Saving Trust has launched the next phase of its Energy Redress Scheme, offering £22 million across four streams.
The Main Grants and Small Projects streams are open to registered charities in England, Scotland and Wales that are registered with the Energy Redress Scheme and have passed the due diligence process.
Examples of the kind of activities that can be funded through the Energy Redress Scheme include:
- Engaging vulnerable customers with energy issues and referring them for support.
- Delivering energy advice that does not duplicate existing advice services.
- Installation of energy saving or renewable energy measures that cannot be funded elsewhere and/or are innovative or are being used in innovative ways.
- In-home safety advice and measures related to energy systems.
- Training and education on energy that is targeted at supporting vulnerable customers.
Grants are offered as follows:
- Small Project Fund grants of between £20,000 and £49,999.
- Main Project Fund grants of between £50,000 and £2 million.
Grants can be used for capital or revenue funding and can provide up to 100% of the project cost. Projects lasting up to two years can be funded.
The deadline to apply is 6 October 2022 (5pm). Learn more and apply on the Energy Saving Trust website.
National Lottery Project Grants to be Decided by UK Public Vote
National Lottery Community Fund has announced the launch of the People’s Projects, an award programme which will allow the public to vote for the project ideas they feel most deserving of funding.
The scheme is open to statutory bodies and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups with a strong local presence and track record of delivering services in their area.
There is a focus on smaller groups, and those with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 will be given priority.
Projects should:
- Bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities.
- Make communities stronger and more inclusive.
- Help people or communities develop the skills and capacity they need to achieve their ambitions.
- Involve the people the project aims to support in the design, development and delivery.
- Support people to create meaningful change in their local community or help it thrive.
- Help people and communities connect by engaging with nature.
- Build connections across different cultures, different communities, or both.
After a public vote in May/June 2023, 57 winners will receive grants of up to £70,000 and up to 38 runners-up will receive grants of up to £10,000.
Organisations should consider whether they are comfortable running a public campaign which will require several months of commitment and bring significant publicity to the project.
The deadline for applications is 7 October 2022 at 12 noon. Find out more and apply online at the People's Projects webpage.
7Stars Foundation Accepting Applications for Third Round of Funding in 2022
7Stars Foundation is offering grants of up to £2,500 for registered charities across the United Kingdom to support young people aged 16 and under who are young carers or are challenged by abuse and addiction, homelessness, and lack of access to safe spaces. Funding will support projects in geographic areas of deprivation and socioeconomic disadvantage and help young people to achieve the best start in life.
UK-based organisations with an annual turnover of less than £1.5 million can apply for funding for projects that:
- Enable young people to have the best start in life and aim high.
- Have a direct impact and respond to a need in an immediate manner.
- Are hosted in geographical areas of deprivation and socioeconomic disadvantage.
- Respond to one or more of the funding priorities of the 7stars Foundation (abuse, addiction, homelessness, and child carers).
- Address a lack of provision (due to a lack of funding from alternative sources).
- Provide immediate support, not just in the short-term but with long-term benefits too.
For projects addressing Child Carers, preference will be given to applications that offer long-term impact or sustainable support, such as mentoring or outreach programmes, over recreational trips.
There are four application rounds in 2022. The next deadline for applications is 31 October 2022. Find out more and apply on the 7Stars Foundation website.
Veolia Environmental Trust Launch Fourth Round of Funding for 2022
Veolia Environmental Trust is offering grants to constituted, not-for-profit organisations, local authorities, and environmental bodies enrolled with ENTRUST to support projects that make improvements to community facilities and the natural environment in communities located near a qualifying Veolia site in England.
The following grants are available:
- Community Grants between £10,000 and £75,000 for capital improvement/construction projects at a single site, such as community buildings and spaces, outdoor spaces, play and recreational spaces, or the installation of fixed items such as kitchen cupboards and work surfaces.
- Habitat and Biodiversity Grants between £10,000 and £75,000 for projects resulting in structural improvements for a single habitat that will conserve, restore, and enhance threatened habitats and protect/increase biodiversity.
- Environmental Improvement Grants start at £75,000 for ambitious and imaginative projects that will make a local, regional, national, and global impact on the environment by protecting and expanding threatened habitats and increasing biodiversity.
Funding can cover capital costs for projects such as the development and maintenance of community sites or facilities, the restoration or conservation of natural habitats, longer, more substantial environmental projects, and staff costs that directly relate to completing physical improvements at a project site.
There are four funding rounds per year. Only one application per project site will be considered per year.
The next deadline for applications is 6 October 2022 (noon). For more information and to apply, visit the Veolia Environmental Trust website.
Don't forget to check out the VCSA's latest funding roundup, which is now available to view on our website, or you can click here to download a copy now.
Don't forget to check out our list of grants with rolling deadlines as well!
Don't see something on this list that should be here? Please contact us and let us know.
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To share your news with Shropshire Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly members and our partners email: VCSAssembly@shrophire.gov.uk