OCS Weekly Newsletter for January 3, 2023

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Office of Charter Schools

January 3, 2023

Some upcoming dates of note:

  • RTO Planning Year Session 5 1/25/2023
  • 2023 New NC Charter School Application window opens 1/27/2023
  • Register for NCCAT Charter Connections Program 2/13-17/2023


OCS no longer needs physical mailed copies of insurance certificates. Please submit those through the annual Performance Framework in Epicenter. Very few items require physical mailing to DPI. If you have questions, please email us at ocs@dpi.nc.gov.

Portrait of a Graduate Exemplars


Directors & Special Advisors!


The Office of Innovation at NCDPI is interested in showcasing exemplars of the Portrait of a Graduate Competencies as an extension of the Promising Practices Clearinghouse, and we are hoping each of you will be able to assist us in collecting these exemplars.


As you know, the competencies include Adaptability, Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Learner’s Mindset, and Personal Responsibility. We are seeking to spotlight these competencies from various perspectives, such as leaders being collaborative, teachers being critical thinkers, students being adaptable, etc. We are especially interested in student-based exemplars, as we would like to embed those in the Playbook once the assets (infographics, videos, photos, etc.) are available. 


We will be collecting this information on the Portrait of a Graduate Exemplars Google form.

NCDPI's Office of Innovation is interested in showcasing exemplars of the Portrait of a Graduate Competencies as an extension of the Promising Practices Clearinghouse. Ideally, NCDPI is seeking to highlight exemplars of students engaging with the durable skills in impactful ways. Please review the Portrait of a Graduate competencies infographic and the Frequently Asked Questions document to gain a better understanding of each competency. The Portrait of a Graduate Playbook is also an available resource.




We would like to have responses collected in January and kindly ask that you share this throughout your networks (newsletters, email updates, etc). You are also welcome to submit on behalf of a PSU with their ok. Should you do that, please provide the PSU leader's contact information somewhere on the form so we know who to contact. 


Within this questionnaire, we also have a question regarding whether or not the PSU already has a POG in the event there are others out there that we do not know about to date. We will be sharing this directly with the districts already identified as having their own district/LEA POG completed (we recognize some others have them in progress): Camden, Swain, Gaston, Pitt, Newton-Conover, Cumberland, CMS, Surry, and Vance. I do not have any information on charter schools that might have one for their charter school/network.


Please direct any questions to myself, Angie.Mullennix@dpi.nc.gov. Please note that our NCDPI spring Office of Innovation intern, Hayden Kelley, will be assisting on this project and may be in further contact with you or those district representatives who make submissions, as our intention is to collect the information via the form then reach back out to the submitter and inquire further via virtual meeting and/or conduct a site visit.


I'm here for the questions. Ask away! 


Dr. Angie Mullennix

Director of Innovative Practices and Programs

State Military Liaison

Office of Innovation

NC Department of Public Instruction

School Safety Grant Reopened

The School Safety Grant reopened 2 p.m. Dec. 19 and will close at 11:59 p.m. Jan. 20, 2023.

As a reminder, this grant is for Safety Equipment, Services for Students in Crisis and Training to Increase School Safety. This grant is not funding School Resource Officers. Priority will be given to districts and charter schools that have not received funding through this grant in 2022.

Please read https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2021/Bills/Senate/PDF/S105v8.pdf (starting on page 68) for more information.

The grant application can be found on the CCIP website under FY2023, Safer Schools-Round 2 Funding.

If you have questions, please send an email to schoolsafetygrants@dpi.nc.gov.

About the Center for Safer Schools

The Center for Safer Schools serves to promote safe learning environments for North Carolina K-12 schools. The CFSS serves as a hub of information and technical assistance on school safety to school faculty and staff, law enforcement, youth-serving community agencies, juvenile justice officials, policymakers, parents/guardians and students. CFSS staff focuses on school climate, school discipline and emergency preparedness concerns for North Carolina’s public K-12 schools. CFSS staff is available to provide training, guidance and technical assistance upon request for school faculty and staff and those working with children and adolescents. The CFSS is headed by Karen W. Fairley, executive director.

School Business

Bonus Payments - January 2023:

Attached is a summary of the various bonus payments for FY 2022-2023. We've also attached some updated FAQs since some of these bonuses have been reinstated this year that were active prior to the pandemic. We will be getting information out to the "secure shell" next week and the allotments for these will be issued in January. Thank you for your patience as we have new analysts working on this information this year. We will send an email out to all once those have been posted.

FY 2022-23 Performance Bonus Overview 1128_2022.pdf

Student FTE Report Information:

Please be advised that the required Student FTE (full-time equivalency) report will be presented to the State Board of Education at their January meeting. We will have your PSUs data in the EMFTS secure shell by the end of the day on Friday, December 16th. We've attached a document that will help with the review related to the definitions of the various elements in the report. Please remember this is based on the April 1, 2022, schedule from your districts SIS. If you have questions related to your schools data or information please contact Justin Conner with the Student Information System team (justin.conner@dpi.nc.gov

Information to Assist in review of Student FTE Report.pdf

PRC 140 Carryover Funds - Update

Due to a technology issue a prior year adjustment needed to be made before carryover could be allotted. The allotments team expects this to be resolved by the new year and plans to have the carryover allotted in early January. If you have any questions about this or any other allotment please contact the Allotments Section Chief, Kristie Weber at krisite.weber@dpi.nc.gov. Thank you! 

Did you know? You can find all School Business newsletters on the website, organized by year. 

New Round of Grants for Digital Teaching & Learning Available for 2023-24

Digital Teaching and Learning in North Carolina’s public schools will benefit from a new round of competitive grants approved December 1, 2022, by the State Board of Education.

Up to $1.25 million in grants funded by the General Assembly through the state’s Digital Learning Initiative will be available to school districts, charter schools, lab schools, and regional schools during the 2023-24 school year. 

These competitive grants are intended to support North Carolina districts and schools as they address challenges, harness opportunities, and leverage resources for digital-age teaching, and learning. As specified in the state’s Digital Learning Plan, this grant program is intended to support the development and dissemination of local innovative digital teaching and learning across North Carolina.

For the 2023-24 school year, there will be two request-for-proposal applications: the Digital Learning Impact Grant and a mini-grant for professional learning and also for emerging technologies. The window for the request for proposals for the grants opened December 1, 2022, and will close with a February 28, 2023, deadline.

For more detailed information, please see attached RFP Announcement.

Charter schools and AGPIP

School leaders,

As you may be aware, the statutory investment authority for NC’s charter schools was recently expanded. In particular, charter schools can now participate in the Department of State Treasurer’s investment program for non-pension governmental entities, referred to as the Ancillary Governmental Participant Investment Program (AGPIP). To assist charter schools, we have drafted some FAQs regarding AGPIP (linked).

We also included a few questions regarding the Supplemental Retirement Plans (NC 401(k) Plan and NC 457 Plan) because similar eligibility questions may arise for SRP and AGPIP.

The link to the Department’s AGPIP page is here: AGPIP and Investment Management Programs | NC Treasurer.

You can find more information on SRP at www.myNCPlans.com and the Board of Trustees page (Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees | My NC Retirement).

Center for Safer Schools resource and training

Dec. 1: Hunt Institute webinar on school violence featuring Center for Safer Schools Executive Director Karen W. Fairley: http://ow.ly/Yj9850Lrf7i

Threat Assessment Training (tentative dates): Jan. 11, 18 and 25; Feb. 8, 15 and 22; March 8, 15, 22 and 29

Student Accounting Manual Update (SASA)

The SBE approved the attached updated draft of the SASA Manual at their meeting on November 3, 2022. We have linked the full SBE packet so you can see the changes that were made. Most are technical corrections for legislative changes such as the Student Code of Conduct and those applicable items now applies to ALL PSUs and not just LEAs. We also have provided the update to the PMR Attestation statement as well as updated coding that is no longer applicable post-pandemic. If you have any questions, please contact LaShon Creech at lashon.creech@dpi.nc.gov. Please make sure your LEA Data Managers are aware the manual has been updated.

Important MEMOs:


Office of Charter Schools (OCS) Updates

Please forward

School leaders, we encourage you to forward this newsletter on to your staff so they can subscribe to DPI bulletins directly through this link. They will enter their email and then it will bring them to another page where they can select “Charter School Comms Contacts” and any other public listserv to sign up for.

An opportunity to acquire modular classroom buildings:

The Franklin School of Innovation, located in Asheville, is selling several modular classroom buildings that will be available early June. This includes 2, 4-classroom buildings with restrooms and offices and 3, 2-classroom buildings. For more information, contact Chloe Ornellas at cornellas@thefsi.us

RTO Planning Year Session 5


The Office of Charter Schools will host session five of five planning year sessions required for all schools (boards and school leaders) in the Ready to Open process on January25th, 2023, starting at 8:30AM - 4:00PM. Please Register Here for Session 5: My School Opens in 7 Months; Now What?.

COMING SOON: 2023 NC Charter Applications

The 2023 NC Charter School Application process will open on Friday, January 27, 2023, at 5 pm (EST). The 2023 charter application window will close on April 28, 2023, at 5pm (EDT). Applicants who are interested in opening a charter school in 2024 under the accelerated timeline, or in 2025 under the standard timeline, must submit their charter applications on or before the April 28, 2023, application close date.

Both the online application and $1,000 application fee must be submitted on or before April 28, 2023, at 5pm EDT. Applicants are expected to appear in-person for interviews at the Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh, NC.

The link to the 2023 NC Charter School application will go live on Friday, January 27th at 5pm and will be posted on the NCDPI Charter Schools Application page found here.

NCSECU People Helping People Scholarship

It is that time of year again!  NCSECU People Helping People Scholarship!  Please share as appropriate with your seniors and their families.  We would love to have a representative from every senior high school that has eligible students.  Remember parents or the student must be a member of the NCSECU credit union.  Let’s see if we can break 45 applicants!!!!!

  • Due Date back to Dr. Darian C. Jones, darian.jones@dpi.nc.gov COB, MARCH 21st, TUESDAY CLOSE OF BUSINESS, 5:00 p.m. The date of April 3 is the due date for our office to submit our names to NCSECU.  Please, please share with your team, your students, and families so they do not miss out on this opportunity.  We cannot take submissions directly from parents or students. 
  • Each school with an eligible student is to send me, 1 name, and completed application and materials as prescribed.

Please find the 2023 SECU Foundation People Helping People Scholarship materials linked below. I have also attached the PowerPoint that I used in our webinar, and you can access the recording of the webinar here (Passcode: 8.K4o9^u).


Please pay close attention to the Membership Verification Process document; this year we are asking our students to verify that they meet the SECU membership eligibility requirement prior to submitting their application materials, and that document outlines the process by which they will fulfill that requirement. The Membership Verification Process document should be distributed to students will all other application materials, and a student should not turn in their completed application packet to their guidance office unless it also contains the Membership Confirmation letter that I have pasted below. The link at the top of the Membership Verification Process document is disabled until the morning of December 16th; it will be active from December 16th through March 31st




Darian C. Jones, Ph. D.Education Program Consultant IIOffice of Charter Schools

HR Webinar Information - Licensure requirements, resources, and more for Charter School leaders

Once a month, Dr. Tom Tomberlin and his team provide State Board of Education and legislative updates to the human resources contacts in Public School Units (PSUs) across the state.


January 6

February 3

March 3

April 7

May 5

June 2

July 10 (Monday)

August 7 (Monday)

September 8

October 6

November 3

December 8


Link to Join:

Kim Evans' Personal Room


 | 619435814 

Join by phone

+1-415-655-0003 US Toll

Access code: 619 435 814

Kim EvansProgram Coordinator, PEPSCOffice of Educator Preparation and LicensureDivision of Educator and Student AdvancementNC Department of Public InstructionP: (984) 236-2116M: (240) 498-5111kimberly.evans@dpi.nc.gov


The Office of Charter Schools and the NC ACCESS Program Hosted Dr. Ruby Payne at NCDPI for Charter Leaders on December 8, 2022
Emotional Poverty In All Demographics

Dr. Payne engaged participants in learning better strategies that calm students and motivate better behaviors. She helped participants understand the origins of anger, anxiety, and avoidance and to engage in better strategies that calm students and motivate better behaviors.

Other Resources from DPI and beyond

NCCAT Charter Connections Program

Join NCCAT February 13-17th for their Charter School Connections week in Ocracoke Island and collaborate with charter school educators from across NC. This program is open to all charter school educators K-12. Click here to apply.

Charter School Connections Program:

How can charter school teachers build networks of support for schools, staff, and students? With each charter school operating as an independent LEA, how do we form communities with other charter school educators to share best practices and increase community support? Explore how teachers can better advocate for their specific school and charters in general and how to develop your own leadership style to help support school initiatives. Learn best practices in connecting students to digital learning and student leadership development through exploring personalized, project-based and flipped learning. Discuss ways to model these practices in your schools. Using a “make and take” model, participants will have time to develop a communication or networking plan, digital lessons, and project-based modules to share with your school.

Charter School Job Postings 

If you have current teaching/leadership positions open and wish to share them in this newsletter, reach out to Joseph.Letterio@dpi.nc.gov and provide a link to the posting/s. 

Whom Should I Contact at the Office of Charter Schools?

OCS Main Number: (984) 236-2700 / Email: ocs@dpi.nc.gov





Ashley Baquero




Anita Holbrook



Executive Assistant/Communications

Joseph Letterio M.



Performance Framework/ Comms&Data

Natasha Norins


(984) 236-2702

RTO/Planning Year

Lakisha Robbins




Davida Robinson



NC ACCESS Program Manager

Barbara O’Neal



NC ACCESS Program Administrator

Jenna Cook




Darian Jones



Prof. Dev./Stakeholder Support

Melanie Rackley




Nicky Niewinski



SBE/CSAB and Amendments